3,952 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Open Source Frameworks for Machine Learning with Use Case in Single-Threaded and Multi-Threaded Modes

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    The basic features of some of the most versatile and popular open source frameworks for machine learning (TensorFlow, Deep Learning4j, and H2O) are considered and compared. Their comparative analysis was performed and conclusions were made as to the advantages and disadvantages of these platforms. The performance tests for the de facto standard MNIST data set were carried out on H2O framework for deep learning algorithms designed for CPU and GPU platforms for single-threaded and multithreaded modes of operation.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables; XIIth International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT 2017), Lviv, Ukrain

    Performance Analysis of Open Source Machine Learning Frameworks for Various Parameters in Single-Threaded and Multi-Threaded Modes

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    The basic features of some of the most versatile and popular open source frameworks for machine learning (TensorFlow, Deep Learning4j, and H2O) are considered and compared. Their comparative analysis was performed and conclusions were made as to the advantages and disadvantages of these platforms. The performance tests for the de facto standard MNIST data set were carried out on H2O framework for deep learning algorithms designed for CPU and GPU platforms for single-threaded and multithreaded modes of operation Also, we present the results of testing neural networks architectures on H2O platform for various activation functions, stopping metrics, and other parameters of machine learning algorithm. It was demonstrated for the use case of MNIST database of handwritten digits in single-threaded mode that blind selection of these parameters can hugely increase (by 2-3 orders) the runtime without the significant increase of precision. This result can have crucial influence for optimization of available and new machine learning methods, especially for image recognition problems.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables; this paper summarizes the activities which were started recently and described shortly in the previous conference presentations arXiv:1706.02248 and arXiv:1707.04940; it is accepted for Springer book series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

    Towards edge intelligence in smart spaces

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    After more than two decades of existence, the internet of things has been revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us. Although, in its origins, the adoption of a cloud computing paradigm supported this ubiquitous computing model, the increasing complexity of IoT systems has led to the gradual fading of the traditional hierarchical model of cloud computing. The search for solutions to the problems of latency, scalability and privacy has, in recent years, driven the movement of data processing and storage, from the cloud, to the edge of the network (edge computing). Starting from the particular case of edge computing that keeps the focus on extending the boundaries of artificial intelligence to the edge of the network - Edge intelligence - a survey of the current state of the art is carried out, culminating into the specification of an architecture to support edge intelligence applications. In order to validate the proposed architecture, two scenarios are presented. In the scope of waste management and energy recycling, a system for used cooking oil classification in a national domestic collection network is presented. With the local classification of the trustworthiness of each deposit, it was possible to significantly shorten the response times, with a direct impact on energy consumption levels. Aimed at smart cities, a second application scenario, proposes an approach based on computer vision and deep learning, for local detection of pedestrians on crosswalks. In this context, an edge intelligence paradigm allowed to overcome privacy related issues, as well as reducing response times by more than 80 times, when compared to a cloud computing based solution.Após mais de duas décadas de existência, a internet das coisas, tem vindo a revolucionar a forma como interagimos com o mundo que nos rodeia. Apesar de, nas suas origens, a adoção de um paradigma de computação em nuvem ter servido de suporte a este modelo de computação ubíqua, a crescente complexidade dos sistemas IoT tem conduzido ao paulatino esvanecer do tradicional modelo hierárquico da computação em nuvem. A procura por soluções para os problemas de latência, escalabilidade e garantia de qualidade de serviço tem, nos últimos anos, impulsionado a deslocação do processamento e armazenamento de dados, da nuvem, para a periferia da rede (computação periférica). Partindo do caso particular de computação periférica que mantém o foco no alargar das fronteiras da inteligência artificial para a periferia da rede - Periferia inteligente - um levantamento do atual estado da arte é levado a cabo, culminando na especificação de uma arquitetura de suporte a cenários de periferia inteligente. Com vista à validação da arquitetura proposta, dois cenários são apresentados. No âmbito da gestão de resíduos e reciclagem energética, um sistema para classificação de óleo alimentar usado, numa rede nacional de recolha doméstica é apresentado. Com classificação local da veracidade de cada depósito foi possível encurtar significativamente os tempos de resposta, com impacto direto nos níveis de consumo energético. Direcionado às cidades inteligentes, um segundo cenário de aplicação, propõe uma abordagem baseada em visão computacional e aprendizagem profunda, para deteção local de peões em passadeiras. Neste contexto, um paradigma de periferia inteligente permitiu ultrapassar questões relativas à privacidade na transmissão de dados, assim como reduzir em mais de 80 vezes os tempos de resposta, quando comparado com uma solução de computação em nuvem