7 research outputs found

    Tight local approximation results for max-min linear programs

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    In a bipartite max-min LP, we are given a bipartite graph \myG = (V \cup I \cup K, E), where each agent v∈Vv \in V is adjacent to exactly one constraint i∈Ii \in I and exactly one objective k∈Kk \in K. Each agent vv controls a variable xvx_v. For each i∈Ii \in I we have a nonnegative linear constraint on the variables of adjacent agents. For each k∈Kk \in K we have a nonnegative linear objective function of the variables of adjacent agents. The task is to maximise the minimum of the objective functions. We study local algorithms where each agent vv must choose xvx_v based on input within its constant-radius neighbourhood in \myG. We show that for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0 there exists a local algorithm achieving the approximation ratio ΔI(1−1/ΔK)+ϵ{\Delta_I (1 - 1/\Delta_K)} + \epsilon. We also show that this result is the best possible -- no local algorithm can achieve the approximation ratio ΔI(1−1/ΔK){\Delta_I (1 - 1/\Delta_K)}. Here ΔI\Delta_I is the maximum degree of a vertex i∈Ii \in I, and ΔK\Delta_K is the maximum degree of a vertex k∈Kk \in K. As a methodological contribution, we introduce the technique of graph unfolding for the design of local approximation algorithms.Comment: 16 page

    Fast Distributed Approximation for Max-Cut

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    Finding a maximum cut is a fundamental task in many computational settings. Surprisingly, it has been insufficiently studied in the classic distributed settings, where vertices communicate by synchronously sending messages to their neighbors according to the underlying graph, known as the LOCAL\mathcal{LOCAL} or CONGEST\mathcal{CONGEST} models. We amend this by obtaining almost optimal algorithms for Max-Cut on a wide class of graphs in these models. In particular, for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, we develop randomized approximation algorithms achieving a ratio of (1−ϵ)(1-\epsilon) to the optimum for Max-Cut on bipartite graphs in the CONGEST\mathcal{CONGEST} model, and on general graphs in the LOCAL\mathcal{LOCAL} model. We further present efficient deterministic algorithms, including a 1/31/3-approximation for Max-Dicut in our models, thus improving the best known (randomized) ratio of 1/41/4. Our algorithms make non-trivial use of the greedy approach of Buchbinder et al. (SIAM Journal on Computing, 2015) for maximizing an unconstrained (non-monotone) submodular function, which may be of independent interest

    Global Computation in a Poorly Connected World: Fast Rumor Spreading with No Dependence on Conductance

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    In this paper, we study the question of how efficiently a collection of interconnected nodes can perform a global computation in the widely studied GOSSIP model of communication. In this model, nodes do not know the global topology of the network, and they may only initiate contact with a single neighbor in each round. This model contrasts with the much less restrictive LOCAL model, where a node may simultaneously communicate with all of its neighbors in a single round. A basic question in this setting is how many rounds of communication are required for the information dissemination problem, in which each node has some piece of information and is required to collect all others. In this paper, we give an algorithm that solves the information dissemination problem in at most O(D+polylog(n))O(D+\text{polylog}{(n)}) rounds in a network of diameter DD, withno dependence on the conductance. This is at most an additive polylogarithmic factor from the trivial lower bound of DD, which applies even in the LOCAL model. In fact, we prove that something stronger is true: any algorithm that requires TT rounds in the LOCAL model can be simulated in O(T+polylog(n))O(T +\mathrm{polylog}(n)) rounds in the GOSSIP model. We thus prove that these two models of distributed computation are essentially equivalent

    Fast Local Computation Algorithms

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    For input xx, let F(x)F(x) denote the set of outputs that are the "legal" answers for a computational problem FF. Suppose xx and members of F(x)F(x) are so large that there is not time to read them in their entirety. We propose a model of {\em local computation algorithms} which for a given input xx, support queries by a user to values of specified locations yiy_i in a legal output y∈F(x)y \in F(x). When more than one legal output yy exists for a given xx, the local computation algorithm should output in a way that is consistent with at least one such yy. Local computation algorithms are intended to distill the common features of several concepts that have appeared in various algorithmic subfields, including local distributed computation, local algorithms, locally decodable codes, and local reconstruction. We develop a technique, based on known constructions of small sample spaces of kk-wise independent random variables and Beck's analysis in his algorithmic approach to the Lov{\'{a}}sz Local Lemma, which under certain conditions can be applied to construct local computation algorithms that run in {\em polylogarithmic} time and space. We apply this technique to maximal independent set computations, scheduling radio network broadcasts, hypergraph coloring and satisfying kk-SAT formulas.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in ICS 2011, pp. 223-23

    Optimal algorithms and approximation algorithms for replica placement with distance constraints in tree networks

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    In this paper, we study the problem of replica placement in tree networks subject to server capacity and distance constraints. The client requests are known beforehand, while the number and location of the servers are to be determined. The Single policy enforces that all requests of a client are served by a single server in the tree, while in the Multiple policy, the requests of a given client can be processed by multiple servers, thus distributing the processing of requests over the platform. For the Single policy, we prove that all instances of the problem are NP-hard, and we propose approximation algorithms. The problem with the Multiple policy was known to be NP-hard with distance constraints, but we provide a polynomial time optimal algorithm to solve the problem in the particular case of binary trees when no request exceeds the server capacity

    Distributed Approximation of Capacitated Dominating Sets

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    We study local, distributed algorithms for the capacitated minimum dominating set (CapMDS) problem, which arises in various distributed network applications. Given a network graph G = (V, E), and a capacity cap(v) ∈ N for each node v ∈ V, the CapMDS problem asks for a subset S ⊆ V of minimal cardinality, such that every network node not in S is covered by at least one neighbor in S, and every node v ∈ S covers at most cap(v) of its neighbors. We prove that in general graphs and even with uniform capacities, the problem is inherently non-local, i.e., every distributed algorithm achieving a non-trivial approximation ratio must have a time complexity that essentially grows linearly with the network diameter. On the other hand, if for some parameter ɛ> 0, capacities can be violated by a factor of 1 + ɛ, CapMDS becomes much more local. Particularly, based on a novel distributed randomized rounding technique, we present a distributed bi-criteria algorithm that achieves an O(log ∆)-approximation in time O(log 3 n + log(n)/ɛ), where n and ∆ denote the number of nodes and the maximal degree in G, respectively. Finally, we prove that in geometric network graphs typically arising in wireless settings, the uniform problem can be approximated within a constant factor in logarithmic time, whereas the non-uniform problem remains entirely non-local