5 research outputs found

    Novel precoded relay-assisted algorithm for cellular systems

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    Cooperative schemes are promising solutions for cellular wireless systems to improve system fairness, extend coverage and increase capacity. The use of relays is of significant interest to allow radio access in situations where a direct path is not available or has poor quality. A data precoded relay-assisted scheme is proposed for a system cooperating with 2 relays, each equipped with either a single antenna or 2-antenna array. However, because of the half-duplex constraint at the relays, relaying-assisted transmission would require the use of a higher order constellation than in the case when a continuous link is available from the BS to the UT. This would imply a penalty in the power efficiency. The simple precoding scheme proposed exploits the relation between QPSK and 16-QAM, by alternately transmitting through the 2 relays, achieving full diversity, while significantly reducing power penalty. Analysis of the pairwise error probability of the proposed algorithm with a single antenna in each relay is derived and confirmed with numerical results. We show the performance improvements of the precoded scheme, relatively to equivalent distributed SFBC scheme employing 16-QAM, for several channel quality scenarios. Copyright © 2010 Sara Teodoro, et al.European project CODIVPortuguese project CADWINPortuguese project AGILEFC

    Novel precoded relay-assisted algorithm for cellular systems

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    Cooperative schemes are promising solutions for cellular wireless systems to improve system fairness, extend coverage and increase capacity. The use of relays is of significant interest to allow radio access in situations where a direct path is not available or has poor quality. A data precoded relay-assisted scheme is proposed for a system cooperating with 2 relays, each equipped with either a single antenna or 2-antenna array. However, because of the half-duplex constraint at the relays, relaying-assisted transmission would require the use of a higher order constellation than in the case when a continuous link is available from the BS to the UT. This would imply a penalty in the power efficiency. The simple precoding scheme proposed exploits the relation between QPSK and 16-QAM, by alternately transmitting through the 2 relays, achieving full diversity, while significantly reducing power penalty. Analysis of the pairwise error probability of the proposed algorithm with a single antenna in each relay is derived and confirmed with numerical results. We show the performance improvements of the precoded scheme, relatively to equivalent distributed SFBC scheme employing 16-QAM, for several channel quality scenarios. Copyright © 2010 Sara Teodoro, et al.European project CODIVPortuguese project CADWINPortuguese project AGILEFC

    Data-precoded algorithm for multiple-relay-assisted systems

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    A data-precoded relay-assisted (RA) scheme is proposed for a system cooperating with multiple relay nodes (RNs), each equipped with either a single-antenna or a two-antenna array. The classical RA systems using distributed space-time/frequency coding algorithms, because of the half-duplex constraint at the relays, require the use of a higher order constellation than in the case of a continuous link transmission from the base station to the user terminal. This implies a penalty in the power efficiency. The proposed precoding algorithm exploits the relation between QPSK and 4 L -QAM, by alternately transmitting through L relays, achieving full diversity, while significantly reducing power penalty. This algorithm explores the situations where a direct path (DP) is not available or has poor quality, and it is a promising solution to extend coverage or increase system capacity. We present the analytical derivation of the gain obtained with the data-precoded algorithm in comparison with distributed space-frequency block code (SFBC) ones. Furthermore, analysis of the pairwise error probability of the proposed algorithm is derived and confirmed with numerical results. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme and compare it relatively to the equivalent distributed SFBC scheme employing 16-QAM and non-cooperative schemes, for several link quality scenarios and scheme configurations, highlighting the advantages of the proposed scheme

    Codificação distribuída em sistemas com diversidade cooperativa

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaO presente trabalho propõe-se a divulgar as mais significativas técnicas de esquemas cooperativos, de forma a ultrapassar alguns dos problemas dos sistemas móveis sem fios da próxima geração, estendendo a área de cobertura destes sistemas, assim como a sua capacidade e fiabilidade. O estudo de diversos esquemas cooperativos é efetuado em termos de capacidade e de taxa de erros, fazendo variar o número de relays e de antenas em cada elemento do sistema. Diversos algoritmos com aplicação em sistemas cooperativos são desenvolvidos e propostos ao longo desta tese, como códigos espaço-frequência aplicados de forma distribuída nos relays, para sistemas baseados na tecnologia OFDM e sob diversos cenários próximos da realidade. Os sistemas cooperativos são particularmente úteis em situações em que o caminho direto entre dois terminais não está acessível ou tem uma fraca qualidade de transmissão. Tendo este aspeto em consideração, e pretendendo ter a máxima eficiência espetral e máxima diversidade, um algoritmo com precodificação é também proposto para múltiplos relays, cada um equipado com uma ou duas antenas. A formulação matemática associada aos algoritmos propostos é apresentada, assim como a derivação da probabilidade de erro teórica. O desempenho dos sistemas assistidos por relays usando os algoritmos propostos é comparado em relação a outros esquemas cooperativos equivalentes e a esquemas não-cooperativos, considerando cenários com diferentes qualidades de canal, daí advindo importantes conclusões em relação a estes sistemas.Cooperative schemes are promising solutions for cellular wireless networks aiming to improve system fairness, extend coverage and increase capacity. Measurements of these system performances are made in terms of BER and capacity for different configurations, by varying the number of relays and of antennas equipping each node. In this work we propose and evaluate distributed space-frequency codes applied to cooperative systems in a distributed way, with application in OFDM systems and considering realistic scenarios. Moreover, the use of relays is of significant interest to allow radio access in situations where a direct path is not available or has poor quality. Thus, a data precoded relay-assisted scheme is also proposed for a system cooperating with multiple relays, each equipped with either a single antenna or two-antenna array. Mathematical formulation of the proposed algorithms is derived as well as the pairwise error probability. We further present the performances of the proposed algorithms apllied in relay-assisted schemes, and compare them with equivalent cooperative and non-cooperative schemes, for several channel quality scenarios, through which important conclusions are achieved.FCT/FS

    Distributed space-time code using precoding for cellular systems

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    We propose a data precoded relay-assisted scheme, for a system cooperating with 2 relays. We assume that all the terminals are equipped with a single antenna. The use of relays is of significant interest to allow radio access in situations where a direct path is not available. However because of the half duplex constraint at the relays, transmission of a data rate equivalent to that of a modulation technique with m bits per symbol in the case a continuous link would be available from the BS to the UT requires the use of a constellation with 2m bits per symbol. This implies a penalty in power efficiency. The proposed simple precoding scheme exploits the relation between QPSK and 16-QAM, by alternately transmitting through the 2 relays, keeping the diversity of order 2. Numerical results show significant performance improvements relatively to the case of a relay-based distributed Alamouti employing 16-QAM, and a performance very close to the non-cooperative system employing 2x1 QPSK Alamouti coding with a continuous link available, when all the links have the same SNR. ©2010 IEEE.CODIV FP7-ICT-2007-215477PTDC/EEA-TEL/099241/200