17,602 research outputs found

    Storage and Search in Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    We study robust and efficient distributed algorithms for searching, storing, and maintaining data in dynamic Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. P2P networks are highly dynamic networks that experience heavy node churn (i.e., nodes join and leave the network continuously over time). Our goal is to guarantee, despite high node churn rate, that a large number of nodes in the network can store, retrieve, and maintain a large number of data items. Our main contributions are fast randomized distributed algorithms that guarantee the above with high probability (whp) even under high adversarial churn: 1. A randomized distributed search algorithm that (whp) guarantees that searches from as many as no(n)n - o(n) nodes (nn is the stable network size) succeed in O(logn){O}(\log n)-rounds despite O(n/log1+δn){O}(n/\log^{1+\delta} n) churn, for any small constant δ>0\delta > 0, per round. We assume that the churn is controlled by an oblivious adversary (that has complete knowledge and control of what nodes join and leave and at what time, but is oblivious to the random choices made by the algorithm). 2. A storage and maintenance algorithm that guarantees (whp) data items can be efficiently stored (with only Θ(logn)\Theta(\log{n}) copies of each data item) and maintained in a dynamic P2P network with churn rate up to O(n/log1+δn){O}(n/\log^{1+\delta} n) per round. Our search algorithm together with our storage and maintenance algorithm guarantees that as many as no(n)n - o(n) nodes can efficiently store, maintain, and search even under O(n/log1+δn){O}(n/\log^{1+\delta} n) churn per round. Our algorithms require only polylogarithmic in nn bits to be processed and sent (per round) by each node. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithms are the first-known, fully-distributed storage and search algorithms that provably work under highly dynamic settings (i.e., high churn rates per step).Comment: to appear at SPAA 201

    Ontology-based Search Algorithms over Large-Scale Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Peer-to-Peer(P2P) systems have emerged as a promising paradigm to structure large scale distributed systems. They provide a robust, scalable and decentralized way to share and publish data.The unstructured P2P systems have gained much popularity in recent years for their wide applicability and simplicity. However efficient resource discovery remains a fundamental challenge for unstructured P2P networks due to the lack of a network structure. To effectively harness the power of unstructured P2P systems, the challenges in distributed knowledge management and information search need to be overcome. Current attempts to solve the problems pertaining to knowledge management and search have focused on simple term based routing indices and keyword search queries. Many P2P resource discovery applications will require more complex query functionality, as users will publish semantically rich data and need efficiently content location algorithms that find target content at moderate cost. Therefore, effective knowledge and data management techniques and search tools for information retrieval are imperative and lasting. In my dissertation, I present a suite of protocols that assist in efficient content location and knowledge management in unstructured Peer-to-Peer overlays. The basis of these schemes is their ability to learn from past peer interactions and increasing their performance with time.My work aims to provide effective and bandwidth-efficient searching and data sharing in unstructured P2P environments. A suite of algorithms which provide peers in unstructured P2P overlays with the state necessary in order to efficiently locate, disseminate and replicate objects is presented. Also, Existing approaches to federated search are adapted and new methods are developed for semantic knowledge representation, resource selection, and knowledge evolution for efficient search in dynamic and distributed P2P network environments. Furthermore,autonomous and decentralized algorithms that reorganizes an unstructured network topology into a one with desired search-enhancing properties are proposed in a network evolution model to facilitate effective and efficient semantic search in dynamic environments

    Peer-to-Peer File Sharing WebApp: Enhancing Data Security and Privacy through Peer-to-Peer File Transfer in a Web Application

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking has emerged as a promising technology that enables distributed systems to operate in a decentralized manner. P2P networks are based on a model where each node in the network can act as both a client and a server, thereby enabling data and resource sharing without relying on centralized servers. The P2P model has gained considerable attention in recent years due to its potential to provide a scalable, fault-tolerant, and resilient architecture for various applications such as file sharing, content distribution, and social networks.In recent years, researchers have also proposed hybrid architectures that combine the benefits of both structured and unstructured P2P networks. For example, the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) is a popular hybrid architecture that provides efficient lookup and search algorithms while maintaining the flexibility and adaptability of the unstructured network.To demonstrate the feasibility of P2P systems, several prototypes have been developed, such as the BitTorrent file-sharing protocol and the Skype voice-over-IP (VoIP) service. These prototypes have demonstrated the potential of P2P systems for large-scale applications and have paved the way for the development of new P2P-based systems

    Ad-hoc Limited Scale-Free Models for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Several protocol efficiency metrics (e.g., scalability, search success rate, routing reachability and stability) depend on the capability of preserving structure even over the churn caused by the ad-hoc nodes joining or leaving the network. Preserving the structure becomes more prohibitive due to the distributed and potentially uncooperative nature of such networks, as in the peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Thus, most practical solutions involve unstructured approaches while attempting to maintain the structure at various levels of protocol stack. The primary focus of this paper is to investigate construction and maintenance of scale-free topologies in a distributed manner without requiring global topology information at the time when nodes join or leave. We consider the uncooperative behavior of peers by limiting the number of neighbors to a pre-defined hard cutoff value (i.e., no peer is a major hub), and the ad-hoc behavior of peers by rewiring the neighbors of nodes leaving the network. We also investigate the effect of these hard cutoffs and rewiring of ad-hoc nodes on the P2P search efficiency.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 43 references. Proceedings of The 8th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing 2008 (IEEE P2P 2008), Aachen, German

    Epidemic Dissemination in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and ad hoc networks have many points in common: both represent a decentralized self-organizing network structure. However few existing P2P algorithms are specifically designed to operate efficiently over ad hoc networks. And few ad hoc networks are designed to benefit from P2P infrastructures. We have worked on an epidemic dissemination protocol to maintain soft-state in a decentralized, peer-to-peer fashion, in ad hoc networks. This protocol is an enhancement of Passive Distributed Indexing (PDI) method proposed by Lindemann and Waldhorst. PDI is a method for distributing information in a P2P structure which is particularly suited to ad hoc networks, and does not involve an overlay topology. It makes use of broadcast messages to spread information via passive epidemic dissemination. We have enhanced PDI in order to reduce the number of broadcast messages when the search for an item may span several hops. Three enhancements are proposed: 1) Lazy query propagation to delay the propagation of query messages such that local responses can inhibit unnecessary search. 2) Quench waves to stop an already initiated query propagation when still possible. A decision algorithm determines whether to start a quench wave or not based solely on local information. 3) The use of Multi-Point Relay (MPR) or similar protocol and algorithm, to reduce redundant broadcast messages. This talk will present the current state of this research, and discuss several open aspects with the purpose of stimulating debate. The talk will also include an overview of related work such as epidemic models from biology, other epidemic protocols for P2P overlays and MANETs, including gossip (active) and promiscuous (passive) dissemination modes. Such protocols could be used for many different purposes, roughly any task requiring distributed soft-state maintenance in the ad hoc network, including DNS and identifier mappings, network monitoring and configuration, and so on. During the talk we will also exploit the possibility of using the protocol to disseminate service information for on-demand service deployment, and further, to assist in self-composing protocol structures

    Socially-Aware Distributed Hash Tables for Decentralized Online Social Networks

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    Many decentralized online social networks (DOSNs) have been proposed due to an increase in awareness related to privacy and scalability issues in centralized social networks. Such decentralized networks transfer processing and storage functionalities from the service providers towards the end users. DOSNs require individualistic implementation for services, (i.e., search, information dissemination, storage, and publish/subscribe). However, many of these services mostly perform social queries, where OSN users are interested in accessing information of their friends. In our work, we design a socially-aware distributed hash table (DHTs) for efficient implementation of DOSNs. In particular, we propose a gossip-based algorithm to place users in a DHT, while maximizing the social awareness among them. Through a set of experiments, we show that our approach reduces the lookup latency by almost 30% and improves the reliability of the communication by nearly 10% via trusted contacts.Comment: 10 pages, p2p 2015 conferenc