858 research outputs found

    Supplement to "Distributed Quota Enforcement for Spam Control"

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    This report is a supplement to our paper "Distributed Quota Enforcement forSpam Control" (NSDI 2006). We assume here that the reader has readthe main paper. In this report, we first analyze the enforcer nodes'key-value maps and then analyze two of the experiments from the main paper

    Defending networked resources against floods of unwelcome requests

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 172-189).The Internet is afflicted by "unwelcome requests'" defined broadly as spurious claims on scarce resources. For example, the CPU and other resources at a server are targets of denial-of-service (DOS) attacks. Another example is spam (i.e., unsolicited bulk email); here, the resource is human attention. Absent any defense, a very small number of attackers can claim a very large fraction of the scarce resources. Traditional responses identify "bad" requests based on content (for example, spam filters analyze email text and embedded URLs). We argue that such approaches are inherently gameable because motivated attackers can make "bad" requests look "good". Instead, defenses should aim to allocate resources proportionally (so if lo% of the requesters are "bad", they should be limited to lo% of the scarce resources). To meet this goal, we present the design, implementation, analysis, and experimental evaluation of two systems. The first, speak-up, defends servers against application-level denial-of-service by encouraging all clients to automatically send more traffic. The "good" clients can thereby compete equally with the "bad" ones. Experiments with an implementation of speak-up indicate that it allocates a server's resources in rough proportion to clients' upload bandwidths, which is the intended result. The second system, DQE, controls spam with per-sender email quotas. Under DQE, senders attach stamps to emails. Receivers communicate with a well-known, untrusted enforcer to verify that stamps are fresh and to cancel stamps to prevent reuse. The enforcer is distributed over multiple hosts and is designed to tolerate arbitrary faults in these hosts, resist various attacks, and handle hundreds of billions of messages daily (two or three million stamp checks per second). Our experimental results suggest that our implementation can meet these goals with only a few thousand PCs.(cont) The enforcer occupies a novel design point: a set of hosts implement a simple storage abstraction but avoid neighbor maintenance, replica maintenance, and mutual trust. One connection between these systems is that DQE needs a DoS defense-and can use speak-up. We reflect on this connection, on why we apply speak-up to DoS and DQE to spam, and, more generally, on what problems call for which solutions.by Michael Walfish.Ph.D

    Survey on social reputation mechanisms: Someone told me I can trust you

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    Nowadays, most business and social interactions have moved to the internet, highlighting the relevance of creating online trust. One way to obtain a measure of trust is through reputation mechanisms, which record one's past performance and interactions to generate a reputational value. We observe that numerous existing reputation mechanisms share similarities with actual social phenomena; we call such mechanisms 'social reputation mechanisms'. The aim of this paper is to discuss several social phenomena and map these to existing social reputation mechanisms in a variety of scopes. First, we focus on reputation mechanisms in the individual scope, in which everyone is responsible for their own reputation. Subjective reputational values may be communicated to different entities in the form of recommendations. Secondly, we discuss social reputation mechanisms in the acquaintances scope, where one's reputation can be tied to another through vouching or invite-only networks. Finally, we present existing social reputation mechanisms in the neighbourhood scope. In such systems, one's reputation can heavily be affected by the behaviour of others in their neighbourhood or social group.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Symbiotic filtering for spam email detection

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    This paper presents a novel spam filtering technique called Symbiotic Filtering (SF) that aggregates distinct local filters from several users to improve the overall perfor- mance of spam detection. SF is an hybrid approach combining some features from both Collaborative (CF) and Content-Based Filtering (CBF). It allows for the use of social networks to personalize and tailor the set of filters that serve as input to the filtering. A comparison is performed against the commonly used Naive Bayes CBF algorithm. Several experiments were held with the well-known Enron data, under both fixed and incremental symbiotic groups. We show that our system is competitive in performance and is robust against both dictionary and focused con- tamination attacks. Moreover, it can be implemented and deployed with few effort and low communication costs, while assuring privacy.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - bolsa PTDC/EIA/64541/200

    Privacy and accountability for location-based aggregate statistics

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    A significant and growing class of location-based mobile applications aggregate position data from individual devices at a server and compute aggregate statistics over these position streams. Because these devices can be linked to the movement of individuals, there is significant danger that the aggregate computation will violate the location privacy of individuals. This paper develops and evaluates PrivStats, a system for computing aggregate statistics over location data that simultaneously achieves two properties: first, provable guarantees on location privacy even in the face of any side information about users known to the server, and second, privacy-preserving accountability (i.e., protection against abusive clients uploading large amounts of spurious data). PrivStats achieves these properties using a new protocol for uploading and aggregating data anonymously as well as an efficient zero-knowledge proof of knowledge protocol we developed from scratch for accountability. We implemented our system on Nexus One smartphones and commodity servers. Our experimental results demonstrate that PrivStats is a practical system: computing a common aggregate (e.g., count) over the data of 10,000 clients takes less than 0.46 s at the server and the protocol has modest latency (0.6 s) to upload data from a Nexus phone. We also validated our protocols on real driver traces from the CarTel project.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant 0931550)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant 0716273

    A reputation framework for behavioural history: developing and sharing reputations from behavioural history of network clients

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    The open architecture of the Internet has enabled its massive growth and success by facilitating easy connectivity between hosts. At the same time, the Internet has also opened itself up to abuse, e.g. arising out of unsolicited communication, both intentional and unintentional. It remains an open question as to how best servers should protect themselves from malicious clients whilst offering good service to innocent clients. There has been research on behavioural profiling and reputation of clients, mostly at the network level and also for email as an application, to detect malicious clients. However, this area continues to pose open research challenges. This thesis is motivated by the need for a generalised framework capable of aiding efficient detection of malicious clients while being able to reward clients with behaviour profiles conforming to the acceptable use and other relevant policies. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel, generalised, context-aware, policy independent, privacy preserving framework for developing and sharing client reputation based on behavioural history. The framework, augmenting existing protocols, allows fitting in of policies at various stages, thus keeping itself open and flexible to implementation. Locally recorded behavioural history of clients with known identities are translated to client reputations, which are then shared globally. The reputations enable privacy for clients by not exposing the details of their behaviour during interactions with the servers. The local and globally shared reputations facilitate servers in selecting service levels, including restricting access to malicious clients. We present results and analyses of simulations, with synthetic data and some proposed example policies, of client-server interactions and of attacks on our model. Suggestions presented for possible future extensions are drawn from our experiences with simulation

    Good Onlife Governance: On Law, Spontaneous Orders, and Design

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