13 research outputs found

    Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming

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    Soft constraints extend classical constraints to represent multiple consistency levels, and thus provide a way to express preferences, fuzziness, and uncertainty. While there are many soft constraint solving formalisms, even distributed ones, by now there seems to be no concurrent programming framework where soft constraints can be handled. In this paper we show how the classical concurrent constraint (cc) programming framework can work with soft constraints, and we also propose an extension of cc languages which can use soft constraints to prune and direct the search for a solution. We believe that this new programming paradigm, called soft cc (scc), can be also very useful in many web-related scenarios. In fact, the language level allows web agents to express their interaction and negotiation protocols, and also to post their requests in terms of preferences, and the underlying soft constraint solver can find an agreement among the agents even if their requests are incompatible.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), zipped file

    QoS Routing Solutions for Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    Efficient packet delivery in modern communication networks

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    Modern communication networks are often designed for diverse applications, such as voice, data and video. Packet-switching is often adapted in today’s networks to transmit multiple types of traffic. In packet-switching networks, network performance is directly affected by how the networks handle their packets. This work addresses the packet-handling issues from the following two aspects: Quality of Service (QoS) and network coding. QoS has been a well-addressed issue in the study of IP-based networks. Generally, nodes in a network need to be informed of the state of each communication link in order to make intelligent decisions to route packets according to their QoS demands. The link state can, however, change rapidly in a network; therefore, nodes would have to receive frequent link state updates in order to maintain the latest link state information at all times. Frequent link state updating is resource-consuming and hence impractical in network design. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the link state updating frequency and the QoS routing performance. It is necessary to design a link state update algorithm that utilizes less frequent link state updates to achieve a high degree of satisfaction in QoS performance. The first part of this work addresses this link state update problem and provides two solutions: ROSE and Smart Packet Marking. ROSE is a class-based link state update algorithm, in which the class boundaries are designed based on the statistical data of users’ QoS requests. By doing so, link state update is triggered only when certain necessary conditions are met. For example, if the available bandwidth of a link is fluctuating within a range that is higher than the highest possible bandwidth request, there is no need to update the state of this link. Smart Packet Marking utilizes a similar concept like ROSE, except that the link state information is carried in the probing packet sent in conjunction with each connection request instead of through link state updates. The second part of this work addresses the packet-handling issue by means of network coding. Instead of the traditional store-and-forward approach, network coding allows intermediate nodes in a multi-hop path to code multiple packets into one in order to reduce bandwidth consumption. The coded packet can later be decoded by its recipients to retrieve the original plain packet. Network coding is found to be beneficial in many network applications. This dissertation makes contributions in network coding in two areas: peer-to-peer file sharing and wireless ad-hoc networks. The benefit of network coding in peer-to-peer file sharing networks is analyzed, and a network coding algorithm – Downloader-Initiated Random Linear Network Coding (DRLNC) – is proposed. DLRNC shifts the coding decision from the seeders to the leechers; by doing so it solves the “collision” problem without increasing the field size. In wireless network coding, this work addresses the implementation difficulty pertaining to MAC layer scheduling. To achieve the ideal network coding gain in wireless networks, it requires perfect MAC layer scheduling. This dissertation first provides an algorithm to solve the ideal-case MAC layer scheduling problem. Since the ideal MAC layer schedule is often difficult to realize, a practical approach is then proposed to increase the network coding performance by modifying the ACK packets in the 802.11 MAC


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    The advent of the multimedia applications has triggered widespread interest in QoS supports. Two Internet-based QoS frameworks have been proposed: Integrated Services (IntServ) and Differentiated Services (DiffServ). IntServ supports service guarantees on a per-flow basis. The framework, however, is not scalable due to the fact that routers have to maintain a large amount of state information for each supported flow. DiffServ was proposed as an alternate solution to address the lack of scalability of the IntServ framework. DiffServ uses class-based service differentiation to achieve aggregate support for QoS requirements. This approach eliminates the need to maintain per-flow states on a hop-by-hop basis and reduces considerably the overhead routers incur in forwarding traffic.Both IntServ and DiffServ frameworks focus on packet scheduling. As such, they decouple routing from QoS provisioning. This typically results in inefficient routes, thereby limiting the ability of the network to support QoS requirements and to manage resources efficiently. The goal of this thesis is to address this shortcoming. We propose a scalable QoS routing framework to identify and select paths that are very likely to meet the QoS requirements of the underlying applications. The tenet of our approach is based on seamlessly integrating routing into the DiffServ framework to extend its ability to support QoS requirements. Scalability is achieved using selective probing and clustering to reduce signaling and routers overhead.The major contributions of this thesis are as follows: First, we propose a scalable routing architecture that supports QoS requirements. The architecture seamlessly integrates the QoS traffic requirements of the underlying applications into a DiffServ framework. Second, we propose a new delay-based clustering method, referred to as d-median. The proposed clustering method groups Internet nodes into clusters, whereby nodes in the same cluster exhibit equivalent delay characteristics. Each cluster is represented by anchor node. Anchors use selective probing to estimate QoS parameters and select appropriate paths for traffic forwarding. A thorough study to evaluate the performance of the proposed d-median clustering algorithm is conducted. The results of the study show that, for power-law graphs such as the Internet, the d-median clustering based approach outperforms the set covering method commonly proposed in the literature. The study shows that the widely used clustering methods, such as set covering or k-median, are inadequate to capture the balance between cluster sizes and the number of clusters. The results of the study also show that the proposed clustering method, applied to power-law graphs, is robust to changes in size and delay distribution of the network. Finally, the results suggest that the delay bound input parameter of the d-median scheme should be no less than 1 and no more than 4 times of the average delay per one hop of the network. This is mostly due to the weak hierarchy of the Internet resulting from its power-law structure and the prevalence of the small-world property

    Design issues in quality of service routing

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    The range of applications and services which can be successfully deployed in packet-switched networks such as the Internet is limited when the network does nor provide Quality of Service (QoS). This is the typical situation in today's Internet. A key aspect in providing QoS support is the requirement for an optimised and intelligent mapping of customer traffic flows onto a physical network topology. The problem of selecting such paths is the task of QoS routing QoS routing algorithms are intrinsically complex and need careful study before being implemented in real networks. Our aim is to address some of the challenges present m the deployment of QoS routing methods. This thesis considers a number of practical limitations of existing QoS routing algorithms and presents solutions to the problems identified. Many QoS routing algorithms are inherently unstable and induce traffic fluctuations in the network. We describe two new routing algorithms which address this problem The first method - ALCFRA (Adaptive Link Cost Function Routing Algorithm) - can be used in networks with sparse connectivity, while the second algorithm - CAR (Connectivity Aware Routing) - is designed to work well in other network topologies. We also describe how to ensure co-operative interaction of the routing algorithms in multiple domains when hierarchial routing is used and also present a solution to the problems of how to provide QoS support m a network where not all nodes are QoS-aware. Our solutions are supported by extensive simulations over a wide range of network topologies and their performance is compared to existing algorithms. It is shown that our solutions advance the state of the art in QoS routing and facilitate the deployment of QoS support in tomorrow's Internet

    Resource Management schemes for mobile ad hoc networks

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