10 research outputs found

    A Micro-Simulation Study of the Generalized Proportional Allocation Traffic Signal Control

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    In this paper, we study the problem of determining phase activations for signalized junctions by utilizing feedback, more specifically, by measure the queue-lengths on the incoming lanes to each junction. The controller we are investigating is the Generalized Proportional Allocation (GPA) controller, which has previously been shown to have desired stability and throughput properties in a continuous averaged dynamical model for queueing networks. In this paper, we provide and implement two discretized versions of the GPA controller in the SUMO micro simulator. We also compare the GPA controllers with the MaxPressure controller, a controller that requires more information than the GPA, in an artificial Manhattan-like grid. To show that the GPA controller is easy to implement in a real scenario, we also implement it in a previously published realistic traffic scenario for the city of Luxembourg and compare its performance with the static controller provided with the scenario. The simulations show that the GPA performs better than a static controller for the Luxembourg scenario, and better than the MaxPressure pressure controller in the Manhattan-grid when the demands are low

    Generalized Proportional Allocation Policies for Robust Control of Dynamical Flow Networks

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    We study a robust control problem for dynamical flow networks. In the considered dynamical models, traffic flows along the links of a transportation network --modeled as a capacited multigraph-- and queues up at the nodes, whereby control policies determine which incoming queues at a node are to be allocated service simultaneously, within some predetermined scheduling constraints. We first prove a fundamental performance limitation by showing that for a dynamical flow network to be stabilizable by some control policy it is necessary that the exogenous inflows belong to a certain stability region, that is determined by the network topology, link capacities, and scheduling constraints. Then, we introduce a family of distributed controls, referred to as Generalized Proportional Allocation (GPA) policies, and prove that they stabilize a dynamical transportation network whenever the exogenous inflows belong to such stability region. The proposed GPA control policies are decentralized and fully scalable as they rely on local feedback information only. Differently from previously studied maximally stabilizing control strategies, the GPA control policies do not require any global information about the network topology, the exogenous inflows, or the routing, which makes them robust to demand variations and unpredicted changes in the link capacities or the routing decisions. Moreover, the proposed GPA control policies also take into account the overhead time while switching between services. Our theoretical results find one application in the control of urban traffic networks with signalized intersections, where vehicles have to queue up at junctions and the traffic signal controls determine the green light allocation to the different incoming lanes

    Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control for an Urban Traffic Network

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    In this paper, we design a stochastic Model Predictive Control (MPC) traffic signal control method for an urban traffic network when the uncertainties in the estimation of the exogenous (in/out)-flows and the turning ratios of downstream traffic flows are taken into account. Assuming that the traffic model parameters are random variables with known expectations and variance, the traffic signal control and coordination problem is formulated as a quadratic program with linear and second-order cone constraints. In order to reduce computational complexity, we suggest a way to decompose the optimization problem corresponding to the whole traffic network into multiple subproblems. By applying Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM), the optimal stochastic traffic signal splits are found in distributed manner. The effectiveness of the designed control method is validated via some simulations using VISSIM and MATLAB

    Online Optimization of LTI Systems Under Persistent Attacks: Stability, Tracking, and Robustness

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    We study the stability properties of the interconnection of an LTI dynamical plant and a feedback controller that generates control signals that are compromised by a malicious attacker. We consider two classes of controllers: a static output-feedback controller, and a dynamical gradient-flow controller that seeks to steer the output of the plant towards the solution of a convex optimization problem. We analyze the stability of the closed-loop system under a class of switching attacks that persistently modify the control inputs generated by the controllers. The stability analysis leverages the framework of hybrid dynamical systems, Lyapunov-based arguments for switching systems with unstable modes, and singular perturbation theory. Our results reveal that under a suitable time-scale separation, the stability of the interconnected system can be preserved when the attack occurs with "sufficiently low frequency" in any bounded time interval. We present simulation results in a power-grid example that corroborate the technical findings

    Efficient Intersection Management Based on an Adaptive Fuzzy-Logic Traffic Signal

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    Traffic signals may generate bottlenecks due to an unfair timing balance. Facing this problem, adaptive traffic signal controllers have been proposed to compute the phase durations according to conditions monitored from on-road sensors. However, high hardware requirements, as well as complex setups, make the majority of these approaches infeasible for most cities. This paper proposes an adaptive traffic signal fuzzy-logic controller which uses the flow rate, retrieved from simple traffic counters, as a unique input requirement. The controller dynamically computes the cycle duration according to the arrival flow rates, executing a fuzzy inference system guided by the reasoning: the higher the traffic flow, the longer the cycle length. The computed cycle is split into different phases proportionally to the arrival flow rates according to Webster’s method for signalization. Consequently, the controller only requires determining minimum/maximum flow rates and cycle lengths to establish if–then mappings, allowing the reduction of technical requirements and computational overhead. The controller was tested through a microsimulation model of a real isolated intersection, which was calibrated with data collected from a six-month traffic study. Results revealed that the proposed controller with fewer input requirements and lower computational costs has a competitive performance compared to the best and most used approaches, being a feasible solution for many cities

    Distributed Optimal Traffic Lights Design for Large-Scale Urban Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper we deal with the problem of dynamical assignment of traffic lights schedules in large-scale urban networks. We present a model for signalized traffic networks, based on the Cell Transmission Model, and then a simplified model based on averaging theory. The control objective is to improve traffic, optimizing traffic indexes such as total travel distance and density balancing. We design a scheme that decides the duty cycles of traffic lights, by solving a convex program. The optimization is done in real time, at each cycle of traffic lights, so as to take into account variable traffic demands. The scalability problem is tackled through the synthesis of a distributed optimization algorithm; this reduces the computational load significantly, since the large optimization problem is broken into small local subproblems, whose size does not grow with the size of the network, together with iterative exchanges of messages with few neighbor subproblems. The perfomance of the proposed approach is evaluated via numerical simulations in two different scenarios: a macroscopic (MatLab-based) Manhattan grid and a microscopic scenario (based on Aimsun simulator) reproducing a portion of the city of Grenoble, France

    Distributed Optimal Traffic Lights Design for Large-Scale Urban Networks

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