7 research outputs found

    On the Design and Analysis of Secure Inference Networks

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    Parallel-topology inference networks consist of spatially-distributed sensing agents that collect and transmit observations to a central node called the fusion center (FC), so that a global inference is made regarding the phenomenon-of-interest (PoI). In this dissertation, we address two types of statistical inference, namely binary-hypothesis testing and scalar parameter estimation in parallel-topology inference networks. We address three different types of security threats in parallel-topology inference networks, namely Eavesdropping (Data-Confidentiality), Byzantine (Data-Integrity) or Jamming (Data-Availability) attacks. In an attempt to alleviate information leakage to the eavesdropper, we present optimal/near-optimal binary quantizers under two different frameworks, namely differential secrecy where the difference in performances between the FC and Eve is maximized, and constrained secrecy where FC’s performance is maximized in the presence of tolerable secrecy constraints. We also propose near-optimal transmit diversity mechanisms at the sensing agents in detection networks in the presence of tolerable secrecy constraints. In the context of distributed inference networks with M-ary quantized sensing data, we propose a novel Byzantine attack model and find optimal attack strategies that minimize KL Divergence at the FC in the presence of both ideal and non-ideal channels. Furthermore, we also propose a novel deviation-based reputation scheme to detect Byzantine nodes in a distributed inference network. Finally, we investigate optimal jamming attacks in detection networks where the jammer distributes its power across the sensing and the communication channels. We also model the interaction between the jammer and a centralized detection network as a complete information zero-sum game. We find closed-form expressions for pure-strategy Nash equilibria and show that both the players converge to these equilibria in a repeated game. Finally, we show that the jammer finds no incentive to employ pure-strategy equilibria, and causes greater impact on the network performance by employing mixed strategies

    Distributed Inference with M-Ary Quantized Data in the Presence of Byzantine Attacks

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    The problem of distributed inference with M-ary quantized data at the sensors is investigated in the presence of Byzantine attacks. We assume that the Byzantine nodes attack the inference network by modifying the symbol corresponding to the quantized data to one of the other symbols in the quantization alphabet-set and transmitting falsified symbol to the fusion center (FC). In this paper, we find the optimal Byzantine attack that blinds any distributed inference network. As the quantization alphabet size increases, a tremendous improvement in the security performance of the distributed inference network is observed. In addition to the perfect channel case, in Appendix A, we also analyze the optimal Byzantine attack when the channel between the nodes and the FC is noisy and is modelled as a discrete M-ary channel. We also investigate the optimal attack within the restricted space of highly-symmetric attack strategies, that maximally degrades the performance of the inference network in the presence of resource-constrained Byzantine attacks. A reputation-based scheme for identifying malicious nodes is also presented as the network\u27s strategy to mitigate the impact of Byzantine threats on the inference performance of the distributed sensor network. We also provide asymptotic analysis to find the optimal reputation-based scheme as a function of the fraction of compromised nodes in the network

    Distributed Detection and Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Resource Allocation, Fusion Rules, and Network Security

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    This thesis addresses the problem of detection of an unknown binary event. In particular, we consider centralized detection, distributed detection, and network security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The communication links among SNs are subject to limited SN transmit power, limited bandwidth (BW), and are modeled as orthogonal channels with path loss, flat fading and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). We propose algorithms for resource allocations, fusion rules, and network security. In the first part of this thesis, we consider the centralized detection and calculate the optimal transmit power allocation and the optimal number of quantization bits for each SN. The resource allocation is performed at the fusion center (FC) and it is referred as a centralizedcentralized approach. We also propose a novel fully distributeddistributed algorithm to address this resource allocation problem. What makes this scheme attractive is that the SNs share with their neighbors just their individual transmit power at the current states. Finally, the optimal soft fusion rule at the FC is derived. But as this rule requires a-priori knowledge that is difficult to attain in practice, suboptimal fusion rules are proposed that are realizable in practice. The second part considers a fully distributed detection framework and we propose a two-step distributed quantized fusion rule algorithm where in the first step the SNs collaborate with their neighbors through error-free, orthogonal channels. In the second step, local 1-bit decisions generated in the first step are shared among neighbors to yield a consensus. A binary hypothesis testing is performed at any arbitrary SN to optimally declare the global decision. Simulations show that our proposed quantized two-step distributed detection algorithm approaches the performance of the unquantized centralized (with a FC) detector and its power consumption is shown to be 50% less than the existing (unquantized) conventional algorithm. Finally, we analyze the detection performance of under-attack WSNs and derive attacking and defense strategies from both the Attacker and the FC perspective. We re-cast the problem as a minimax game between the FC and Attacker and show that the Nash Equilibrium (NE) exists. We also propose a new non-complex and efficient reputation-based scheme to identify these compromised SNs. Based on this reputation metric, we propose a novel FC weight computation strategy ensuring that the weights for the identified compromised SNs are likely to be decreased. In this way, the FC decides how much a SN should contribute to its final decision. We show that this strategy outperforms the existing schemes