14,321 research outputs found

    JXTA-Overlay: a P2P platform for distributed, collaborative, and ubiquitous computing

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    With the fast growth of the Internet infrastructure and the use of large-scale complex applications in industries, transport, logistics, government, health, and businesses, there is an increasing need to design and deploy multifeatured networking applications. Important features of such applications include the capability to be self-organized, be decentralized, integrate different types of resources (personal computers, laptops, and mobile and sensor devices), and provide global, transparent, and secure access to resources. Moreover, such applications should support not only traditional forms of reliable distributing computing and optimization of resources but also various forms of collaborative activities, such as business, online learning, and social networks in an intelligent and secure environment. In this paper, we present the Juxtapose (JXTA)-Overlay, which is a JXTA-based peer-to-peer (P2P) platform designed with the aim to leverage capabilities of Java, JXTA, and P2P technologies to support distributed and collaborative systems. The platform can be used not only for efficient and reliable distributed computing but also for collaborative activities and ubiquitous computing by integrating in the platform end devices. The design of a user interface as well as security issues are also tackled. We evaluate the proposed system by experimental study and show its usefulness for massive processing computations and e-learning applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Experimental Results and Evaluation of SmartBox Stimulation Device in a P2P E-learning System

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    In this paper, we present the experimental results and evaluation of the SmartBox stimulation device in P2P e-learning system which is based on JXTA-Overlay. We also show the design and implementation of the SmartBox environment that is used for stimulating the learners motivation to increase the learning efficiency. The SmartBox is integrated with our P2P system as a useful tool for monitoring and controlling learners¿ activity. We found by experimental results that the SmartBox is an effective way to increase the learner¿s concentration. We also investigated the relation between learner¿s body movement, concentration, and amount of study. From the experimental results, we conclude that the use of SmartBox is an effective way to stimulate the learners in order to continue studying while maintaining the concentration.En aquest article es presenten els resultats experimentals i l'avaluació del dispositiu d'estimulació SmartBox en un sistema d'aprenentatge en línia P2P que es basa en la superposició de JXTA. També es mostra el disseny i implementació de l'ambient de l'SmartBox que s'utilitza per a estimular la motivació dels estudiants per augmentar l'eficiència en l'aprenentatge. L'SmartBox s'integra amb el nostre sistema de P2P com una eina útil per al monitoratge i per controlar l'activitat dels alumnes. Pels resultats experimentals trobem que l'SmartBox és una forma efectiva d'augmentar la concentració de l'alumne. També es va investigar la relació entre el moviment del cos de l'alumne, la concentració i la quantitat d'estudis. Dels resultats experimentals es conclou que l'ús de l'SmartBox és una manera efectiva d'estimular els estudiants per tal que continuïn els seus estudis mentre es manté la seva concentració.En este artículo se presentan los resultados experimentales y la evaluación del dispositivo de estimulación SmartBox en un sistema de aprendizaje en línea P2P que se basa en la superposición de JXTA. También se muestra el diseño e implementación del ambiente del SmartBox que se utiliza para estimular la motivación de los estudiantes para aumentar la eficiencia en el aprendizaje. El SmartBox se integra con nuestro sistema de P2P como una herramienta útil para la monitorización y para controlar la actividad de los alumnos. Por los resultados experimentales encontramos que la SmartBox es una forma efectiva de aumentar la concentración del alumno. También se investigó la relación entre el movimiento del cuerpo del alumno, la concentración y la cantidad de estudios. De los resultados experimentales se concluye que el uso del SmartBox es una manera efectiva de estimular a los estudiantes para que continúen sus estudios mientras se mantiene su concentración

    Online cooperation learning environment : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    This project aims to create an online cooperation learning environment for students who study the same paper. Firstly, the whole class will be divided into several tutorial peer groups. One tutorial group includes five to seven students. The students can discuss with each other in the same study group, which is assigned by the lecturer. This is achieved via an online cooperation learning environment application (OCLE), which consists of a web based J2EE application and a peer to peer (P2P) java application, cooperative learning tool (CLT). It can reduce web server traffic significantly during online tutorial discussion time

    Effects of sustained communication time on reliability of JXTA-Overlay P2P platform: a comparison study for two fuzzy-based systems

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In P2P systems, each peer has to obtain information of other peers and propagate the information to other peers through neighboring peers. Thus, it is important for each peer to have some number of neighbor peers. Moreover, it is more significant to discuss if each peer has reliable neighbor peers. In reality, each peer might be faulty or might send obsolete, even incorrect information to the other peers. We have implemented a P2P platform called JXTA-Orverlay, which defines a set of protocols that standardize how different devices may communicate and collaborate among them. JXTA-Overlay provides a set of basic functionalities, primitives, intended to be as complete as possible to satisfy the needs of most JXTA-based applications. In this paper, we present two fuzzy-based systems (called FPRS1 and FPRS2) to improve the reliability of JXTA-Overlay P2P platform. We make a comparison study between the fuzzy-based reliability systems. Comparing the complexity of FPRS1 and FPRS2, the FPRS2 is more complex than FPRS1. However, it considers also the sustained communication time which makes the platform more reliable.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Aiming for ultra-scalable ePortfolio distribution using peer-to-peer networks

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    In this paper the authors discuss how peer-to-peer technology offers a practical solution to building highly scalable Europe-wide and worldwide ePortfolio networks over existing network infrastructures.This solution also offers the effect of empowering individuals through moving the management and storage responsibilities onto the portfolio owners, decoupling users from any single institutional ePortfolio service provider The authors do not present this solution as the single way forward, but as an alternative to what is seen as a mainly client-server and Web-based approach to ePortfolio development, and to encourage developers to explore the possibilities for ePortfolio integration with emerging and relatively immature technologies. A prototype implementation is reported and future developments described

    On sharing and synchronizing groupware calendars under android platform

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Sharing a calendar of tasks and events is a cornerstone in collaborative group work. Indeed, the individual work of the members of the group as well as the group work as a whole need the calendar to guide their activity and to meet the deadlines, milestones, deliverables of a project, etc. Additionally the members of the group should be able to work both offline and online, which arises when members of the group use smartphones and can eventually run out of Internet connection from time to time, or simply want to develop some activities locally. In the former case, they should have access to the calendar locally, while in the later case they should access the calendar online, shared by all members of the group. In both cases they should be able to see eventually the same information, namely the local calendars of the members should be synchronized with the group calendar. For the case of smartphones under Android system, one solution could be using the Google calendar, however, that is not easily tailorable to collaborative group work. In this paper we present an analysis, design and implementation of group work calendar that meets several requirements such as 1) sharing among all of members of the group, 2) synchronization among local calendars of members and global group calendar, 3) conflict resolution through a voting system, 4) awareness of changes in the entries (tasks, members, events, etc.) of the calendar and 5) all these requirements under proper privacy, confidentiality and security mechanisms. Moreover, we extend the sharing of calendars among different groups, a situation which often arises in enterprises when different groups need to be aware of other projects' development, or, when some members participate in more than one project at the same time.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A schema-based P2P network to enable publish-subscribe for multimedia content in open hypermedia systems

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    Open Hypermedia Systems (OHS) aim to provide efficient dissemination, adaptation and integration of hyperlinked multimedia resources. Content available in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks could add significant value to OHS provided that challenges for efficient discovery and prompt delivery of rich and up-to-date content are successfully addressed. This paper proposes an architecture that enables the operation of OHS over a P2P overlay network of OHS servers based on semantic annotation of (a) peer OHS servers and of (b) multimedia resources that can be obtained through the link services of the OHS. The architecture provides efficient resource discovery. Semantic query-based subscriptions over this P2P network can enable access to up-to-date content, while caching at certain peers enables prompt delivery of multimedia content. Advanced query resolution techniques are employed to match different parts of subscription queries (subqueries). These subscriptions can be shared among different interested peers, thus increasing the efficiency of multimedia content dissemination