20 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Protocol with Static Clustering (EEPSC) Comparing with Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) Protocol

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    A wireless sensor network with a large number of tiny sensor nodes can be used as an effective tool for gathering data in various situations. One of the major issues in wireless sensor networks is developing an energy-efficient routing protocol which has a significant impact on the overall lifetime of the sensor network. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical with static clustering routing protocol called Energy-Efficient Protocol with Static Clustering (EEPSC). EEPSC, partitions the network into static clusters, eliminates the overhead of dynamic clustering and utilizes temporary-cluster-heads to distribute the energy load among high power sensor nodes; thus extends network lifetime. We have conducted simulation-based evaluations to compare the performance of EEPSC against Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Our experiment results show that EEPSC outperforms LEACH in terms of network lifetime and power consumption minimization. Keywords—Clustering methods, energy efficiency, routing protocol, wireless sensor network

    Distributed Power Allocation for Sink-Centric Clusters in Multiple Sink Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to the battery resource constraints, saving energy is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks, particularly in large sensor networks. One possible solution is to deploy multiple sink nodes simultaneously. Another possible solution is to employ an adaptive clustering hierarchy routing scheme. In this paper, we propose a multiple sink cluster wireless sensor networks scheme which combines the two solutions, and propose an efficient transmission power control scheme for a sink-centric cluster routing protocol in multiple sink wireless sensor networks, denoted as MSCWSNs-PC. It is a distributed, scalable, self-organizing, adaptive system, and the sensor nodes do not require knowledge of the global network and their location. All sinks effectively work out a representative view of a monitored region, after which power control is employed to optimize network topology. The simulations demonstrate the advantages of our new protocol

    MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks Using a Genetic Algorithm

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    The problem of obtaining the transmission rate in an ad hoc network consists in adjusting the power of each node to ensure the signal to interference ratio (SIR) and the energy required to transmit from one node to another is obtained at the same time. Therefore, an optimal transmission rate for each node in a medium access control (MAC) protocol based on CSMA-CDMA (carrier sense multiple access-code division multiple access) for ad hoc networks can be obtained using evolutionary optimization. This work proposes a genetic algorithm for the transmission rate election considering a perfect power control, and our proposition achieves improvement of 10% compared with the scheme that handles the handshaking phase to adjust the transmission rate. Furthermore, this paper proposes a genetic algorithm that solves the problem of power combining, interference, data rate, and energy ensuring the signal to interference ratio in an ad hoc network. The result of the proposed genetic algorithm has a better performance (15%) compared to the CSMA-CDMA protocol without optimizing. Therefore, we show by simulation the effectiveness of the proposed protocol in terms of the throughput

    CDMA-based MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks

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    A routing protocol for multisink wireless sensor networks in underground coalmine tunnels

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    Traditional underground coalmine monitoring systems are mainly based on the use of wired transmission. However, when cables are damaged during an accident, it is difficult to obtain relevant data on environmental parameters and the emergency situation underground. To address this problem, the use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been proposed. However, the shape of coalmine tunnels is not conducive to the deployment of WSNs as they are long and narrow. Therefore, issues with the network arise, such as extremely large energy consumption, very weak connectivity, long time delays, and a short lifetime. To solve these problems, in this study, a new routing protocol algorithm for multisink WSNs based on transmission power control is proposed. First, a transmission power control algorithm is used to negotiate the optimal communication radius and transmission power of each sink. Second, the non-uniform clustering idea is adopted to optimize the cluster head selection. Simulation results are subsequently compared to the Centroid of the Nodes in a Partition (CNP) strategy and show that the new algorithm delivers a good performance: Power efficiency is increased by approximately 70%, connectivity is increased by approximately 15%, the cluster interference is diminished by approximately 50%, the network lifetime is increased by approximately 6%, and the delay is reduced with an increase in the number of sinks

    Distributed On-Line Schedule Adaptation for Balanced Slot Allocation in Bluetooth Scatternets and other Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Architectures

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm for design and on the fly modification of the schedule of an ad-hoc wireless network in order to provide fair service guarantees under topological changes. The primary objective is to derive a distributed coordination method for schedule construction and modification in Bluetooth scatternets. The algorithm proposed here has wider applicability, to any wireless ad-hoc network that operates under a schedule where the transmissions at each slot are explicitly specified over a time period of length T. First we introduce a fluid model of the system where the conflict avoidance requirements of neighboring links are relaxed while the aspect of local channel sharing is captured. In that model we propose an algorithm where the nodes asynchronously re-adjust the rates allocated to their adjacent links based only on local information. We prove that from any initial condition the algorithm finds the max-min fair rate allocation in the fluid model. Hence if the iteration is performed constantly the rate allocation will track the optimal even in regimes of constant topology changes. Then we consider the slotted system and propose a modification method that applies directly on the slotted schedule, emulating the effect of the rate re-adjusment iteration of the fluid model. Through extensive experiments in networks with fixed and time varying topologies we show that the latter algorithm achieves balanced rate allocation in the actual slotted system that are very close to the max-min fair rates. The experiments show also that the algorithm is very robust on topology variations, with very good tracking properties of the max-min fair rate allocation

    A Token Based Code Division Multiple Access Mac Protocol For Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009Ad Hoc ağlarında en mühim konulardan biri MAC protokol tasarımıdır. Bilindiği gibi, MAC protokollerin başlıca fonksiyonu, olabilecek çarpışmaları mümkün olduğunca azaltmak ve uygun kanal kullanımını sağlamaktır. Ayrıca MAC protokoller adil olmalı ve düğümlerin önceliklerine göre kanal erişim sırasını ayarlamalıdır. Gerçek zaman iletişimlerini sağlamak için en uygun olan protokoller jeton yöntemine dayanmaktadır. Bu tip protokollerde paket gecikmeleri deterministiktir ve olabilecek en büyük paket gecikmeleri tahmin edilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada ileri sürülen MAC protokol de bir çok MAC protokol gibi jeton yöntemine dayanmaktadır, fakat bu çalışmada jeton CDMA kodlarını ağda paylaştırmak için kullanılmaktadır. CDMA özelliği protokole, ağda aynı anda birden çok yayın yapabilmesini sağlamaktadır. Önerilen protokol literatürde adı geçen protokolle karşılaştırılmıştır ve simulasyon sonuçları, önerilen protokolün paket gecikmelerini azaltmakta ve kanal kullanımını artırmakta olduğunu göstermiştir.MAC protocols are very important issues in wireless ad hoc networks. As known, its primary function is to minimize the collisions and achieve reasonable channel utilization. Also MAC protocols must support fairness and prioritized access to the medium. Token based MAC schemes are more suitable for real time communications due to the fact that the packet delay is highly deterministic and upper bound of latency is predictable. The proposed work in this thesis is based on a token passing scheme as many studies have proposed till now, but the difference is that this MAC scheme is based on a token passing scheme with the incorporation of a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) unlike others. The protocol is able to support multiple, simultaneous transmissions with it is unique CDMA feature. Nodes are equipped with only one transceiver. The performance of proposed MAC protocol is compared with MAC protocols that have appeared in the literature by simulations. Simulation results show that proposed MAC scheme is effective in decreasing the packet delay and increasing the channel utilization.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Medium access control design for all-IP and ad hoc wireless network

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    Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol in a wireless network controls the access of wireless medium by mobile terminals, in order to achieve its fair and efficient sharing. It plays an important role in resource management and QoS support for applications. All-IP wireless WAN is fully IP protocol-based and it is a strong candidate beyond 3G (Third Generation Wireless Network). Ad hoc wireless network has recently been the topic of extensive research due to its ability to work properly without fixed infrastructure. This dissertation is composed of two main parts. The first part pursues a Prioritized Parallel Transmission MAC (PPTM) design for All-IP Wireless WAN. Two stages are used and each packet is with a priority level in PPTM. In stage 1, a pretransmission probability is calculated according to the continuous observation of the channel load for a certain period of time. In stage 2, a packet is prioritized and transmitted accordingly. It is modeled and analyzed as a nonpreemptive Head-Of-the-Line prioritized queueing system with Poisson arrival traffic pattern. Its performance is analyzed under three other traffic patterns, which are Constant Bit Rate, Exponential On/Off, and Pareto On/Off, by using a NS-2 simulator, and compared with that of Modified Channel Load Sensing Protocol. PPTM supports dynamic spread code allocation mechanism. A mobile terminal can apply for a spreading code according to the current channel condition. To use the idea of dynamic bandwidth allocation in PPTM for adhoc wireless network, a Dynamic-Rate-with-Collision-Avoidance (DRCA) MAC protocol is proposed in the second part of the dissertation. DRCA is based on spread spectrum technology. In DRCA, a terminal sets the spreading factor for a packet according to the activity level of neighboring nodes. If the total number of usable spreading codes with this spreading factor is less than the total number of mobile terminals in the network, to avoid collision, the spreading code id is broadcast such that other terminals can avoid using it when the packet is being transmitted. The performance of DRCA is theoretically analyzed in a slotted, single-hop, multi-user environment. To evaluate DRCA\u27s performance in an environment closed to a real one, a simulator that supports multi-hop, random mobility pattern is created with OPNET. Both theoretical and simulation results show that DRCA outperforms MACA/CT (Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance with Common Transmitter-based) in case if there are more than one communication pair and the ratio of inactive mobile terminals to active ones is high