16 research outputs found

    Distributed anonymous discrete function computation

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    We propose a model for deterministic distributed function computation by a network of identical and anonymous nodes. In this model, each node has bounded computation and storage capabilities that do not grow with the network size. Furthermore, each node only knows its neighbors, not the entire graph. Our goal is to characterize the class of functions that can be computed within this model. In our main result, we provide a necessary condition for computability which we show to be nearly sufficient, in the sense that every function that satisfies this condition can at least be approximated. The problem of computing suitably rounded averages in a distributed manner plays a central role in our development; we provide an algorithm that solves it in time that grows quadratically with the size of the network

    An Upper Bound on the Convergence Time for Quantized Consensus of Arbitrary Static Graphs

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    We analyze a class of distributed quantized consensus algorithms for arbitrary static networks. In the initial setting, each node in the network has an integer value. Nodes exchange their current estimate of the mean value in the network, and then update their estimation by communicating with their neighbors in a limited capacity channel in an asynchronous clock setting. Eventually, all nodes reach consensus with quantized precision. We analyze the expected convergence time for the general quantized consensus algorithm proposed by Kashyap et al \cite{Kashyap}. We use the theory of electric networks, random walks, and couplings of Markov chains to derive an O(N3logN)O(N^3\log N) upper bound for the expected convergence time on an arbitrary graph of size NN, improving on the state of art bound of O(N5)O(N^5) for quantized consensus algorithms. Our result is not dependent on graph topology. Example of complete graphs is given to show how to extend the analysis to graphs of given topology.Comment: to appear in IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, January, 2015. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1208.078

    MAX-consensus in open multi-agent systems with gossip interactions

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    We study the problem of distributed maximum computation in an open multi-agent system, where agents can leave and arrive during the execution of the algorithm. The main challenge comes from the possibility that the agent holding the largest value leaves the system, which changes the value to be computed. The algorithms must as a result be endowed with mechanisms allowing to forget outdated information. The focus is on systems in which interactions are pairwise gossips between randomly selected agents. We consider situations where leaving agents can send a last message, and situations where they cannot. For both cases, we provide algorithms able to eventually compute the maximum of the values held by agents.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 17). 8 pages, 3 figure

    Tight bounds on the convergence rate of generalized ratio consensus algorithms

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    The problems discussed in this paper are motivated by general ratio consensus algorithms, introduced by Kempe, Dobra, and Gehrke (2003) in a simple form as the push-sum algorithm, later extended by B\'en\'ezit et al. (2010) under the name weighted gossip algorithm. We consider a communication protocol described by a strictly stationary, ergodic, sequentially primitive sequence of non-negative matrices, applied iteratively to a pair of fixed initial vectors, the components of which are called values and weights defined at the nodes of a network. The subject of ratio consensus problems is to study the asymptotic properties of ratios of values and weights at each node, expecting convergence to the same limit for all nodes. The main results of the paper provide upper bounds for the rate of the almost sure exponential convergence in terms of the spectral gap associated with the given sequence of random matrices. It will be shown that these upper bounds are sharp. Our results complement previous results of Picci and Taylor (2013) and Iutzeler, Ciblat and Hachem (2013)

    Global Network Prediction from Local Node Dynamics

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    The study of dynamical systems on networks, describing complex interactive processes, provides insight into how network structure affects global behaviour. Yet many methods for network dynamics fail to cope with large or partially-known networks, a ubiquitous situation in real-world applications. Here we propose a localised method, applicable to a broad class of dynamical models on networks, whereby individual nodes monitor and store the evolution of their own state and use these values to approximate, via a simple computation, their own steady state solution. Hence the nodes predict their own final state without actually reaching it. Furthermore, the localised formulation enables nodes to compute global network metrics without knowledge of the full network structure. The method can be used to compute global rankings in the network from local information; to detect community detection from fast, local transient dynamics; and to identify key nodes that compute global network metrics ahead of others. We illustrate some of the applications of the algorithm by efficiently performing web-page ranking for a large internet network and identifying the dynamic roles of inter-neurons in the C. Elegans neural network. The mathematical formulation is simple, widely applicable and easily scalable to real-world datasets suggesting how local computation can provide an approach to the study of large-scale network dynamics

    Know your audience

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    Distributed function computation is the problem, for a networked system of nn autonomous agents, to collectively compute the value f(v1,,vn)f(v_1, \ldots, v_n) of some input values, each initially private to one agent in the network. Here, we study and organize results pertaining to distributed function computation in anonymous networks, both for the static and the dynamic case, under a communication model of directed and synchronous message exchanges, but with varying assumptions in the degree of awareness or control that a single agent has over its outneighbors. Our main argument is three-fold. First, in the "blind broadcast" model, where in each round an agent merely casts out a unique message without any knowledge or control over its addressees, the computable functions are those that only depend on the set of the input values, but not on their multiplicities or relative frequencies in the input. Second, in contrast, when we assume either that a) in each round, the agents know how many outneighbors they have; b) all communications links in the network are bidirectional; or c) the agents may address each of their outneighbors individually, then the set of computable functions grows to contain all functions that depend on the relative frequencies of each value in the input - such as the average - but not on their multiplicities - thus, not the sum. Third, however, if one or several agents are distinguished as leaders, or if the cardinality of the network is known, then under any of the above three assumptions it becomes possible to recover the complete multiset of the input values, and thus compute any function of the distributed input as long as it is invariant under permutation of its arguments. In the case of dynamic networks, we also discuss the impact of multiple connectivity assumptions

    The Power of Small Coalitions under Two-Tier Majority on Regular Graphs

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    In this paper, we study the following problem. Consider a setting where a proposal is offered to the vertices of a given network GG, and the vertices must conduct a vote and decide whether to accept the proposal or reject it. Each vertex vv has its own valuation of the proposal; we say that vv is ``happy'' if its valuation is positive (i.e., it expects to gain from adopting the proposal) and ``sad'' if its valuation is negative. However, vertices do not base their vote merely on their own valuation. Rather, a vertex vv is a \emph{proponent} of the proposal if the majority of its neighbors are happy with it and an \emph{opponent} in the opposite case. At the end of the vote, the network collectively accepts the proposal whenever the majority of its vertices are proponents. We study this problem for regular graphs with loops. Specifically, we consider the class Gndh\mathcal{G}_{n|d|h} of dd-regular graphs of odd order nn with all nn loops and hh happy vertices. We are interested in establishing necessary and sufficient conditions for the class Gndh\mathcal{G}_{n|d|h} to contain a labeled graph accepting the proposal, as well as conditions to contain a graph rejecting the proposal. We also discuss connections to the existing literature, including that on majority domination, and investigate the properties of the obtained conditions.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Discrete Applied Mathematic