13,800 research outputs found

    Distributed Interior-point Method for Loosely Coupled Problems

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    In this paper, we put forth distributed algorithms for solving loosely coupled unconstrained and constrained optimization problems. Such problems are usually solved using algorithms that are based on a combination of decomposition and first order methods. These algorithms are commonly very slow and require many iterations to converge. In order to alleviate this issue, we propose algorithms that combine the Newton and interior-point methods with proximal splitting methods for solving such problems. Particularly, the algorithm for solving unconstrained loosely coupled problems, is based on Newton's method and utilizes proximal splitting to distribute the computations for calculating the Newton step at each iteration. A combination of this algorithm and the interior-point method is then used to introduce a distributed algorithm for solving constrained loosely coupled problems. We also provide guidelines on how to implement the proposed methods efficiently and briefly discuss the properties of the resulting solutions.Comment: Submitted to the 19th IFAC World Congress 201

    Distributed Coupled Multi-Agent Stochastic Optimization

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    This work develops effective distributed strategies for the solution of constrained multi-agent stochastic optimization problems with coupled parameters across the agents. In this formulation, each agent is influenced by only a subset of the entries of a global parameter vector or model, and is subject to convex constraints that are only known locally. Problems of this type arise in several applications, most notably in disease propagation models, minimum-cost flow problems, distributed control formulations, and distributed power system monitoring. This work focuses on stochastic settings, where a stochastic risk function is associated with each agent and the objective is to seek the minimizer of the aggregate sum of all risks subject to a set of constraints. Agents are not aware of the statistical distribution of the data and, therefore, can only rely on stochastic approximations in their learning strategies. We derive an effective distributed learning strategy that is able to track drifts in the underlying parameter model. A detailed performance and stability analysis is carried out showing that the resulting coupled diffusion strategy converges at a linear rate to an O(μ)−O(\mu)-neighborhood of the true penalized optimizer

    Distributed Model Predictive Consensus via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

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    We propose a distributed optimization method for solving a distributed model predictive consensus problem. The goal is to design a distributed controller for a network of dynamical systems to optimize a coupled objective function while respecting state and input constraints. The distributed optimization method is an augmented Lagrangian method called the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM), which was introduced in the 1970s but has seen a recent resurgence in the context of dramatic increases in computing power and the development of widely available distributed computing platforms. The method is applied to position and velocity consensus in a network of double integrators. We find that a few tens of ADMM iterations yield closed-loop performance near what is achieved by solving the optimization problem centrally. Furthermore, the use of recent code generation techniques for solving local subproblems yields fast overall computation times.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 50th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, 201

    Distributed Big-Data Optimization via Block-Iterative Convexification and Averaging

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    In this paper, we study distributed big-data nonconvex optimization in multi-agent networks. We consider the (constrained) minimization of the sum of a smooth (possibly) nonconvex function, i.e., the agents' sum-utility, plus a convex (possibly) nonsmooth regularizer. Our interest is in big-data problems wherein there is a large number of variables to optimize. If treated by means of standard distributed optimization algorithms, these large-scale problems may be intractable, due to the prohibitive local computation and communication burden at each node. We propose a novel distributed solution method whereby at each iteration agents optimize and then communicate (in an uncoordinated fashion) only a subset of their decision variables. To deal with non-convexity of the cost function, the novel scheme hinges on Successive Convex Approximation (SCA) techniques coupled with i) a tracking mechanism instrumental to locally estimate gradient averages; and ii) a novel block-wise consensus-based protocol to perform local block-averaging operations and gradient tacking. Asymptotic convergence to stationary solutions of the nonconvex problem is established. Finally, numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and highlight how the block dimension impacts on the communication overhead and practical convergence speed

    A Primal Decomposition Method with Suboptimality Bounds for Distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming

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    In this paper we deal with a network of agents seeking to solve in a distributed way Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILPs) with a coupling constraint (modeling a limited shared resource) and local constraints. MILPs are NP-hard problems and several challenges arise in a distributed framework, so that looking for suboptimal solutions is of interest. To achieve this goal, the presence of a linear coupling calls for tailored decomposition approaches. We propose a fully distributed algorithm based on a primal decomposition approach and a suitable tightening of the coupling constraints. Agents repeatedly update local allocation vectors, which converge to an optimal resource allocation of an approximate version of the original problem. Based on such allocation vectors, agents are able to (locally) compute a mixed-integer solution, which is guaranteed to be feasible after a sufficiently large time. Asymptotic and finite-time suboptimality bounds are established for the computed solution. Numerical simulations highlight the efficacy of the proposed methodology.Comment: 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    Distributed Big-Data Optimization via Block Communications

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    We study distributed multi-agent large-scale optimization problems, wherein the cost function is composed of a smooth possibly nonconvex sum-utility plus a DC (Difference-of-Convex) regularizer. We consider the scenario where the dimension of the optimization variables is so large that optimizing and/or transmitting the entire set of variables could cause unaffordable computation and communication overhead. To address this issue, we propose the first distributed algorithm whereby agents optimize and communicate only a portion of their local variables. The scheme hinges on successive convex approximation (SCA) to handle the nonconvexity of the objective function, coupled with a novel block-signal tracking scheme, aiming at locally estimating the average of the agents' gradients. Asymptotic convergence to stationary solutions of the nonconvex problem is established. Numerical results on a sparse regression problem show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and the impact of the block size on its practical convergence speed and communication cost

    Distributed Dictionary Learning

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    The paper studies distributed Dictionary Learning (DL) problems where the learning task is distributed over a multi-agent network with time-varying (nonsymmetric) connectivity. This formulation is relevant, for instance, in big-data scenarios where massive amounts of data are collected/stored in different spatial locations and it is unfeasible to aggregate and/or process all the data in a fusion center, due to resource limitations, communication overhead or privacy considerations. We develop a general distributed algorithmic framework for the (nonconvex) DL problem and establish its asymptotic convergence. The new method hinges on Successive Convex Approximation (SCA) techniques coupled with i) a gradient tracking mechanism instrumental to locally estimate the missing global information; and ii) a consensus step, as a mechanism to distribute the computations among the agents. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first distributed algorithm with provable convergence for the DL problem and, more in general, bi-convex optimization problems over (time-varying) directed graphs
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