24,689 research outputs found

    Distributed Access Control with Blockchain

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    The specification and enforcement of network-wide policies in a single administrative domain is common in today's networks and considered as already resolved. However, this is not the case for multi-administrative domains, e.g. among different enterprises. In such situation, new problems arise that challenge classical solutions such as PKIs, which suffer from scalability and granularity concerns. In this paper, we present an extension to Group-Based Policy -- a widely used network policy language -- for the aforementioned scenario. To do so, we take advantage of a permissioned blockchain implementation (Hyperledger Fabric) to distribute access control policies in a secure and auditable manner, preserving at the same time the independence of each organization. Network administrators specify polices that are rendered into blockchain transactions. A LISP control plane (RFC 6830) allows routers performing the access control to query the blockchain for authorizations. We have implemented an end-to-end experimental prototype and evaluated it in terms of scalability and network latency.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Improve auditing and privacy of electronic health records by using blockchain technology

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    An ever-increasing amount of sensitive patient data is shared between healthcare institutions. The data is strictly personal and the consequences of unintentional disclosure are severe. Recordkeeping systems embedded in the various healthcare systems must therefore adhere to the highest standards of auditability and privacy. Blockchains allow for immutable recordkeeping, which means that data stored on the blockchain cannot be changed or tampered with. Each block on the blockchain stores the computed hash of the contents of the previous block, which makes each new block dependent on the previous block. Nodes store their own copies of the blockchain and keep them synchronized by using mechanisms for distributed consensus. Distributed consensus mechanisms for blockchains facilitate methods to decide which block is to be added to the blockchain next and essentially decide which version of the blockchain is the correct one. This thesis presents an implementation of a blockchain framework for improving auditing and privacy measures of electronic health record (EHR) systems. The framework was partly presented by Yang et. al in 2018 and submitted for publishing in 2019. The proposed framework presents a new layer that can be implemented on top of existing EHR systems. This makes the process of adopting the system much simpler and less costly. The aim of this thesis is to assess how such an implementation can be created using the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. The implementation facilitates improved privacy and auditing through a solution of storing access control lists and logs directly on the blockchain. Each attempt to access a record is verified in the access control list and subsequently logged before access is granted to the user. This introduces a standard way of managing access control and auditing across several providers, even if the internal system architecture is different for each provider. The layer can be deployed on top of existing systems and only minor changes to the database interfaces are required for the systems to support the new layer. Although the presented implementation is intended for use in EHR systems, it should also be applicable to other types of recordkeeping systems.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    ForensiBlock: A Provenance-Driven Blockchain Framework for Data Forensics and Auditability

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    Maintaining accurate provenance records is paramount in digital forensics, as they underpin evidence credibility and integrity, addressing essential aspects like accountability and reproducibility. Blockchains have several properties that can address these requirements. Previous systems utilized public blockchains, i.e., treated blockchain as a black box, and benefiting from the immutability property. However, the blockchain was accessible to everyone, giving rise to security concerns and moreover, efficient extraction of provenance faces challenges due to the enormous scale and complexity of digital data. This necessitates a tailored blockchain design for digital forensics. Our solution, Forensiblock has a novel design that automates investigation steps, ensures secure data access, traces data origins, preserves records, and expedites provenance extraction. Forensiblock incorporates Role-Based Access Control with Staged Authorization (RBAC-SA) and a distributed Merkle root for case tracking. These features support authorized resource access with an efficient retrieval of provenance records. Particularly, comparing two methods for extracting provenance records off chain storage retrieval with Merkle root verification and a brute-force search the offchain method is significantly better, especially as the blockchain size and number of cases increase. We also found that our distributed Merkle root creation slightly increases smart contract processing time but significantly improves history access. Overall, we show that Forensiblock offers secure, efficient, and reliable handling of digital forensic dataComment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Security Services Using Blockchains: A State of the Art Survey

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    This article surveys blockchain-based approaches for several security services. These services include authentication, confidentiality, privacy and access control list (ACL), data and resource provenance, and integrity assurance. All these services are critical for the current distributed applications, especially due to the large amount of data being processed over the networks and the use of cloud computing. Authentication ensures that the user is who he/she claims to be. Confidentiality guarantees that data cannot be read by unauthorized users. Privacy provides the users the ability to control who can access their data. Provenance allows an efficient tracking of the data and resources along with their ownership and utilization over the network. Integrity helps in verifying that the data has not been modified or altered. These services are currently managed by centralized controllers, for example, a certificate authority. Therefore, the services are prone to attacks on the centralized controller. On the other hand, blockchain is a secured and distributed ledger that can help resolve many of the problems with centralization. The objectives of this paper are to give insights on the use of security services for current applications, to highlight the state of the art techniques that are currently used to provide these services, to describe their challenges, and to discuss how the blockchain technology can resolve these challenges. Further, several blockchain-based approaches providing such security services are compared thoroughly. Challenges associated with using blockchain-based security services are also discussed to spur further research in this area

    Blockchain-based access control management for Decentralized Online Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) represent today a big communication channel where users spend a lot of time to share personal data. Unfortunately, the big popularity of OSNs can be compared with their big privacy issues. Indeed, several recent scandals have demonstrated their vulnerability. Decentralized Online Social Networks (DOSNs) have been proposed as an alternative solution to the current centralized OSNs. DOSNs do not have a service provider that acts as central authority and users have more control over their information. Several DOSNs have been proposed during the last years. However, the decentralization of the social services requires efficient distributed solutions for protecting the privacy of users. During the last years the blockchain technology has been applied to Social Networks in order to overcome the privacy issues and to offer a real solution to the privacy issues in a decentralized system. However, in these platforms the blockchain is usually used as a storage, and content is public. In this paper, we propose a manageable and auditable access control framework for DOSNs using blockchain technology for the definition of privacy policies. The resource owner uses the public key of the subject to define auditable access control policies using Access Control List (ACL), while the private key associated with the subject's Ethereum account is used to decrypt the private data once access permission is validated on the blockchain. We provide an evaluation of our approach by exploiting the Rinkeby Ethereum testnet to deploy the smart contracts. Experimental results clearly show that our proposed ACL-based access control outperforms the Attribute-based access control (ABAC) in terms of gas cost. Indeed, a simple ABAC evaluation function requires 280,000 gas, instead our scheme requires 61,648 gas to evaluate ACL rules

    Private Data System Enabling Self-Sovereign Storage Managed by Executable Choreographies

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    With the increased use of Internet, governments and large companies store and share massive amounts of personal data in such a way that leaves no space for transparency. When a user needs to achieve a simple task like applying for college or a driving license, he needs to visit a lot of institutions and organizations, thus leaving a lot of private data in many places. The same happens when using the Internet. These privacy issues raised by the centralized architectures along with the recent developments in the area of serverless applications demand a decentralized private data layer under user control. We introduce the Private Data System (PDS), a distributed approach which enables self-sovereign storage and sharing of private data. The system is composed of nodes spread across the entire Internet managing local key-value databases. The communication between nodes is achieved through executable choreographies, which are capable of preventing information leakage when executing across different organizations with different regulations in place. The user has full control over his private data and is able to share and revoke access to organizations at any time. Even more, the updates are propagated instantly to all the parties which have access to the data thanks to the system design. Specifically, the processing organizations may retrieve and process the shared information, but are not allowed under any circumstances to store it on long term. PDS offers an alternative to systems that aim to ensure self-sovereignty of specific types of data through blockchain inspired techniques but face various problems, such as low performance. Both approaches propose a distributed database, but with different characteristics. While the blockchain-based systems are built to solve consensus problems, PDS's purpose is to solve the self-sovereignty aspects raised by the privacy laws, rules and principles.Comment: DAIS 201

    Blockchain based auditable access control for distributed business processes

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    The use of blockchain technology has been proposed to provide auditable access control for individual resources. However, when all resources are owned by a single organization, such expensive solutions may not be needed. In this work we focus on distributed applications such as business processes and distributed workflows. These applications are often composed of multiple resources/services that are subject to the security and access control policies of different organizational domains. Here, blockchains can provide an attractive decentralized solution to provide auditability. However, the underlying access control policies may be overlapping in terms of the component conditions/rules, and simply using existing solutions would result in repeated evaluation of user’s authorization separately for each resource, leading to significant overhead in terms of cost and computation time over the blockchain. To address this challenge, we propose an approach that formulates a constraint optimization problem to generate an optimal composite access control policy. This policy is in compliance with all the local access control policies and minimizes the policy evaluation cost over the blockchain. The developed smart contract(s) can then be deployed to the blockchain, and used for access control enforcement. We also discuss how the access control enforcement can be audited using a game-theoretic approach to minimize cost. We have implemented the initial prototype of our approach using Ethereum as the underlying blockchain and experimentally validated the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach

    Blockchain-Based Access Control Techniques for IoT Applications

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    The Internet of Things is gaining more importance in the present era of Internet technology. It is considered as one of the most important technologies of everyday life. Moreover, IoT systems are ceaselessly growing with more and more devices. They are scalable, dynamic, and distributed, hence the origin of the crucial security requirements in IoT. One of the most challenging issues that the IoT community must handle recently is how to ensure an access control approach that manages the security requirements of such a system. Traditional access control technologies are not suitable for a large-scale and distributed network structure. Most of them are based on a centralized approach, where the use of a trusted third party (TTP) is obligatory. Furthermore, the emergence of blockchain technology has allowed researchers to come up with a solution for these security issues. This technology is highly used to record access control data. Additionally, it has great potential for managing access control requests. This paper proposed a blockchain-based access control taxonomy according to the access control nature: partially decentralized and fully decentralized. Furthermore, it presents an overview of blockchain-based access control solutions proposed in different IoT applications. Finally, the article analyzes the proposed works according to certain criteria that the authors deem important