13 research outputs found

    Access to Encrypted Data in Cloud Database

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    Today internet is considered as one of the basic need for human being and to make it more interactive various technologies have been developed and cloud computing is one of them. Cloud computing is a well-known technology which has become today’s important research area due to its ability to reduce the costs associated with computing. It is one of the enticing technology which provides various services to its user as per demand over the internet. Social media channels, corporate structures and individual consumers all are switching towards the magnificent world of cloud computing. This technology is having security issues of data confidentiality, data integrity and data availability. Cloud is a mere collection of tangible super computers spread across the world so authentication and authorization for data access is more than a necessity. Proposed work attempts to overcome security threats related to data in data bases over cloud. The proposed methodology suggests the encryption of the data uploaded on the cloud using various algorithms available for cloud encryption and also tries to provide an efficient access to encrypted data in database over cloud. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15017

    BICRYPTO: An Efficient System to Enhance a Security Protection

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    In this paper, we propose a two factor data security protection mechanism with factor revocability for cloud storage system. We leverage two different encryption technologies. One is IBE (Identity Based Encryption) and other is PKE (Public Key Encryption). This can be done by the cloud server which will immediately execute some algorithms. Many techniques effectively provide the security for cloud storage data. During transmission of data in cloud environment, encryption is an efficient and widely used technique for data security. It can be done by public key, private and other identical information between the sender and receiver.The security and efficiencyanalysis show that system is not only secure but also practical

    Secure & Encrypted Accessing and Sharing of Data in Distributed Virtual Cloud: A Review

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    Cloud Computing has been accepted as the next generation architecture of IT Enterprise. The Cloud computing idea offers dynamically scalable resources provisioned as a service over and the Internet Economic benefits are the main driver for the Cloud, since it promises the reduction of capital expenditure and operational expenditure Placing critical data in the hands of a cloud provider should come with the guarantee of security and availability for data and in use. various alternatives available for storage services, while data confidentiality is the solutions for the database as a service pattern are still undeveloped This architecture is supporting purely distributed clients to connect directly to an encrypted cloud database, and to execute simultaneous and independent operations including those modifying the database structure. The Access control policy is set out in which only authorised users are able to decrypt the stored information. This scheme prevents from replay attacks and supports formation, modification, and reading data stored in the cloud. This unique attribute, however, creates many new security challenges which have not been well understood. Security is to protect data from danger and vulnerability. There are various dangers and vulnerabilities to be handle. Various security issues and some of their solution are explained and are concentrating mainly on public cloud security issues and their solutions. Data should always be encrypted in a time when stored and transmitted


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    Cloud computing is a next generation computer paradigm for IT firm. The vital service of cloud computing is cloud storage, that permits owner to move data from their native computing systems to the cloud. Storing our confidential data to a public cloud is a challenging issue in cloud computing because of unauthorized access to the data. The proposed algorithm splits data and encrypts it using two different algorithms to improve the security level of the confidential data than the various techniques of existing encryption algorithms. The data is first partitioned into multiple chunks and then efficient encryption algorithms such as RSA algorithm and Blowfish algorithm is used for data encryption. It further proposes an efficient data access using indexing technique to retrieve the confidential data from cloud. Finally, it needs to decrypt multiple chunks to get actual data from public cloud. The objectives of the proposed techniques are to store confidential data in public cloud and ensure more security than the existing techniques

    SecureDBaaS Model for Accessing Encrypted Cloud Databases

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    Cloud computing has recently emerged being a compelling paradigm that pertains to managing and delivering services over the web. The particular prevalent problem connected with cloud is confidentiality, security, as well as reliability etc., in which how the cloud provider assures. To recognize this, a novel architecture is usually introduced that will integrates cloud database services and as well executing concurrent operations on encrypted information. Also a new homomorphic encryption algorithm will likely be incorporated to offer confidentiality as well as concurrent execution of various SQL operations. This will be the first option supporting quite a few stributed clienteles to access encrypted cloud databases. One of main thing is that it eliminates advanced proxies in between cloud user and provider. The performance on the architecture is usually lculated by means of theoretical and practical results which are subjected to TPC-C benchmark standard tools for a number of clients as well as network latencies

    Multilevel Components to Improve Factor Revocability And Data Security Protection In Cloud

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    The data stored in cloud environment can be accessed from anywhere and at anytime and by anyone. Many techniques effectively provide the security for cloud storage data. During transmission of data in cloud environment, encryption is an efficient and widely used technique for data security. Thought cloud service provides such services but security and privacy of owner’s data is major concern in cloud storage. Therefore secure data access is critical issue in cloud storage. In this paper Proposed system an improve data security protection mechanism for cloud using two components. In this system sender sends an encrypted message to a receiver with the help of cloud system. The sender requires to know identity of receiver but no need of other information such as certificate or public key. To decrypt the cipher text, receiver needs two parts. The first thing is a unique personal security device or some hardware device connected to the computer system. Second one is private key or secrete key stored in the computer. Without having these two things cipher text never decrypted. The important thing is the security device lost or stolen, then cipher text cannot be decrypted and hardware device is revoked or cancelled to decrypt cipher text. The efficiency and security analysis show that the system is secure as well as practically implemented. The system uses a new hardware device like pen drive etc. to decrypt the cipher text together with the private key

    Evaluating Cost and Performance Of Adaptive Encryption Architecture for Cloud Database

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    The cloud database as a service is novel paradigms that can be support several Internet-based applications, its adoption requires the solution of the information confidentiality problems. We proposed a novel architecture for adaptive encryption of public cloud databases that offers an interesting alternative to the tradeoff between the required data confidentiality level and the flexibility of the cloud database structures at time. We demonstrate the feasibility and performance of the proposed solution through a software prototype. We propose an original cost model that is oriented to the evaluation of cloud database services in plain text and encrypted instances and that takes into account the variability of cloud prices and tenant workloads during a medium-term period

    An effective approach for the protection of privacy text data in the CloudDB

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Due to the advantages of pay-on-demand, expand-on-demand and high availability, cloud databases (CloudDB) have been widely used in information systems. However, since a CloudDB is distributed on an untrusted cloud side, it is an important problem how to effectively protect massive private information in the CloudDB. Although traditional security strategies (such as identity authentication and access control) can prevent illegal users from accessing unauthorized data, they cannot prevent internal users at the cloud side from accessing and exposing personal privacy information. In this paper, we propose a client-based approach to protect personal privacy in a CloudDB. In the approach, privacy data before being stored into the cloud side, would be encrypted using a traditional encryption algorithm, so as to ensure the security of privacy data. To execute various kinds of query operations over the encrypted data efficiently, the encrypted data would be also augmented with additional feature index, so that as much of each query operation as possible can be processed on the cloud side without the need to decrypt the data. To this end, we explore how the feature index of privacy data is constructed, and how a query operation over privacy data is transformed into a new query operation over the index data so that it can be executed on the cloud side correctly. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation. The results show that the approach has good performance in terms of security, usability and efficiency, thus effective to protect personal privacy in the CloudDB