497 research outputs found

    Coarse distinguishability of graphs with symmetric growth

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    Let XX be a connected, locally finite graph with symmetric growth. We prove that there is a vertex coloring ϕ ⁣:X{0,1}\phi\colon X\to\{0,1\} and some RNR\in\mathbb{N} such that every automorphism ff preserving ϕ\phi is RR-close to the identity map; this can be seen as a coarse geometric version of symmetry breaking. We also prove that the infinite motion conjecture is true for graphs where at least one vertex stabilizer SxS_x satisfies the following condition: for every non-identity automorphism fSxf\in S_x, there is a sequence xnx_n such that limd(xn,f(xn))=\lim d(x_n,f(x_n))=\infty