9 research outputs found

    Quasi m-Cayley circulants

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    A graph ▫GammaGamma▫ is called a quasi ▫mm▫-Cayley graph on a group ▫GG▫ if there exists a vertex ▫inftyinV(Gamma)infty in V(Gamma)▫ and a subgroup ▫GG▫ of the vertex stabilizer ▫textAut(Gamma)inftytext{Aut}(Gamma)_infty▫ of the vertex ▫inftyinfty▫ in the full automorphism group ▫textAut(Gamma)text{Aut}(Gamma)▫ of ▫GammaGamma▫, such that ▫GG▫ acts semiregularly on ▫V(Gamma)setminusinftyV(Gamma) setminus {infty}▫ with ▫mm▫ orbits. If the vertex ▫inftyinfty▫ is adjacent to only one orbit of ▫GG▫ on ▫V(Gamma)setminusinftyV(Gamma) setminus {infty}▫, then ▫GammaGamma▫ is called a strongly quasi ▫mm▫-Cayley graph on ▫GG▫ .In this paper complete classifications of quasi 2-Cayley, quasi 3-Cayley and strongly quasi 4-Cayley connected circulants are given

    Distance-transitive graphs admit semiregular automorphisms

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    A distance-transitive graph is a graph in which for every two ordered pairs ofvertices ▫(u,v)(u,v)▫ and ▫(u2˘7,v2˘7)(u\u27,v\u27)▫ such that the distance between ▫uu▫ and ▫vv▫ is equal to the distance between ▫u2˘7u\u27▫ and ▫v2˘7v\u27▫ there exists an automorphism of the graph mapping ▫uu▫ to ▫u2˘7u\u27▫ and ▫vv▫ to ▫v2˘7v\u27▫. A semiregular element of a permutation group is anon-identity element having all cycles of equal length in its cycle decomposition. It is shown that every distance-transitive graph admits a semiregular automorphism

    (Algebraic aspects of graph theory)

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