30 research outputs found

    Distance-regular graphs and the q-tetrahedron algebra

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    金沒倧学理ε·₯η ”η©ΆεŸŸζ•°η‰©η§‘ε­¦η³»Let Ξ“ denote a distance-regular graph with classical parameters (D, b, Ξ±, Ξ²) and b β‰  1, Ξ± = b - 1. The condition on Ξ± implies that Ξ“ is formally self-dual. For b = q2 we use the adjacency matrix and dual adjacency matrix to obtain an action of the q-tetrahedron algebra {squared times}q on the standard module of Ξ“. We describe four algebra homomorphisms into {squared times}q from the quantum affine algebra Uq (over(s l, Μ‚)2); using these we pull back the above {squared times}q-action to obtain four actions of Uq (over(s l, Μ‚)2) on the standard module of Ξ“. Β© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Towards a classification of the tridiagonal pairs

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    Let KK denote a field and let VV denote a vector space over KK with finite positive dimension. Let End(V)End(V) denote the KK-algebra consisting of all KK-linear transformations from VV to VV. We consider a pair A,Aβˆ—βˆˆEnd(V)A,A^* \in End(V) that satisfy (i)--(iv) below: (i) Each of A,Aβˆ—A,A^* is diagonalizable. (ii) There exists an ordering {Vi}i=0d\{V_i\}_{i=0}^d of the eigenspaces of AA such that Aβˆ—ViβŠ†Viβˆ’1+Vi+Vi+1A^* V_i \subseteq V_{i-1} + V_{i} + V_{i+1} for 0≀i≀d0 \leq i \leq d, where Vβˆ’1=0V_{-1}=0 and Vd+1=0V_{d+1}=0. (iii) There exists an ordering {Viβˆ—}i=0Ξ΄\{V^*_i\}_{i=0}^\delta of the eigenspaces of Aβˆ—A^* such that AViβˆ—βŠ†Viβˆ’1βˆ—+Viβˆ—+Vi+1βˆ—A V^*_i \subseteq V^*_{i-1} + V^*_{i} + V^*_{i+1} for 0≀i≀δ0 \leq i \leq \delta, where Vβˆ’1βˆ—=0V^*_{-1}=0 and VΞ΄+1βˆ—=0V^*_{\delta+1}=0. (iv) There is no subspace WW of VV such that AWβŠ†WAW \subseteq W, Aβˆ—WβŠ†WA^* W \subseteq W, Wβ‰ 0W \neq 0, Wβ‰ VW \neq V. We call such a pair a {\em tridiagonal pair} on VV. Let E0βˆ—E^*_0 denote the element of End(V)End(V) such that (E0βˆ—βˆ’I)V0βˆ—=0(E^*_0-I)V^*_0=0 and E0βˆ—Viβˆ—=0E^*_0V^*_i=0 for 1≀i≀d1 \leq i \leq d. Let DD (resp. Dβˆ—D^*) denote the KK-subalgebra of End(V)End(V) generated by AA (resp. Aβˆ—A^*). In this paper we prove that the span of E0βˆ—DDβˆ—DE0βˆ—E^*_0 D D^*DE^*_0 equals the span of E0βˆ—DE0βˆ—DE0βˆ—E^*_0D E^*_0DE^*_0, and that the elements of E0βˆ—DE0βˆ—E^*_0 D E^*_0 mutually commute. We relate these results to some conjectures of Tatsuro Ito and the second author that are expected to play a role in the classification of tridiagonal pairs.Comment: 18 page

    Tridiagonal pairs of Krawtchouk type

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    Let KK denote an algebraically closed field with characteristic 0 and let VV denote a vector space over KK with finite positive dimension. Let A,Aβˆ—A,A^* denote a tridiagonal pair on VV with diameter dd. We say that A,Aβˆ—A,A^* has Krawtchouk type whenever the sequence {dβˆ’2i}i=0d\lbrace d-2i\rbrace_{i=0}^d is a standard ordering of the eigenvalues of AA and a standard ordering of the eigenvalues of Aβˆ—A^*. Assume A,Aβˆ—A,A^* has Krawtchouk type. We show that there exists a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form on VV such that == and == for u,v∈Vu,v\in V. We show that the following tridiagonal pairs are isomorphic: (i) A,Aβˆ—A,A^*; (ii) βˆ’A,βˆ’Aβˆ—-A,-A^*; (iii) Aβˆ—,AA^*,A; (iv) βˆ’Aβˆ—,βˆ’A-A^*,-A. We give a number of related results and conjectures.Comment: 20 page

    A duality between pairs of split decompositions for a Q-polynomial distance-regular graph

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    AbstractLet Ξ“ denote a Q-polynomial distance-regular graph with diameter Dβ‰₯3 and standard module V. Recently, Ito and Terwilliger introduced four direct sum decompositions of V; we call these the (ΞΌ,Ξ½)-split decompositions of V, where ΞΌ,ν∈{↓,↑}. In this paper we show that the (↓,↓)-split decomposition and the (↑,↑)-split decomposition are dual with respect to the standard Hermitian form on V. We also show that the (↓,↑)-split decomposition and the (↑,↓)-split decomposition are dual with respect to the standard Hermitian form on V