5 research outputs found

    A novel procedure for medial axis reconstruction of vessels from Medical Imaging segmentation

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    A procedure for reconstructing the central axis from diagnostic image processing is presented here, capable of solving the widespread problem of stepped shape effect that characterizes the most common algorithmic tools for processing the central axis for diagnostic imaging applications through the development of an algorithm correcting the spatial coordinates of each point belonging to the axis from the use of a common discrete image skeleton algorithm. The procedure is applied to the central axis traversing the vascular branch of the cerebral system, appropriately reconstructed from the processing of diagnostic images, using investigations of the local intensity values identified in adjacent voxels. The percentage intensity of the degree of adherence to a specific anatomical tissue acts as an attraction pole in the identification of the spatial center on which to place each point of the skeleton crossing the investigated anatomical structure. The results were shown in terms of the number of vessels identified overall compared to the original reference model. The procedure demonstrates high accuracy margin in the correction of the local coordinates of the central points that permits to allocate precise dimensional measurement of the anatomy under examination. The reconstruction of a central axis effectively centered in the region under examination represents a fundamental starting point in deducing, with a high margin of accuracy, key informations of a geometric and dimensional nature that favours the recognition of phenomena of shape alterations ascribable to the presence of clinical pathologies

    3D Visualization, Skeletonization and Branching Analysis of Blood Vessels in Angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessels growing from existing vasculature. Visualizing them as a three-dimensional (3D) model is a challenging, yet relevant, task as it would be of great help to researchers, pathologists, and medical doctors. A branching analysis on the 3D model would further facilitate research and diagnostic purposes. In this paper, a pipeline of vision algorithms is elaborated to visualize and analyze blood vessels in 3D from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) granulation tissue sections with two different staining methods. First, a U-net neural network is used to segment blood vessels from the tissues. Second, image registration is used to align the consecutive images. Coarse registration using an image-intensity optimization technique, followed by finetuning using a neural network based on Spatial Transformers, results in an excellent alignment of images. Lastly, the corresponding segmented masks depicting the blood vessels are aligned and interpolated using the results of the image registration, resulting in a visualized 3D model. Additionally, a skeletonization algorithm is used to analyze the branching characteristics of the 3D vascular model. In summary, computer vision and deep learning is used to reconstruct, visualize and analyze a 3D vascular model from a set of parallel tissue samples. Our technique opens innovative perspectives in the pathophysiological understanding of vascular morphogenesis under different pathophysiological conditions and its potential diagnostic role

    Development and evaluation of a digital tool for virtual reconstruction of historic Islamic geometric patterns

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    For the purpose of cultural heritage preservation, the task of recording and reconstructing visually complicated architectural geometrical patterns is facing many practical challenges. Existing traditional technologies rely heavily on the subjective nature of our perceptual power in understanding its complexity and depicting its color differences. This study explores one possible solution, through utilizing digital techniques for reconstructing detailed historical Islamic geometric patterns. Its main hypothesis is that digital techniques offer many advantages over the human eye in terms of recognizing subtle differences in light and color. The objective of the study is to design, test and evaluate an automatic visual tool for identifying deteriorated or incomplete archaeological Islamic geometrical patterns captured in digital images, and then restoring them digitally, for the purpose of producing accurate 2D reconstructed metric models. An experimental approach is used to develop, test and evaluate the specialized software. The goal of the experiment is to analyze the output reconstructed patterns for the purpose of evaluating the digital tool in respect to reliability and structural accuracy, from the point of view of the researcher in the context of historic preservation. The research encapsulates two approaches within its methodology; Qualitative approach is evident in the process of program design, algorithm selection, and evaluation. Quantitative approach is manifested through using mathematical knowledge of pattern generation to interpret available data and to simulate the rest based on it. The reconstruction process involves induction, deduction and analogy. The proposed method was proven to be successful in capturing the accurate structural geometry of the deteriorated straight-lines patterns generated based on the octagon-square basic grid. This research also concluded that it is possible to apply the same conceptual method to reconstruct all two-dimensional Islamic geometric patterns. Moreover, the same methodology can be applied to reconstruct many other pattern systems. The conceptual framework proposed by this study can serve as a platform for developing professional softwares related to historic documentation. Future research should be directed more towards developing artificial intelligence and pattern recognition techniques that have the ability to suplement human power in accomplishing difficult tasks

    Development and evaluation of a digital tool for virtual reconstruction of historic Islamic geometric patterns

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    For the purpose of cultural heritage preservation, the task of recording and reconstructing visually complicated architectural geometrical patterns is facing many practical challenges. Existing traditional technologies rely heavily on the subjective nature of our perceptual power in understanding its complexity and depicting its color differences. This study explores one possible solution, through utilizing digital techniques for reconstructing detailed historical Islamic geometric patterns. Its main hypothesis is that digital techniques offer many advantages over the human eye in terms of recognizing subtle differences in light and color. The objective of the study is to design, test and evaluate an automatic visual tool for identifying deteriorated or incomplete archaeological Islamic geometrical patterns captured in digital images, and then restoring them digitally, for the purpose of producing accurate 2D reconstructed metric models. An experimental approach is used to develop, test and evaluate the specialized software. The goal of the experiment is to analyze the output reconstructed patterns for the purpose of evaluating the digital tool in respect to reliability and structural accuracy, from the point of view of the researcher in the context of historic preservation. The research encapsulates two approaches within its methodology; Qualitative approach is evident in the process of program design, algorithm selection, and evaluation. Quantitative approach is manifested through using mathematical knowledge of pattern generation to interpret available data and to simulate the rest based on it. The reconstruction process involves induction, deduction and analogy. The proposed method was proven to be successful in capturing the accurate structural geometry of the deteriorated straight-lines patterns generated based on the octagon-square basic grid. This research also concluded that it is possible to apply the same conceptual method to reconstruct all two-dimensional Islamic geometric patterns. Moreover, the same methodology can be applied to reconstruct many other pattern systems. The conceptual framework proposed by this study can serve as a platform for developing professional softwares related to historic documentation. Future research should be directed more towards developing artificial intelligence and pattern recognition techniques that have the ability to suplement human power in accomplishing difficult tasks