98,588 research outputs found

    New Concepts in Particle Physics from Solution of an Old Problem

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    Recent ideas on modular localization in local quantum physics are used to clarify the relation between on- and off-shell quantities in particle physics; in particular the relation between on-shell crossing symmetry and off-shell Einstein causality. Among the collateral results of this new nonperturbative approach are profound relations between crossing symmetry of particle physics and Hawking-Unruh like thermal aspects (KMS property, entropy attached to horizons) of quantum matter behind causal horizons, aspects which hitherto were exclusively related with Killing horizons in curved spacetime rather than with localization aspects in Minkowski space particle physics. The scope of this modular framework is amazingly wide and ranges from providing a conceptual basis for the d=1+1 bootstrap-formfactor program for factorizable d=1+1 models to a decomposition theory of QFT's in terms of a finite collection of unitarily equivalent chiral conformal theories placed a specified relative position within a common Hilbert space (in d=1+1 a holographic relation and in higher dimensions more like a scanning). The new framework gives a spacetime interpretation to the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra and explains its thermal aspects.Comment: In this form it will appear in JPA Math Gen, 47 pages tcilate

    Dimension and Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity

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    If gravity is asymptotically safe, operators will exhibit anomalous scaling at the ultraviolet fixed point in a way that makes the theory effectively two-dimensional. A number of independent lines of evidence, based on different approaches to quantization, indicate a similar short-distance dimensional reduction. I will review the evidence for this behavior, emphasizing the physical question of what one means by `dimension' in a quantum spacetime, and will discuss possible mechanisms that could explain the universality of this phenomenon.Comment: For proceedings of the conference in honor of Martin Reuter: "Quantum Fields---From Fundamental Concepts to Phenomenological Questions"; 14 pages; based in part on my review article arXiv:1705.0541

    The String Tension in Gauge Theories

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    A review article on string tension concept and their relevance as non-perturbative quantity on the study of quark confinement in lattice gauge theories. A detailed description of a variety of methods to measure the string tension on the lattice and an indication of the most promising developments is proposed.Comment: Postscript file, 46 pages and 14 figure

    The AdS/QCD Correspondence: Still Undelivered

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    We consider the particle spectrum and event shapes in large N gauge theories in different regimes of the short-distance 't Hooft coupling, lambda. The mesons in the small lambda limit should have a Regge spectrum in order to agree with perturbation theory, while generically the large lambda theories with gravity duals produce spectra reminiscent of KK modes. We argue that these KK-like states are qualitatively different from QCD modes: they are deeply bound states which are sensitive to short distance interactions rather than the flux tube-like states expected in asymptotically free, confining gauge theories. In addition, we also find that the characteristic event shapes for the large lambda theories with gravity duals are close to spherical, very different from QCD-like (small lambda, small N) and Nambu-Goto-like (small lambda, large N) theories which have jets. This observation is in agreement with the conjecture of Strassler on event shapes in large 't Hooft coupling theories, which was recently proved by Hofman and Maldacena for the conformal case. This conclusion does not change even when considering soft-wall backgrounds in the gravity dual. The picture that emerges is the following: theories with small and large lambda are qualitatively different, while theories with small and large N are qualitatively similar. Thus it seems that it is the relative smallness of the 't Hooft coupling in QCD that prevents a reliable AdS/QCD correspondence from emerging, and that reproducing characteristic QCD-like behavior will require genuine stringy dynamics to be incorporated into any putative dual theory.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures; references added, minor changes, history clarifie

    Screening in Strongly Coupled Plasmas: Universal Properties from Strings in Curved Space

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    We use the gauge/gravity correspondence to study the screening of a heavy quark-antiquark pair in various strongly coupled plasmas. Besides N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and the corresponding AdS_5 space we also study theories obtained as deformations of AdS_5, among them in particular a class of deformations solving supergravity equations of motion. We consider the dependence of the screening distance on the velocity and the orientation of the pair in the plasma. The value of the screening distance in N=4 SYM is found to be a minimum in the class of theories under consideration for all kinematic parameters.Comment: 10 pages, Talk presented by C.E. at Gribov-80 Memorial Workshop, ICTP Trieste, Italy, May 201

    Infinite N phase transitions in continuum Wilson loop operators

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    We define smoothed Wilson loop operators on a four dimensional lattice and check numerically that they have a finite and nontrivial continuum limit. The continuum operators maintain their character as unitary matrices and undergo a phase transition at infinite N reflected by the eigenvalue distribution closing a gap in its spectrum when the defining smooth loop is dilated from a small size to a large one. If this large N phase transition belongs to a solvable universality class one might be able to calculate analytically the string tension in terms of the perturbative Lambda-parameter. This would be achieved by matching instanton results for small loops to the relevant large-N-universal function which, in turn, would be matched for large loops to an effective string theory. Similarities between our findings and known analytical results in two dimensional space-time indicate that the phase transitions we found only affect the eigenvalue distribution, but the traces of finite powers of the Wilson loop operators stay smooth under scaling.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, typos and references corrected, minor clarifications adde

    Dimension and Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity

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    A number of very different approaches to quantum gravity contain a common thread, a hint that spacetime at very short distances becomes effectively two dimensional. I review this evidence, starting with a discussion of the physical meaning of "dimension" and concluding with some speculative ideas of what dimensional reduction might mean for physics.Comment: 33 page draft of solicited review article -- comments and added references welcome; v2: many added references, minor clean-u
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