4 research outputs found

    Distance learning for aesthetic education - Informed professional development and life-long learning of student teachers

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    Β© 2018 ACM. The article analyses the possibilities of distance learning as a special, controlled and managed tool to achieve the set of the subject-oriented approach pedagogical objectives. Using of online learning allowed avoiding level conditional limitation of education and providing learning opportunities for students, regardless of their location, age, social affiliation. The methodological basis of the research is the subject-oriented approach making practice-oriented research tactics. The basic principles of the subject-oriented approach are the focus on self-education, self-actualization and creative self-realization of the individual. All learners studied with distance format which provided them a wide range of educational opportunities such as the variability of the course content, the free choice of the forms of individual and group training. In the process of conducting the study addressed the task activation of the subject in the process of individualization of learning content. A wide range of educational resources allows taking into account all the educational needs and creating individual development path. The introduction of distance learning format in the process of aesthetic education in the system of continuous education of the Kazan University has allowed to implement the basic principles of the subject-oriented approach, and on this basis may be considered a promising direction for further research in this area


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    Purpose of the study: The article deals with the problem of the readiness of future general education music teachers for creative self-actualization. The issue is regarded as an integral personality formation ensuring the achievement of creative self-actualization and including two interrelated components – professional readiness and personal readiness. Methodology: The research was carried out at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University, and based on the methods of observation, interviewing students and teachers, studying academic and methodical literature. Main Findings: The research showed the variability of the formation of the readiness for creative self-actualization, owing to a complex of subjective psychological and objective pedagogical factors, in particular, various types of pre-university training of students

    Pedagogical Conditions for the Creative Self-Actualization of Future Art Teachers

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    The article focuses on the analysis of the pedagogical conditions provided in Kazan Federal University for the creative self-actualization of the students completing an art teacher education programme. The research was based on the analysis of the educational process in Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of the University, review of academic and methodological literature, the working documents (principal educational programmes, curricula, the programmes and materials of the professional training disciplines, the reports on academic and educational work), observation, survey of teachers and students.1677-168

    Distance learning for aesthetic education - Informed professional development and life-long learning of student teachers

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    Β© 2018 ACM. The article analyses the possibilities of distance learning as a special, controlled and managed tool to achieve the set of the subject-oriented approach pedagogical objectives. Using of online learning allowed avoiding level conditional limitation of education and providing learning opportunities for students, regardless of their location, age, social affiliation. The methodological basis of the research is the subject-oriented approach making practice-oriented research tactics. The basic principles of the subject-oriented approach are the focus on self-education, self-actualization and creative self-realization of the individual. All learners studied with distance format which provided them a wide range of educational opportunities such as the variability of the course content, the free choice of the forms of individual and group training. In the process of conducting the study addressed the task activation of the subject in the process of individualization of learning content. A wide range of educational resources allows taking into account all the educational needs and creating individual development path. The introduction of distance learning format in the process of aesthetic education in the system of continuous education of the Kazan University has allowed to implement the basic principles of the subject-oriented approach, and on this basis may be considered a promising direction for further research in this area