7,262 research outputs found

    EASTWEB: building an integrated leading Euro-Asian higher education and research community in the field of the Semantic WEB

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    Based on the experience of the EC funded project EASTWEB, a project involving Universities from Italy (main partner), Austria, Ireland, Poland, China, India and Thailand, we describe a set of on going and planned collaboration activities. We highlight what we see the major advantages but also the difficulties in carrying out such a program

    Rockefeller Foundation 2010 Annual Report

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    Contains president's letter; 2010 program highlights, including support for Africa's green revolution, sustainable and equitable transportation policy, and healthy communities; grants list; financial report; and lists of trustees and staff

    Capacity Building In Information And Communication Management (ICM) Towards Food Security

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    This paper addresses capacity strengthening needs in the area of ICM to support food security initiatives. It fully acknowledges that FS is a state of assuring physical availability and economic accessibility to enough food in terms of quantity (amount, distribution, calories), quality (safe, nutritious, balanced) and cultural acceptability for all people at all times for a healthy and active life. It starts by outlining how ICM can support strategies to ensure availability, access, acceptability, adequacy, and agency and it highlights key information needs in each case. A FS Information and Communication Web is developed basing on a generic conceptual framework of determinants of food security. The web delineates information needs that would support strategies to ensure adequacy of food, stability of supply, and access – physical and economical. The paper then articulates capacity strengthening needs in line with the three dimensions or levels of food security: national, community and household. Four case studies: (i) Uganda’s ICT policy and Food Security (ii) Human Resources needs at community level drawing experiences from Africa and Asia (iii) HR Capacity Development Needs in Africa by the IMF (iv) Audio visual and farmer skills in Mali – serve to demonstrate grassroots ICM applications that support food security initiatives, and in each case it points to theme specific capacity strengthening needs. The studies, as a result, demonstrate how enhanced ICM capacity can support food security through: developing suitable ICT policies, empowering communities with ICM knowledge, improving development planning, enhancing agricultural productivity, supporting marketing systems, improving natural resources management and conservation, and through effective execution of early warning systems – all having implications for food security. The paper concludes by presenting a summary of capacity strengthening needs. These range from sensitization of regional and national policy makers, down to technical skills required by data collectors, analysts and information generators, knowledge disseminators and also knowledge users. To achieve the above the paper proposes roles that may be played by governments, NGOs, education sector, research and development institutions, regional and international organizations, and CTA.Capacity Building, Food Security, ICM, Tanzania

    Investing in People

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    Foundations have long created programs to provide grants to individuals—most often in the form of fellowships, scholarships, and prizes. Several of these programs have become so prominent that they are now institutions in and of themselves. Consider just a few examples: the Pulitzer Prize, Fulbright Program, and MacArthur "genius" awards. Governments, as well as foundations large and small, fund individual support programs.The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has generously allowed the authors of this report to examine its portfolio of individual support programs to explore what the authors believe are some of the strategic fundamentals underlying this type of programming that could be applied to future individual support grantmaking. The purpose of this study is to inform those interested in individual support programs about not only some of the strategy considerations underlying this type of grantmaking but what these programs can be expected to achieve—and under what circumstances.

    Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)

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    A network of scientists under the umbrella of 'Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)' seeks funding under the FP7-Theme: Cooperation - Environment (including Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation) programme of the European Commission.

    2006 LNO Annual Report to the Executive Board

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    This report summarizes activities and accomplishments of the LTER Network Office (LNO) during the period March 1, 2005 until February 28, 2006. Along with the survey of sites administered by the Executive Board, this document will be used to facilitate the annual review of LNO performance. - Presented to the LTER Excutive Boar

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - 2007 Annual Report: Building Bridges to Better Health Care

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    Contains president's message, year in review, program information, statistical highlights, distribution of funds, and grants list

    Digital Health in Canadian Schools of Nursing—Part B: Academic Nurse Administrators’ Perspectives

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    While much progress has been achieved in advancing nursing informatics capacity in Canada, more work is needed to keep pace with the 21st century technological revolution. Nursing programs and educators are at the forefront of this change, and are key to ensuring successful integration of digital health and informatics in nursing education and practice. In 2018, a mixed methods study was conducted including a survey of nursing school administrators and nurse educators, telephone interviews, and one focus group meeting. The purpose of this research was to understand the current state of digital health and informatics content integration in nursing curricula within Canadian Schools of Nursing. In this paper, we report on findings representing the academic nurse administrators’ perspectives; nurse educator findings have been published separately (AUTHOR, 2020). Administrator respondents represented fewer than a third of Canadian schools of nursing, however findings indicate an appreciation of the importance of including digital health and informatics content in undergraduate curricula. There is some awareness of both CASN’s entry to practice informatics competencies and other related resources. Findings also suggest a willingness to provide the support needed for nurse educators to effectively address curricular integration. There was some difference of opinion when comparing educator and administrator perspectives. Variation was most evident when considering progress achieved to date. Findings also suggest administrators play a key role in assisting educators in overcoming barriers and advancing their informatics capacity to teach core digital health content. Digital heath integration is largely incumbent upon the leadership within schools of nursing as they are ideally positioned to provide the necessary vision and support. Some recommended tactics to address curricular integration are provided. Bien que de nombreux progrès aient été réalisés au niveau des aptitudes des infirmières en informatique au Canada, il reste encore du travail à faire pour suivre le rythme de la révolution technologique du 21e siècle. Les programmes de formation en sciences infirmières et les infirmières enseignantes se trouvent au premier plan de ce changement et sont essentiels pour assurer une intégration réussie de la santé numérique et de l’informatique dans la formation et la pratique infirmières. En 2018, une étude à devis mixte a été menée, comprenant un sondage auprès des gestionnaires académiques d’écoles de sciences infirmières et des infirmières enseignantes, des entrevues téléphoniques et une rencontre de groupe de discussion. Le but de cette recherche était de comprendre l’état actuel de l’intégration du contenu de la santé numérique et de l’informatique dans les programmes de formation des écoles canadiennes de sciences infirmières. Dans cet article, nous rendons compte des résultats représentant les points de vue des infirmières gestionnaires universitaires; les résultats des infirmières enseignantes ont été publiés séparément (AUTEUR, 2020). Les gestionnaires académiques répondantes représentaient moins du tiers des écoles canadiennes de sciences infirmières. Par ailleurs les résultats indiquent que ces répondantes jugent important d’inclure du contenu traitant de la santé numérique et de l’informatique dans les programmes d’études de premier cycle. I Les compétences en informatique pour accéder à la pratique et d’autres ressources connexes de l’ACESI étaient connues jusqu’à un certain point. Les résultats suggèrent également une volonté de fournir le soutien nécessaire aux infirmières enseignantes pour une intégration efficace dans les programmes d’études. Les points de vue des enseignantes et des gestionnaires académiques varient; la divergence la plus évidente concerne les progrès réalisés à ce jour. Les résultats suggèrent également que les gestionnaires jouent un rôle clé en aidant les enseignantes à surmonter les obstacles et à faire progresser leur capacité informatique à enseigner le contenu essentiel sur la santé numérique. L’intégration de la santé numérique dans les programmes incombe en grande partie aux directions des écoles de sciences infirmières, car ces dernières sont très bien placées pour fournir la vision et le soutien nécessaires. Certaines stratégies recommandées pour aborder l’intégration dans les programmes d’études sont proposées