23 research outputs found

    Disentangling Factors of Variation with Cycle-Consistent Variational Auto-Encoders

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    Generative models that learn disentangled representations for different factors of variation in an image can be very useful for targeted data augmentation. By sampling from the disentangled latent subspace of interest, we can efficiently generate new data necessary for a particular task. Learning disentangled representations is a challenging problem, especially when certain factors of variation are difficult to label. In this paper, we introduce a novel architecture that disentangles the latent space into two complementary subspaces by using only weak supervision in form of pairwise similarity labels. Inspired by the recent success of cycle-consistent adversarial architectures, we use cycle-consistency in a variational auto-encoder framework. Our non-adversarial approach is in contrast with the recent works that combine adversarial training with auto-encoders to disentangle representations. We show compelling results of disentangled latent subspaces on three datasets and compare with recent works that leverage adversarial training

    It's LeVAsa not LevioSA! Latent Encodings for Valence-Arousal Structure Alignment

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    In recent years, great strides have been made in the field of affective computing. Several models have been developed to represent and quantify emotions. Two popular ones include (i) categorical models which represent emotions as discrete labels, and (ii) dimensional models which represent emotions in a Valence-Arousal (VA) circumplex domain. However, there is no standard for annotation mapping between the two labelling methods. We build a novel algorithm for mapping categorical and dimensional model labels using annotation transfer across affective facial image datasets. Further, we utilize the transferred annotations to learn rich and interpretable data representations using a variational autoencoder (VAE). We present "LeVAsa", a VAE model that learns implicit structure by aligning the latent space with the VA space. We evaluate the efficacy of LeVAsa by comparing performance with the Vanilla VAE using quantitative and qualitative analysis on two benchmark affective image datasets. Our results reveal that LeVAsa achieves high latent-circumplex alignment which leads to improved downstream categorical emotion prediction. The work also demonstrates the trade-off between degree of alignment and quality of reconstructions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and 3 table

    Automaton Distillation: Neuro-Symbolic Transfer Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful tool for finding optimal policies in sequential decision processes. However, deep RL methods suffer from two weaknesses: collecting the amount of agent experience required for practical RL problems is prohibitively expensive, and the learned policies exhibit poor generalization on tasks outside of the training distribution. To mitigate these issues, we introduce automaton distillation, a form of neuro-symbolic transfer learning in which Q-value estimates from a teacher are distilled into a low-dimensional representation in the form of an automaton. We then propose two methods for generating Q-value estimates: static transfer, which reasons over an abstract Markov Decision Process constructed based on prior knowledge, and dynamic transfer, where symbolic information is extracted from a teacher Deep Q-Network (DQN). The resulting Q-value estimates from either method are used to bootstrap learning in the target environment via a modified DQN loss function. We list several failure modes of existing automaton-based transfer methods and demonstrate that both static and dynamic automaton distillation decrease the time required to find optimal policies for various decision tasks