11 research outputs found

    Attentive Adversarial Learning for Domain-Invariant Training

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    Adversarial domain-invariant training (ADIT) proves to be effective in suppressing the effects of domain variability in acoustic modeling and has led to improved performance in automatic speech recognition (ASR). In ADIT, an auxiliary domain classifier takes in equally-weighted deep features from a deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model and is trained to improve their domain-invariance by optimizing an adversarial loss function. In this work, we propose an attentive ADIT (AADIT) in which we advance the domain classifier with an attention mechanism to automatically weight the input deep features according to their importance in domain classification. With this attentive re-weighting, AADIT can focus on the domain normalization of phonetic components that are more susceptible to domain variability and generates deep features with improved domain-invariance and senone-discriminativity over ADIT. Most importantly, the attention block serves only as an external component to the DNN acoustic model and is not involved in ASR, so AADIT can be used to improve the acoustic modeling with any DNN architectures. More generally, the same methodology can improve any adversarial learning system with an auxiliary discriminator. Evaluated on CHiME-3 dataset, the AADIT achieves 13.6% and 9.3% relative WER improvements, respectively, over a multi-conditional model and a strong ADIT baseline.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, ICASSP 201

    Empowering Communication: Speech Technology for Indian and Western Accents through AI-powered Speech Synthesis

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    Neural Text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis is a powerful technology that can generate speech using neural networks. One of the most remarkable features of TTS synthesis is its capability to produce speech in the voice of different speakers. This paper introduces voice cloning and speech synthesis https://pypi.org/project/voice-cloning/ an open-source python package for helping speech disorders to communicate more effectively as well as for professionals seeking to integrate voice cloning or speech synthesis capabilities into their projects. This package aims to generate synthetic speech that sounds like the natural voice of an individual, but it does not replace the natural human voice. The architecture of the system comprises a speaker verification system, a synthesizer, a vocoder, and noise reduction. Speaker verification system trained on a varied set of speakers to achieve optimal generalization performance without relying on transcriptions. Synthesizer is trained using both audio and transcriptions that generate Mel spectrogram from a text and vocoder which converts the generated Mel Spectrogram into corresponding audio signal. Then the audio signal is processed by a noise reduction algorithm to eliminate unwanted noise and enhance speech clarity. The performance of synthesized speech from seen and unseen speakers are then evaluated using subjective and objective evaluation such as Mean Opinion Score (MOS), Gross Pitch Error (GPE), and Spectral distortion (SD). The model can create speech in distinct voices by including speaker characteristics that are chosen randomly