18,835 research outputs found

    Active Discriminative Text Representation Learning

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    We propose a new active learning (AL) method for text classification with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In AL, one selects the instances to be manually labeled with the aim of maximizing model performance with minimal effort. Neural models capitalize on word embeddings as representations (features), tuning these to the task at hand. We argue that AL strategies for multi-layered neural models should focus on selecting instances that most affect the embedding space (i.e., induce discriminative word representations). This is in contrast to traditional AL approaches (e.g., entropy-based uncertainty sampling), which specify higher level objectives. We propose a simple approach for sentence classification that selects instances containing words whose embeddings are likely to be updated with the greatest magnitude, thereby rapidly learning discriminative, task-specific embeddings. We extend this approach to document classification by jointly considering: (1) the expected changes to the constituent word representations; and (2) the model's current overall uncertainty regarding the instance. The relative emphasis placed on these criteria is governed by a stochastic process that favors selecting instances likely to improve representations at the outset of learning, and then shifts toward general uncertainty sampling as AL progresses. Empirical results show that our method outperforms baseline AL approaches on both sentence and document classification tasks. We also show that, as expected, the method quickly learns discriminative word embeddings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on AL addressing neural models for text classification.Comment: This paper got accepted by AAAI 201

    A fine-grained approach to scene text script identification

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    This paper focuses on the problem of script identification in unconstrained scenarios. Script identification is an important prerequisite to recognition, and an indispensable condition for automatic text understanding systems designed for multi-language environments. Although widely studied for document images and handwritten documents, it remains an almost unexplored territory for scene text images. We detail a novel method for script identification in natural images that combines convolutional features and the Naive-Bayes Nearest Neighbor classifier. The proposed framework efficiently exploits the discriminative power of small stroke-parts, in a fine-grained classification framework. In addition, we propose a new public benchmark dataset for the evaluation of joint text detection and script identification in natural scenes. Experiments done in this new dataset demonstrate that the proposed method yields state of the art results, while it generalizes well to different datasets and variable number of scripts. The evidence provided shows that multi-lingual scene text recognition in the wild is a viable proposition. Source code of the proposed method is made available online

    Toward Optimal Feature Selection in Naive Bayes for Text Categorization

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    Automated feature selection is important for text categorization to reduce the feature size and to speed up the learning process of classifiers. In this paper, we present a novel and efficient feature selection framework based on the Information Theory, which aims to rank the features with their discriminative capacity for classification. We first revisit two information measures: Kullback-Leibler divergence and Jeffreys divergence for binary hypothesis testing, and analyze their asymptotic properties relating to type I and type II errors of a Bayesian classifier. We then introduce a new divergence measure, called Jeffreys-Multi-Hypothesis (JMH) divergence, to measure multi-distribution divergence for multi-class classification. Based on the JMH-divergence, we develop two efficient feature selection methods, termed maximum discrimination (MDMD) and MDχ2MD-\chi^2 methods, for text categorization. The promising results of extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.Comment: This paper has been submitted to the IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering. 14 pages, 5 figure

    FSMJ: Feature Selection with Maximum Jensen-Shannon Divergence for Text Categorization

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    In this paper, we present a new wrapper feature selection approach based on Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence, termed feature selection with maximum JS-divergence (FSMJ), for text categorization. Unlike most existing feature selection approaches, the proposed FSMJ approach is based on real-valued features which provide more information for discrimination than binary-valued features used in conventional approaches. We show that the FSMJ is a greedy approach and the JS-divergence monotonically increases when more features are selected. We conduct several experiments on real-life data sets, compared with the state-of-the-art feature selection approaches for text categorization. The superior performance of the proposed FSMJ approach demonstrates its effectiveness and further indicates its wide potential applications on data mining.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 201

    A new unsupervised feature selection method for text clustering based on genetic algorithms

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    Nowadays a vast amount of textual information is collected and stored in various databases around the world, including the Internet as the largest database of all. This rapidly increasing growth of published text means that even the most avid reader cannot hope to keep up with all the reading in a field and consequently the nuggets of insight or new knowledge are at risk of languishing undiscovered in the literature. Text mining offers a solution to this problem by replacing or supplementing the human reader with automatic systems undeterred by the text explosion. It involves analyzing a large collection of documents to discover previously unknown information. Text clustering is one of the most important areas in text mining, which includes text preprocessing, dimension reduction by selecting some terms (features) and finally clustering using selected terms. Feature selection appears to be the most important step in the process. Conventional unsupervised feature selection methods define a measure of the discriminating power of terms to select proper terms from corpus. However up to now the valuation of terms in groups has not been investigated in reported works. In this paper a new and robust unsupervised feature selection approach is proposed that evaluates terms in groups. In addition a new Modified Term Variance measuring method is proposed for evaluating groups of terms. Furthermore a genetic based algorithm is designed and implemented for finding the most valuable groups of terms based on the new measure. These terms then will be utilized to generate the final feature vector for the clustering process . In order to evaluate and justify our approach the proposed method and also a conventional term variance method are implemented and tested using corpus collection Reuters-21578. For a more accurate comparison, methods have been tested on three corpuses and for each corpus clustering task has been done ten times and results are averaged. Results of comparing these two methods are very promising and show that our method produces better average accuracy and F1-measure than the conventional term variance method

    Detecting real user tasks by training on laboratory contextual attention metadata

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    Detecting the current task of a user is essential for providing her with contextualized and personalized support, and using Contextual Attention Metadata (CAM) can help doing so. Some recent approaches propose to perform automatic user task detection by means of task classifiers using such metadata. In this paper, we show that good results can be achieved by training such classifiers offline on CAM gathered in laboratory settings. We also isolate a combination of metadata features that present a significantly better discriminative power than classical ones