18 research outputs found

    Discrete Lie Advection of Differential Forms

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    In this paper, we present a numerical technique for performing Lie advection of arbitrary differential forms. Leveraging advances in high-resolution finite volume methods for scalar hyperbolic conservation laws, we first discretize the interior product (also called contraction) through integrals over Eulerian approximations of extrusions. This, along with Cartan's homotopy formula and a discrete exterior derivative, can then be used to derive a discrete Lie derivative. The usefulness of this operator is demonstrated through the numerical advection of scalar fields and 1-forms on regular grids.Comment: Accepted version; to be published in J. FoC

    Structure-Preserving Discretization of Incompressible Fluids

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    The geometric nature of Euler fluids has been clearly identified and extensively studied over the years, culminating with Lagrangian and Hamiltonian descriptions of fluid dynamics where the configuration space is defined as the volume-preserving diffeomorphisms, and Kelvin's circulation theorem is viewed as a consequence of Noether's theorem associated with the particle relabeling symmetry of fluid mechanics. However computational approaches to fluid mechanics have been largely derived from a numerical-analytic point of view, and are rarely designed with structure preservation in mind, and often suffer from spurious numerical artifacts such as energy and circulation drift. In contrast, this paper geometrically derives discrete equations of motion for fluid dynamics from first principles in a purely Eulerian form. Our approach approximates the group of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms using a finite dimensional Lie group, and associated discrete Euler equations are derived from a variational principle with non-holonomic constraints. The resulting discrete equations of motion yield a structure-preserving time integrator with good long-term energy behavior and for which an exact discrete Kelvin's circulation theorem holds

    Variational discretizations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics in smooth regime using finite element exterior calculus

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    We propose a new class of finite element approximations to ideal compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations in smooth regime. Following variational approximations developed for fluid models in the last decade, our discretizations are built via a discrete variational principle mimicking the continuous Euler-Poincar\'e principle, and to further exploit the geometrical structure of the problem, vector fields are represented by their action as Lie derivatives on differential forms of any degree. The resulting semi-discrete approximations are shown to conserve the total mass, entropy and energy of the solutions for a wide class of finite element approximations. In addition, the divergence-free nature of the magnetic field is preserved in a pointwise sense and a time discretization is proposed, preserving those invariants and giving a reversible scheme at the fully discrete level. Numerical simulations are conducted to verify the accuracy of our approach and its ability to preserve the invariants for several test problems.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Deep Learning for Stable Monotone Dynamical Systems

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    Monotone systems, originating from real-world (e.g., biological or chemical) applications, are a class of dynamical systems that preserves a partial order of system states over time. In this work, we introduce a feedforward neural networks (FNNs)-based method to learn the dynamics of unknown stable nonlinear monotone systems. We propose the use of nonnegative neural networks and batch normalization, which in general enables the FNNs to capture the monotonicity conditions without reducing the expressiveness. To concurrently ensure stability during training, we adopt an alternating learning method to simultaneously learn the system dynamics and corresponding Lyapunov function, while exploiting monotonicity of the system.~The combination of the monotonicity and stability constraints ensures that the learned dynamics preserves both properties, while significantly reducing learning errors. Finally, our techniques are evaluated on two complex biological and chemical systems

    Geometric, Variational Discretization of Continuum Theories

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    This study derives geometric, variational discretizations of continuum theories arising in fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), and the dynamics of complex fluids. A central role in these discretizations is played by the geometric formulation of fluid dynamics, which views solutions to the governing equations for perfect fluid flow as geodesics on the group of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms of the fluid domain. Inspired by this framework, we construct a finite-dimensional approximation to the diffeomorphism group and its Lie algebra, thereby permitting a variational temporal discretization of geodesics on the spatially discretized diffeomorphism group. The extension to MHD and complex fluid flow is then made through an appeal to the theory of Euler-Poincar\'{e} systems with advection, which provides a generalization of the variational formulation of ideal fluid flow to fluids with one or more advected parameters. Upon deriving a family of structured integrators for these systems, we test their performance via a numerical implementation of the update schemes on a cartesian grid. Among the hallmarks of these new numerical methods are exact preservation of momenta arising from symmetries, automatic satisfaction of solenoidal constraints on vector fields, good long-term energy behavior, robustness with respect to the spatial and temporal resolution of the discretization, and applicability to irregular meshes