3 research outputs found

    Discrete gradient flows for general curvature energies

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    We consider the numerical approximation of the LL2^{2}–gradient flow of general curvature energies ∫\int GG(|ϰ⃗\vec\varkappa|) for a curve in R\mathbb{R}d^{d}, d ≄ 2. Here the curve can be either closed, or it can be open and clamped at the end points. These general curvature energies, and the considered boundary conditions, appear in the modelling of the power loss within an optical fibre. We present two alternative finite element approximations, both of which admit a discrete gradient flow structure. Apart from being stable, in addition, one of the methods satisfies an equidistribution property. Numerical results demonstrate the robustness and the accuracy of the proposed methods

    Discrete gradient flows for general curvature energies

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    We consider the numerical approximation of theL2–gradient flow of general curvatureenergies∫G(|~Îș|) for a curve inRd,d≄2. Here the curve can be either closed, or it can be open andclamped at the end points. These general curvature energies, and the considered boundary conditions,appear in the modelling of the power loss within an optical fibre. We present two alternative finiteelement approximations, both of which admit a discrete gradient flow structure. Apart from beingstable, in addition, one of the methods satisfies an equidistribution property. Numerical resultsdemonstrate the robustness and the accuracy of the proposedmethods

    Discrete Gradient Flows for General Curvature Energies

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