6,734 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Randomly Weighted Voronoi Diagrams

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    In this paper, we provide an O(npolylogn)O(n \mathrm{polylog} n) bound on the expected complexity of the randomly weighted Voronoi diagram of a set of nn sites in the plane, where the sites can be either points, interior-disjoint convex sets, or other more general objects. Here the randomness is on the weight of the sites, not their location. This compares favorably with the worst case complexity of these diagrams, which is quadratic. As a consequence we get an alternative proof to that of Agarwal etal [AHKS13] of the near linear complexity of the union of randomly expanded disjoint segments or convex sets (with an improved bound on the latter). The technique we develop is elegant and should be applicable to other problems

    Vesicle computers: Approximating Voronoi diagram on Voronoi automata

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    Irregular arrangements of vesicles filled with excitable and precipitating chemical systems are imitated by Voronoi automata --- finite-state machines defined on a planar Voronoi diagram. Every Voronoi cell takes four states: resting, excited, refractory and precipitate. A resting cell excites if it has at least one excited neighbour; the cell precipitates if a ratio of excited cells in its neighbourhood to its number of neighbours exceed certain threshold. To approximate a Voronoi diagram on Voronoi automata we project a planar set onto automaton lattice, thus cells corresponding to data-points are excited. Excitation waves propagate across the Voronoi automaton, interact with each other and form precipitate in result of the interaction. Configuration of precipitate represents edges of approximated Voronoi diagram. We discover relation between quality of Voronoi diagram approximation and precipitation threshold, and demonstrate feasibility of our model in approximation Voronoi diagram of arbitrary-shaped objects and a skeleton of a planar shape.Comment: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2011), in pres

    A Randomized Incremental Algorithm for the Hausdorff Voronoi Diagram of Non-crossing Clusters

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    In the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram of a family of \emph{clusters of points} in the plane, the distance between a point tt and a cluster PP is measured as the maximum distance between tt and any point in PP, and the diagram is defined in a nearest-neighbor sense for the input clusters. In this paper we consider %El."non-crossing" \emph{non-crossing} clusters in the plane, for which the combinatorial complexity of the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram is linear in the total number of points, nn, on the convex hulls of all clusters. We present a randomized incremental construction, based on point location, that computes this diagram in expected O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2{n}) time and expected O(n)O(n) space. Our techniques efficiently handle non-standard characteristics of generalized Voronoi diagrams, such as sites of non-constant complexity, sites that are not enclosed in their Voronoi regions, and empty Voronoi regions. The diagram finds direct applications in VLSI computer-aided design.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.583

    The Morse theory of \v{C}ech and Delaunay complexes

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    Given a finite set of points in Rn\mathbb R^n and a radius parameter, we study the \v{C}ech, Delaunay-\v{C}ech, Delaunay (or Alpha), and Wrap complexes in the light of generalized discrete Morse theory. Establishing the \v{C}ech and Delaunay complexes as sublevel sets of generalized discrete Morse functions, we prove that the four complexes are simple-homotopy equivalent by a sequence of simplicial collapses, which are explicitly described by a single discrete gradient field.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, improved expositio

    Dense point sets have sparse Delaunay triangulations

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    The spread of a finite set of points is the ratio between the longest and shortest pairwise distances. We prove that the Delaunay triangulation of any set of n points in R^3 with spread D has complexity O(D^3). This bound is tight in the worst case for all D = O(sqrt{n}). In particular, the Delaunay triangulation of any dense point set has linear complexity. We also generalize this upper bound to regular triangulations of k-ply systems of balls, unions of several dense point sets, and uniform samples of smooth surfaces. On the other hand, for any n and D=O(n), we construct a regular triangulation of complexity Omega(nD) whose n vertices have spread D.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures. Full version of SODA 2002 paper. Also available at http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/~jeffe/pubs/screw.htm