5 research outputs found

    On the distance-edge-monitoring numbers of graphs

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    Foucaud et al. [Discrete Appl. Math. 319 (2022), 424-438] recently introduced and initiated the study of a new graph-theoretic concept in the area of network monitoring. For a set MM of vertices and an edge ee of a graph GG, let P(M,e)P(M, e) be the set of pairs (x,y)(x, y) with a vertex xx of MM and a vertex yy of V(G)V(G) such that dG(x,y)≠dG−e(x,y)d_G(x, y)\neq d_{G-e}(x, y). For a vertex xx, let EM(x)EM(x) be the set of edges ee such that there exists a vertex vv in GG with (x,v)∈P({x},e)(x, v) \in P(\{x\}, e). A set MM of vertices of a graph GG is distance-edge-monitoring set if every edge ee of GG is monitored by some vertex of MM, that is, the set P(M,e)P(M, e) is nonempty. The distance-edge-monitoring number of a graph GG, denoted by dem(G)dem(G), is defined as the smallest size of distance-edge-monitoring sets of GG. The vertices of MM represent distance probes in a network modeled by GG; when the edge ee fails, the distance from xx to yy increases, and thus we are able to detect the failure. It turns out that not only we can detect it, but we can even correctly locate the failing edge. In this paper, we continue the study of \emph{distance-edge-monitoring sets}. In particular, we give upper and lower bounds of P(M,e)P(M,e), EM(x)EM(x), dem(G)dem(G), respectively, and extremal graphs attaining the bounds are characterized. We also characterize the graphs with dem(G)=3dem(G)=3

    Discovery of Network Properties with All-Shortest-Paths Queries

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    Discovery of network properties with all-shortest-paths queries

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    We consider the problem of discovering properties (such as the diameter) of an unknown network G(V,E) with a minimum number of queries. Initially, only the vertex set V of the network is known. Information about the edges and non-edges of the network can be obtained by querying nodes of the network. A query at a node q∈V returns the union of all shortest paths from q to all other nodes in V. We study the problem as an online problem - an algorithm does not initially know the edge set of the network, and has to decide where to make the next query based on the information that was gathered by previous queries. We study how many queries are needed to discover the diameter, a minimal dominating set, a maximal independent set, the minimum degree, and the maximum degree of the network. We also study the problem of deciding with a minimum number of queries whether the network is 2-edge or 2-vertex connected. We use the usual competitive analysis to evaluate the quality of online algorithms, i.e., we compare online algorithms with optimum offline algorithms. For all properties except maximal independent set and 2-vertex connectivity we present and analyze online algorithms. Furthermore we show, for all the aforementioned properties, that "many" queries are needed in the worst case. As our query model delivers more information about the network than the measurement heuristics that are currently used in practise, these negative results suggest that a similar behavior can be expected in realistic settings, or in more realistic models derived from the all-shortest-paths query model

    Discovery of network properties with all-shortest-paths queries

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    AbstractWe consider the problem of discovering properties (such as the diameter) of an unknown network G=(V,E) with a minimum number of queries. Initially, only the vertex set V of the network is known. Information about the edges and non-edges of the network can be obtained by querying nodes of the network. A query at a node q∈V returns the union of all shortest paths from q to all other nodes in V. We study the problem as an online problem–an algorithm does not initially know the edge set of the network, and has to decide where to make the next query based on the information that was gathered by previous queries. We study how many queries are needed to discover the diameter, a minimal dominating set, a maximal independent set, the minimum degree, and the maximum degree of the network. We also study the problem of deciding with a minimum number of queries whether the network is 2-edge or 2-vertex connected. We use the usual competitive analysis to evaluate the quality of online algorithms, i.e., we compare online algorithms with the optimum offline algorithms. For all properties except the maximal independent set, 2-vertex connectivity and minimum/maximum degree, we present and analyze online algorithms. Furthermore we show, for all the aforementioned properties, that “many” queries are needed in the worst case. As our query model delivers more information about the network than the measurement heuristics that are currently used in practice, these negative results suggest that a similar behavior can be expected in realistic settings, or in more realistic models derived from the all-shortest-paths query model