1,743 research outputs found

    In situ interactive teaching of trustworthy robotic assistants

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Presented at the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 7-10, 2007, Montréal.DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2007.4414025In this paper we discuss a method for transferring human knowledge to a robotic platform via teleoperation. The method combines unsupervised clustering and classification with interactive instruction to enable behavior capture in a transferable form. We discuss the approach in both simulation and robotic hardware platform to show the capability of the learning system. In this work we also present a definition and associated metric for trustworthiness, and relate this quantity to system performance. Improved performance and trustworthiness are motivations for our application of interactive learning, and we present results that indicate that these were indeed attained

    Virtual relationships: the dancer and the avatar

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    People might assume that dancing with a digital avatar would be a relatively distant, dehumanizing or disembodied process. However, in this article we propose that effective and creative choreographic practice can be achieved by working with a virtual representation of a dancer, and we offer two case studies to evidence the practical application of motion capture technology within this context. We observed that the virtual model quickly and naturally becomes an extension of the dancer's interiority and that a dynamic affective attunement between dancer and avatar spontaneously develops. We describe how the relationship between the physical and the virtual dancing body raises several practical, theoretical and even philosophical questions for choreographic approach, style and process. Building from Susanne Langer's (1953) germinal conception of the ‘virtual powers’ of dance, we articulate a practice-led research opportunity to critically reflect on conventional choreographic practices through the affordances of a specifically digital virtuality, in ways that can open out the kinds of affective, emotional and phenomenological frameworks within which creation occurs. The unique affordances of recent motion capture systems, offer naturalistic three-dimensional environments with an increased improvisational interactivity that simply cannot be achieved with video-based media

    Quality Diversity: Harnessing Evolution to Generate a Diversity of High-Performing Solutions

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    Evolution in nature has designed countless solutions to innumerable interconnected problems, giving birth to the impressive array of complex modern life observed today. Inspired by this success, the practice of evolutionary computation (EC) abstracts evolution artificially as a search operator to find solutions to problems of interest primarily through the adaptive mechanism of survival of the fittest, where stronger candidates are pursued at the expense of weaker ones until a solution of satisfying quality emerges. At the same time, research in open-ended evolution (OEE) draws different lessons from nature, seeking to identify and recreate processes that lead to the type of perpetual innovation and indefinitely increasing complexity observed in natural evolution. New algorithms in EC such as MAP-Elites and Novelty Search with Local Competition harness the toolkit of evolution for a related purpose: finding as many types of good solutions as possible (rather than merely the single best solution). With the field in its infancy, no empirical studies previously existed comparing these so-called quality diversity (QD) algorithms. This dissertation (1) contains the first extensive and methodical effort to compare different approaches to QD (including both existing published approaches as well as some new methods presented for the first time here) and to understand how they operate to help inform better approaches in the future. It also (2) introduces a new technique for encoding neural networks for evolution with indirect encoding that contain multiple sensory or output modalities. Further, it (3) explores the idea that QD can act as an engine of open-ended discovery by introducing an expressive platform called Voxelbuild where QD algorithms continually evolve robots that stack blocks in new ways. A culminating experiment (4) is presented that investigates evolution in Voxelbuild over a very long timescale. This research thus stands to advance the OEE community\u27s desire to create and understand open-ended systems while also laying the groundwork for QD to realize its potential within EC as a means to automatically generate an endless progression of new content in real-world applications

    Learning to reach and reaching to learn: a unified approach to path planning and reactive control through reinforcement learning

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    The next generation of intelligent robots will need to be able to plan reaches. Not just ballistic point to point reaches, but reaches around things such as the edge of a table, a nearby human, or any other known object in the robot’s workspace. Planning reaches may seem easy to us humans, because we do it so intuitively, but it has proven to be a challenging problem, which continues to limit the versatility of what robots can do today. In this document, I propose a novel intrinsically motivated RL system that draws on both Path/Motion Planning and Reactive Control. Through Reinforcement Learning, it tightly integrates these two previously disparate approaches to robotics. The RL system is evaluated on a task, which is as yet unsolved by roboticists in practice. That is to put the palm of the iCub humanoid robot on arbitrary target objects in its workspace, start- ing from arbitrary initial configurations. Such motions can be generated by planning, or searching the configuration space, but this typically results in some kind of trajectory, which must then be tracked by a separate controller, and such an approach offers a brit- tle runtime solution because it is inflexible. Purely reactive systems are robust to many problems that render a planned trajectory infeasible, but lacking the capacity to search, they tend to get stuck behind constraints, and therefore do not replace motion planners. The planner/controller proposed here is novel in that it deliberately plans reaches without the need to track trajectories. Instead, reaches are composed of sequences of reactive motion primitives, implemented by my Modular Behavioral Environment (MoBeE), which provides (fictitious) force control with reactive collision avoidance by way of a realtime kinematic/geometric model of the robot and its workspace. Thus, to the best of my knowledge, mine is the first reach planning approach to simultaneously offer the best of both the Path/Motion Planning and Reactive Control approaches. By controlling the real, physical robot directly, and feeling the influence of the con- straints imposed by MoBeE, the proposed system learns a stochastic model of the iCub’s configuration space. Then, the model is exploited as a multiple query path planner to find sensible pre-reach poses, from which to initiate reaching actions. Experiments show that the system can autonomously find practical reaches to target objects in workspace and offers excellent robustness to changes in the workspace configuration as well as noise in the robot’s sensory-motor apparatus

    Investigation on the mobile robot navigation in an unknown environment

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    Mobile robots could be used to search, find, and relocate objects in many types of manufacturing operations and environments. In this scenario, the target objects might reside with equal probability at any location in the environment and, therefore, the robot must navigate and search the whole area autonomously, and be equipped with specific sensors to detect objects. Novel challenges exist in developing a control system, which helps a mobile robot achieve such tasks, including constructing enhanced systems for navigation, and vision-based object recognition. The latter is important for undertaking the exploration task that requires an optimal object recognition technique. In this thesis, these challenges, for an indoor environment, were divided into three sub-problems. In the first, the navigation task involved discovering an appropriate exploration path for the entire environment, with minimal sensing requirements. The Bug algorithm strategies were adapted for modelling the environment and implementing the exploration path. The second was a visual-search process, which consisted of employing appropriate image-processing techniques, and choosing a suitable viewpoint field for the camera. This study placed more emphasis on colour segmentation, template matching and Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) for object detection. The third problem was the relocating process, which involved using a robot’s gripper to grasp the detected, desired object and then move it to the assigned, final location. This also included approaching both the target and the delivery site, using a visual tracking technique. All codes were developed using C++ and C programming, and some libraries that included OpenCV and OpenSURF were utilized for image processing. Each control system function was tested both separately, and then in combination as a whole control program. The system performance was evaluated using two types of mobile robots: legged and wheeled. In this study, it was necessary to develop a wheeled search robot with a high performance processor. The experimental results demonstrated that the methodology used for the search robots was highly efficient provided the processor was adequate. It was concluded that it is possible to implement a navigation system within a minimum number of sensors if they are located and used effectively on the robot’s body. The main challenge within a visual-search process is that the environmental conditions are difficult to control, because the search robot executes its tasks in dynamic environments. The additional challenges of scaling these small robots up to useful industrial capabilities were also explored

    Influencing robot learning through design and social interactions: a framework for balancing designer effort with active and explicit interactions

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    This thesis examines a balance between designer effort required in biasing a robot’s learn-ing of a task, and the effort required from an experienced agent in influencing the learning using social interactions, and the effect of this balance on learning performance. In order to characterise this balance, a two dimensional design space is identified, where the dimensions represent the effort from the designer, who abstracts the robot’s raw sensorimotor data accord-ing to the salient parts of the task to increasing degrees, and the effort from the experienced agent, who interacts with the learner robot using increasing degrees of complexities to actively accentuate the salient parts of the task and explicitly communicate about them. While the in-fluence from the designer must be imposed at design time, the influence from the experienced agent can be tailored during the social interactions because this agent is situated in the environ-ment while the robot is learning. The design space is proposed as a general characterisation of robotic systems that learn from social interactions. The usefulness of the design space is shown firstly by organising the related work into the space, secondly by providing empirical investigations of the effect of the various influences o
