588 research outputs found

    A visual analytics approach for passing strateggies analysis in soccer using geometric features

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    Passing strategies analysis has always been of interest for soccer research. Since the beginning of soccer, managers have used scouting, video footage, training drills and data feeds to collect information about tactics and player performance. However, the dynamic nature of passing strategies is complex enough to reflect what is happening in the game and makes it hard to understand its dynamics. Furthermore, there exists a growing demand for pattern detection and passing sequence analysis popularized by FC Barcelona’s tiki-taka. We propose an approach to abstract passing strategies and group them based on the geometry of the ball trajectory. To analyse passing sequences, we introduce a interactive visualization scheme to explore the frequency of usage, spatial location and time occurrence of the sequences. The frequency stripes visualization provide, an overview of passing groups frequency on three pitch regions: defense, middle, attack. A trajectory heatmap coordinated with a passing timeline allow, for the exploration of most recurrent passing shapes in temporal and spatial domains. Results show eight common ball trajectories for three-long passing sequences which depend on players positioning and on the angle of the pass. We demonstrate the potential of our approach with data from the Brazilian league under several case studies, and report feedback from a soccer expert.As estrategias de passes têm sido sempre de interesse para a pesquisa de futebol. Desde os inícios do futebol, os técnicos tem usado olheiros, gravações de vídeo, exercícios de treinamento e feeds de dados para coletar informações sobre as táticas e desempenho dos jogadores. No entanto, a natureza dinâmica das estratégias de passes são bastante complexas para refletir o que está acontecendo dentro do campo e torna difícil o entendimento do jogo. Além disso, existe uma demanda crecente pela deteção de padrões e analise de estrategias de passes popularizado pelo tiki-taka utilizado pelo FC. Barcelona. Neste trabalho, propomos uma abordagem para abstrair as sequências de pases e agrupálas baseadas na geometria da trajetória da bola. Para analizar as estratégias de passes, apresentamos um esquema de visualização interátiva para explorar a frequência de uso, a localização espacial e ocorrência temporal das sequências. A visualização Frequency Stripes fornece uma visão geral da frequencia dos grupos achados em tres regiões do campo: defesa, meio e ataque. O heatmap de trajetórias coordenado com a timeline de passes permite a exploração das formas mais recorrentes no espaço e tempo. Os resultados demostram oito trajetórias comunes da bola para sequências de três pases as quais dependem da posição dos jogadores e os ângulos de passe. Demonstramos o potencial da nossa abordagem com utilizando dados de várias partidas do Campeonato Brasileiro sob diferentes casos de estudo, e reportamos os comentários de especialistas em futebol

    Fine-Grained Retrieval of Sports Plays using Tree-Based Alignment of Trajectories

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    We propose a novel method for effective retrieval of multi-agent spatiotemporal tracking data. Retrieval of spatiotemporal tracking data offers several unique challenges compared to conventional text-based retrieval settings. Most notably, the data is fine-grained meaning that the specific location of agents is important in describing behavior. Additionally, the data often contains tracks of multiple agents (e.g., multiple players in a sports game), which generally leads to a permutational alignment problem when performing relevance estimation. Due to the frequent position swap of agents, it is difficult to maintain the correspondence of agents, and such issues make the pairwise comparison problematic for multi-agent spatiotemporal data. To address this issue, we propose a tree-based method to estimate the relevance between multi-agent spatiotemporal tracks. It uses a hierarchical structure to perform multi-agent data alignment and partitioning in a coarse-to-fine fashion. We validate our approach via user studies with domain experts. Our results show that our method boosts performance in retrieving similar sports plays -- especially in interactive situations where the user selects a subset of trajectories compared to current state-of-the-art methods
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