4,959 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Association Rule Mining based Model to Predict Students’ Performance

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    The major intention of higher education institutions is to supply quality education to its students. One approach to get maximum level of quality in higher education system is by discovering knowledge for prediction regarding the internal assessment and end semester examination. The projected work intends to approach this objective by taking the advantage of fuzzy inference technique to classify student scores data according to the level of their performance. In this paper, student’s performance is evaluated using fuzzy association rule mining that describes Prediction of performance of the students at the end of the semester, on the basis of previous database like Attendance, Midsem Marks, Previous semester marks and Previous Academic Records were collected from the student’s previous database, to identify those students which needed individual attention to decrease fail ration and taking suitable action for the next semester examination

    Visual analysis of discrimination in machine learning

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    The growing use of automated decision-making in critical applications, such as crime prediction and college admission, has raised questions about fairness in machine learning. How can we decide whether different treatments are reasonable or discriminatory? In this paper, we investigate discrimination in machine learning from a visual analytics perspective and propose an interactive visualization tool, DiscriLens, to support a more comprehensive analysis. To reveal detailed information on algorithmic discrimination, DiscriLens identifies a collection of potentially discriminatory itemsets based on causal modeling and classification rules mining. By combining an extended Euler diagram with a matrix-based visualization, we develop a novel set visualization to facilitate the exploration and interpretation of discriminatory itemsets. A user study shows that users can interpret the visually encoded information in DiscriLens quickly and accurately. Use cases demonstrate that DiscriLens provides informative guidance in understanding and reducing algorithmic discrimination

    Determinação das regras de associação de variáveis de tempo ponderadas baseadas em utilidades mediante a aplicação de uma árvore de padrões frequentes

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    Introduction: The present research was conducted at Birla Institute of Technology, off Campus in Noida, India, in 2017. Methods: To assess the efficiency of the proposed approach for information mining a method and an algorithm were proposed for mining time-variant weighted, utility-based association rules using fp-tree. Results: A method is suggested to find association rules on time-oriented frequency-weighted, utility-based data, employing a hierarchy for pulling-out item-sets and establish their association. Conclusions: The dimensions adopted while developing the approach compressed a large time-variant dataset to a smaller data structure at the same time fp-tree was kept away from the repetitive dataset, which finally gave us a noteworthy advantage in articulations of time and memory use. Originality: In the current period, high utility recurrent-pattern pulling-out is one of the mainly noteworthy study areas in time-variant information mining due to its capability to account for the frequency rate of item-sets and assorted utility rates of every item-set. This research contributes to maintain it at a corresponding level, which ensures to avoid generating a big amount of candidate-sets, which ensures further development of less execution time and search spaces. Limitations: The research results demonstrated that the projected approach was efficient on tested datasets with pre-defined weight and utility calculations.Introducción: la presente investigación se realizó en el Birla Institute of Technology, fuera del campus en Noida, India, en 2017. Métodos: para evaluar la eficacia del enfoque propuesto para la minería de información, se propusieron un método y un algoritmo para minar las reglas de asociación basadas en la utilidad ponderada en el tiempo usando un árbol de patrones frecuentes (fp). Resultados: se sugiere un método para encontrar reglas de asociación en datos basados en la utilidad ponderada en frecuencia orientada al tiempo, que emplea una jerarquía para extraer conjuntos de elementos y establecer su asociación. Conclusiones: las dimensiones adoptadas al desarrollar el enfoque comprimieron un gran conjunto de datos de variante de tiempo hasta alcanzar una estructura de datos más pequeña. A su vez, el árbol fp se mantuvo alejado del conjunto de datos repetitivos, lo que finalmente generó una ventaja considerable en tiempo y uso de memoria. Originalidad: en la actualidad, la extracción de patrones recurrentes de alta utilidad es una de las áreas de estudio más desarrollada en la minería de información con respecto a la variable temporal debido a su capacidad de dar cuenta de la frecuencia de los conjuntos de elementos y las tasas de servicios varios de cada conjunto de elementos. Esta investigación contribuye a mantener el estudio sobre el tema a un buen nivel, lo que permite evitar generar una gran cantidad de conjuntos posibles, y por ende garantiza mayor desarrollo en menores tiempos de ejecución y espacios de búsqueda. Limitaciones: Los resultados de la investigación demostraron que la aproximación fue eficiente en conjuntos de datos probados con cálculos predefinidos de peso y utilidad.Introdução: esta pesquisa foi realizada no Instituto Birla de Tecnologia e Ciência, fora do campus, em Noida, na Índia, em 2017. Métodos: para avaliar a eficácia do enfoque proposto para mineração de informação, foram propostos um método e um algoritmo para minerar as regras de associação baseadas na utilidade ponderada no tempo usando uma árvore de padrões frequentes (fp).Resultados: é recomendado um método para encontrar regras de associação nos dados baseados na utilidade ponderada em frequência orientada ao tempo, que emprega uma hierarquia para extrair conjuntos de elementos e estabelecer a associação entre eles.Conclusões: as dimensões utilizadas ao desenvolver o enfoque comprimiram um grande conjunto de dados de variante de tempo até alcançar uma estrutura de dados menor, enquanto isso, a árvore fp se manteve distante do conjunto de dados repetitivos, o que finalmente gerou uma vantagem considerável em tempo e uso de memória.Originalidade: na atualidade, a extração de padrões recorrentes de alta utilidade é uma das áreas de estudo mais desenvolvidas na mineração de informação com respeito à variável temporal, devido a sua capacidade de dar conta da frequência dos conjuntos de elementos e das taxas de serviços vários de cada conjunto de elementos. Esta pesquisa ajuda a manter o estudo desse tema em um nível avançado, o que garante evitar gerar uma grande quantidade de conjuntos possíveis e, dessa forma, um maior desenvolvimento em um menor tempo de execução e espaço de busca.Limitações: os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que a aproximação foi eficiente em conjuntos de dados provados com cálculos predefinidos de peso e utilidade

    Identifying key factors of student academic performance by subgroup discovery

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    Published online: 21 June 2018Identifying the factors that influence student academic performance is essential to provide timely and effective support interventions. The data collected during enrolment and after commencement into a course provide an important source of information to assist with identifying potential risk indicators associated with poor academic performance and attrition. Both predictive and descriptive data mining techniques have been applied on educational data to discover the significant reasons behind student performance. These techniques have their own advantages and limitations. For example, predictive techniques tend to maximise accuracy for correctly classifying students, while the descriptive techniques simply search for interesting student features without considering their academic outcome. Subgroup discovery is a data mining method which takes the advantages of both predictive and descriptive approaches. This study uses subgroup discovery to extract significant factors of student performance for a certain outcome (Pass or Fail). In thiswork, we have utilised student demographic and academic data recorded at enrolment, aswell as course assessment and participation data retrieved from the institution’s learning management system (Moodle) to detect the factors affecting student performance. The results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the subgroup discovery method in general in identifying the factors, and the pros and cons of some popular subgroup discovery algorithms used in this research. From the experiments, it has been found that students, who have indigent socio-economic background or been admitted based on special entry requirement, are most likely to fail. The experiments on Moodle data have revealed that students having lower level of access to the course resources and forum have higher possibility of being unsuccessful. From the combined data, we have identified some interesting subgroups which are not detected using enrolment or Moodle data separately. It has been found that those students, who study off-campus or part-time and have a low level of contributions to the course learning activities, are more likely to be the low-performing students.Sumyea Helal, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu, Esmaeil Ebrahimie, Shane Dawson, Duncan J. Murra