3 research outputs found

    Bilimsel Elektronik Dergilerin Kullanımı: Türk Kütüphaneciliği Dergisinin İşlem Günlüğü Analizi

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    The purpose of this study was to conduct a transactional log analysis on Turkish Librarianship (TL) journal’s web site. For this purpose, more than 165.000 visitors’ transaction data within three years (between July, 2010 and July, 2013) was obtained from Google Analytics and analyzed. The main findings showed that TL was a local journal. In addition to library and information science topics, general public and interdisciplinary topics were attracting more visitors. Visitors significantly preferredto download full-text documents rather than to display metadata.Bu çalışmanın amacı Türk Kütüphaneciliği dergisi (TK) web sitesinin işlem günlüğü analizini yapmaktır. Bu amaçla, 165.000›den fazla ziyaretçinin üç yıl içindeki (Temmuz 2010-Temmuz 2013) işlem verisi Google Analytics›den elde edilerek analiz edilmiştir. Ana bulgular, TK’nın yerel bir dergi olduğunugöstermiştir. Kütüphane ve bilgi bilim konularına ek olarak, genel ve disiplinlerarası konular daha fazla ziyaretçi çekmiştir. Ziyaretçiler yayınların üstverisini görüntülemekten çok, anlamlı olarak yayınları indirmeyi tercih etmiştir

    Discovering Functional Requirements and Usability Problems for a Mobile Tourism Guide through Context-Based Log Analysis

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    The actual usefulness, adoption and success of a mobile information system much depends on the appropriate design of the available functionalities and of the interaction interface. A thorough elicitation of functional requirements carried out during the system design phase is certainly essential, though it is often difficult to identify and analyze in advance all possible use-scenarios. This paper describes an evaluation method to discover additional functional requirements and usability problems through the context-based analysis of session logs. The method has been applied to evaluate a mobile tourism support system in ecological conditions to understand non-biased, free usage. The results provide evidence to the impact of contextual conditions over users’ interaction behaviour and informational needs. Some general design guidelines have been derived for functionalities and forms of adaptivity to be integrated in mobile services for the tourism sector