2 research outputs found

    Development of a separable search-and-rescue robot composed of a mobile robot and a snake robot

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    In this study, we propose a new robot system consisting of a mobile robot and a snake robot. The system works not only as a mobile manipulator but also as a multi-agent system by using the snake robot's ability to separate from the mobile robot. Initially, the snake robot is mounted on the mobile robot in the carrying mode. When an operator uses the snake robot as a manipulator, the robot changes to the manipulator mode. The operator can detach the snake robot from the mobile robot and command the snake robot to conduct lateral rolling motions. In this paper, we present the details of our robot and its performance in the World Robot Summit

    人工知能研究における工学と社会学との融合の可能性と課題- 研究開発と社会的期待との関係に対する一考察 -

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    本研究は, 人工知能研究における工学研究と社会学研究の融合の可能性, 及び課題を検討するものである.具体的には, 人工知能に関わる技術を起点とした研究開発の実態を社会的期待が凌駕しているのではないか, という点について新聞記事から分析する. すると, 工学研究と受容社会との間では, 溝が生じているというよりも, 利用者側が研究に対する理解を進め始めていることが示唆された. こうした社会の実態把握及びステイクホルダーを巻き込んだ人工知能研究を行うには, 工学と社会学の学際研究や学術外までをも巻き込んだ超学際研究の可能性についても言及する.This study examines the possibilities and challenges of integrating engineering and sociology in artificial intelligence(AI) research. We review the current AI boom in terms of R&D and social expectations, and then analyze newspaper articles to see if social expectations are outweighing the reality of R&D. The results suggest that the users are trying to deepen their understanding of the research, rather than widening the gap between engineering research and society. In order to understand the reality of the society and to carry out artificial intelligence research with stakeholders, we discuss the possibilities of inter-disciplinary r