3,341 research outputs found

    Least squares DOA estimation with an informed phase unwrapping and full bandwidth robustness

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    The weighted least-squares (WLS) direction-of-arrival estimator that minimizes an error based on interchannel phase differences is both computationally simple and flexible. However, the approach has several limitations, including an inability to cope with spatial aliasing and a sensitivity to phase wrapping. The recently proposed phase wrapping robust (PWR)-WLS estimator addresses the latter of these issues, but requires solving a nonconvex optimization problem. In this contribution, we focus on both of the described shortcomings. First, a conceptually simpler alternative to PWR is presented that performs comparably given a good initial estimate. This newly proposed method relies on an unwrapping of the phase differences vector. Secondly, it is demonstrated that all microphone pairs can be utilized at all frequencies with both estimators. When incorporating information from other frequency bins, this permits a localization above the spatial aliasing frequency of the array. Experimental results show that a considerable performance improvement is possible, particularly for arrays with a large microphone spacing

    Spherical microphone array acoustic rake receivers

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    Several signal independent acoustic rake receivers are proposed for speech dereverberation using spherical microphone arrays. The proposed rake designs take advantage of multipaths, by separately capturing and combining early reflections with the direct path. We investigate several approaches in combining reflections with the direct path source signal, including the development of beam patterns that point nulls at all preceding reflections. The proposed designs are tested in experimental simulations and their dereverberation performances evaluated using objective measures. For the tested configuration, the proposed designs achieve higher levels of dereverberation compared to conventional signal independent beamforming systems; achieving up to 3.6 dB improvement in the direct-to-reverberant ratio over the plane-wave decomposition beamformer

    On the effect of SNR and superdirective beamforming in speaker diarisation in meetings

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    This paper examines the effect of sensor performance on speaker diarisation in meetings and investigates the use of more advanced beamforming techniques, beyond the typically employed delay-sum beamformer, for mitigating the effects of poorer sensor performance. We present superdirective beamforming and investigate how different time difference of arrival (TDOA) smoothing and beamforming techniques influence the performance of state-of-the-art diarisation systems. We produced and transcribed a new corpus of meetings recorded in the instrumented meeting room using a high SNR analogue and a newly developed low SNR digital MEMS microphone array (DMMA.2). This research demonstrates that TDOA smoothing has a significant effect on the diarisation error rate and that simple noise reduction and beamforming schemes suffice to overcome audio signal degradation due to the lower SNR of modern MEMS microphones. Index Terms — Speaker diarisation in meetings, digital MEMS microphone array, time difference of arrival (TDOA), superdirective beamforming 1