2 research outputs found

    E-business security strategies for SMEs

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    The major barriers to the Implementation of electronic commerce by businesses globally arc well understood. These comprise security and pnvacy issues, the lack of established regulations governing commercial behaviour and liability, and the lack of universally accepted standards. In this article. we focus on the security concerns of Australian SMEs. Medium, and especially small, enterprises are hindered in the implementation of communications security technology by a lack of expertize and a poor understandmg of the services and resources available to them. As a response to this situation, we examme the facilities avallable to Australian SMEs which help them to make reasonable e- secunty decisions as part of an overall e-busmess strategy. We demonstrate that there are sufficient resources at appropnate levels of availability to enable small and medium Australian enterprises to implement communicatlons security effectively.<br /

    Directing policy-making beyond the Net's metaphor

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