196,016 research outputs found

    Tensor Spectral Clustering for Partitioning Higher-order Network Structures

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    Spectral graph theory-based methods represent an important class of tools for studying the structure of networks. Spectral methods are based on a first-order Markov chain derived from a random walk on the graph and thus they cannot take advantage of important higher-order network substructures such as triangles, cycles, and feed-forward loops. Here we propose a Tensor Spectral Clustering (TSC) algorithm that allows for modeling higher-order network structures in a graph partitioning framework. Our TSC algorithm allows the user to specify which higher-order network structures (cycles, feed-forward loops, etc.) should be preserved by the network clustering. Higher-order network structures of interest are represented using a tensor, which we then partition by developing a multilinear spectral method. Our framework can be applied to discovering layered flows in networks as well as graph anomaly detection, which we illustrate on synthetic networks. In directed networks, a higher-order structure of particular interest is the directed 3-cycle, which captures feedback loops in networks. We demonstrate that our TSC algorithm produces large partitions that cut fewer directed 3-cycles than standard spectral clustering algorithms.Comment: SDM 201

    Directed Network Laplacians and Random Graph Models

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    We consider spectral methods that uncover hidden structures in directed networks. We develop a general framework that allows us to associate methods based on optimization formulations with maximum likelihood problems on random graphs. We focus on two existing spectral approaches that build and analyse Laplacian-style matrices via the minimization of frustration and trophic incoherence. These algorithms aim to reveal directed periodic and linear hierarchies, respectively. We show that reordering nodes using the two algorithms, or mapping them onto a specified lattice, is associated with new classes of directed random graph models. Using this random graph setting, we are able to compare the two algorithms on a given network and quantify which structure is more likely to be present. We illustrate the approach on synthetic and real networks, and discuss practical implementation issues

    The Galois Complexity of Graph Drawing: Why Numerical Solutions are Ubiquitous for Force-Directed, Spectral, and Circle Packing Drawings

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    Many well-known graph drawing techniques, including force directed drawings, spectral graph layouts, multidimensional scaling, and circle packings, have algebraic formulations. However, practical methods for producing such drawings ubiquitously use iterative numerical approximations rather than constructing and then solving algebraic expressions representing their exact solutions. To explain this phenomenon, we use Galois theory to show that many variants of these problems have solutions that cannot be expressed by nested radicals or nested roots of low-degree polynomials. Hence, such solutions cannot be computed exactly even in extended computational models that include such operations.Comment: Graph Drawing 201

    Isolated effective coherence (iCoh): causal information flow excluding indirect paths

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    A problem of great interest in real world systems, where multiple time series measurements are available, is the estimation of the intra-system causal relations. For instance, electric cortical signals are used for studying functional connectivity between brain areas, their directionality, the direct or indirect nature of the connections, and the spectral characteristics (e.g. which oscillations are preferentially transmitted). The earliest spectral measure of causality was Akaike's (1968) seminal work on the noise contribution ratio, reflecting direct and indirect connections. Later, a major breakthrough was the partial directed coherence of Baccala and Sameshima (2001) for direct connections. The simple aim of this study consists of two parts: (1) To expose a major problem with the partial directed coherence, where it is shown that it is affected by irrelevant connections to such an extent that it can misrepresent the frequency response, thus defeating the main purpose for which the measure was developed, and (2) To provide a solution to this problem, namely the "isolated effective coherence", which consists of estimating the partial coherence under a multivariate auto-regressive model, followed by setting all irrelevant associations to zero, other than the particular directional association of interest. Simple, realistic, toy examples illustrate the severity of the problem with the partial directed coherence, and the solution achieved by the isolated effective coherence. For the sake of reproducible research, the software code implementing the methods discussed here (using lazarus free-pascal "www.lazarus.freepascal.org"), including the test data as text files, are freely available at: https://sites.google.com/site/pascualmarqui/home/icoh-isolated-effective-coherenceComment: 2014-02-21 pre-print, technical report, KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research, University of Zurich, et a
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