718 research outputs found

    Direct Speech Reconstruction From Articulatory Sensor Data by Machine Learning

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    This paper describes a technique that generates speech acoustics from articulator movements. Our motivation is to help people who can no longer speak following laryngectomy, a procedure that is carried out tens of thousands of times per year in the Western world. Our method for sensing articulator movement, permanent magnetic articulography, relies on small, unobtrusive magnets attached to the lips and tongue. Changes in magnetic field caused by magnet movements are sensed and form the input to a process that is trained to estimate speech acoustics. In the experiments reported here this “Direct Synthesis” technique is developed for normal speakers, with glued-on magnets, allowing us to train with parallel sensor and acoustic data. We describe three machine learning techniques for this task, based on Gaussian mixture models, deep neural networks, and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We evaluate our techniques with objective acoustic distortion measures and subjective listening tests over spoken sentences read from novels (the CMU Arctic corpus). Our results show that the best performing technique is a bidirectional RNN (BiRNN), which employs both past and future contexts to predict the acoustics from the sensor data. BiRNNs are not suitable for synthesis in real time but fixed-lag RNNs give similar results and, because they only look a little way into the future, overcome this problem. Listening tests show that the speech produced by this method has a natural quality that preserves the identity of the speaker. Furthermore, we obtain up to 92% intelligibility on the challenging CMU Arctic material. To our knowledge, these are the best results obtained for a silent-speech system without a restricted vocabulary and with an unobtrusive device that delivers audio in close to real time. This work promises to lead to a technology that truly will give people whose larynx has been removed their voices back

    A silent speech system based on permanent magnet articulography and direct synthesis

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    In this paper we present a silent speech interface (SSI) system aimed at restoring speech communication for individuals who have lost their voice due to laryngectomy or diseases affecting the vocal folds. In the proposed system, articulatory data captured from the lips and tongue using permanent magnet articulography (PMA) are converted into audible speech using a speaker-dependent transformation learned from simultaneous recordings of PMA and audio signals acquired before laryngectomy. The transformation is represented using a mixture of factor analysers, which is a generative model that allows us to efficiently model non-linear behaviour and perform dimensionality reduction at the same time. The learned transformation is then deployed during normal usage of the SSI to restore the acoustic speech signal associated with the captured PMA data. The proposed system is evaluated using objective quality measures and listening tests on two databases containing PMA and audio recordings for normal speakers. Results show that it is possible to reconstruct speech from articulator movements captured by an unobtrusive technique without an intermediate recognition step. The SSI is capable of producing speech of sufficient intelligibility and naturalness that the speaker is clearly identifiable, but problems remain in scaling up the process to function consistently for phonetically rich vocabularies

    Parallel Reference Speaker Weighting for Kinematic-Independent Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion

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    Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion, the estimation of articulatory kinematics from an acoustic waveform, is a challenging but important problem. Accurate estimation of articulatory movements has the potential for significant impact on our understanding of speech production, on our capacity to assess and treat pathologies in a clinical setting, and on speech technologies such as computer aided pronunciation assessment and audio-video synthesis. However, because of the complex and speaker-specific relationship between articulation and acoustics, existing approaches for inversion do not generalize well across speakers. As acquiring speaker-specific kinematic data for training is not feasible in many practical applications, this remains an important and open problem. This paper proposes a novel approach to acoustic-to-articulatory inversion, Parallel Reference Speaker Weighting (PRSW), which requires no kinematic data for the target speaker and a small amount of acoustic adaptation data. PRSW hypothesizes that acoustic and kinematic similarities are correlated and uses speaker-adapted articulatory models derived from acoustically derived weights. The system was assessed using a 20-speaker data set of synchronous acoustic and Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) kinematic data. Results demonstrate that by restricting the reference group to a subset consisting of speakers with strong individual speaker-dependent inversion performance, the PRSW method is able to attain kinematic-independent acoustic-to-articulatory inversion performance nearly matching that of the speaker-dependent model, with an average correlation of 0.62 versus 0.63. This indicates that given a sufficiently complete and appropriately selected reference speaker set for adaptation, it is possible to create effective articulatory models without kinematic training data

    Towards Automatic Speech Identification from Vocal Tract Shape Dynamics in Real-time MRI

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    Vocal tract configurations play a vital role in generating distinguishable speech sounds, by modulating the airflow and creating different resonant cavities in speech production. They contain abundant information that can be utilized to better understand the underlying speech production mechanism. As a step towards automatic mapping of vocal tract shape geometry to acoustics, this paper employs effective video action recognition techniques, like Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks (LRCN) models, to identify different vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) sequences from dynamic shaping of the vocal tract. Such a model typically combines a CNN based deep hierarchical visual feature extractor with Recurrent Networks, that ideally makes the network spatio-temporally deep enough to learn the sequential dynamics of a short video clip for video classification tasks. We use a database consisting of 2D real-time MRI of vocal tract shaping during VCV utterances by 17 speakers. The comparative performances of this class of algorithms under various parameter settings and for various classification tasks are discussed. Interestingly, the results show a marked difference in the model performance in the context of speech classification with respect to generic sequence or video classification tasks.Comment: To appear in the INTERSPEECH 2018 Proceeding

    Restoring speech following total removal of the larynx by a learned transformation from sensor data to acoustics

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    Total removal of the larynx may be required to treat laryngeal cancer: speech is lost. This article shows that it may be possible to restore speech by sensing movement of the remaining speech articulators and use machine learning algorithms to derive a transformation to convert this sensor data into an acoustic signal. The resulting “silent speech,” which may be delivered in real time, is intelligible and sounds natural. The identity of the speaker is recognisable. The sensing technique involves attaching small, unobtrusive magnets to the lips and tongue and monitoring changes in the magnetic field induced by their movement

    Restoring Speech Following Total Removal of the Larynx

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    By speech articulator movement and training a transformation to audio we can restore the power of speech to someone who has lost their larynx. We sense changes in magnetic field caused by movements of small magnets attached to the lips and tongue. The sensor transformation uses recurrent neural networks