10 research outputs found

    On the Design and Implementation of an Efficient DAA Scheme

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    International audienceDirect Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is an anonymous digital signature scheme that aims to provide both signer authentication and privacy. One of the properties that makes DAA an attractive choice in practice is the split signer role. In short, a principal signer (a Trusted Platform Module (TPM)) signs messages in collaboration with an assistant signer (the Host, a standard computing platform into which the TPM is embedded). This split aims to harness the high level of security offered by the TPM, and augment it using the high level of computational and storage ability offered by the Host. Our contribution in this paper is a modification to an existing pairing-based DAA scheme that significantly improves efficiency, and a comparison with the original RSA-based DAA scheme via a concrete implementation

    DAA-related APIs in TPM2.0 Revisited

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    In TPM2.0, a single signature primitive is proposed to support various signature schemes including Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA), U-Prove and Schnorr signature. This signature primitive is implemented by several APIs which can be utilized as a static Diffie-Hellman oracle. In this paper, we measure the practical impact of the SDH oracle in TPM2.0 and show the security strength of these signature schemes can be weakened by 14-bit. We propose a novel property of DAA called forward anonymity and show how to utilize these DAA-related APIs to break forward anonymity. Then we propose new APIs which not only remove the Static Diffie-Hellman oracle but also support the foward anonymity, thus significantly improve the security of DAA and the other signature schemes supported by TPM2.0. We prove the security of our new APIs under the discrete logarithm assumption in the random oracle model. We prove that DAA satisfy forward anonymity using the new APIs under the Decision Diffie-Hellman assumption. Our new APIs are almost as efficient as the original APIs in TPM2.0 specification and can support LRSW-DAA and SDH-DAA together with U-Prove as the original APIs

    A Pairing-Based DAA Scheme Further Reducing TPM Resources

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    Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is an anonymous signature scheme designed for anonymous attestation of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) while preserving the privacy of the device owner. Since TPM has limited bandwidth and computational capability, one interesting feature of DAA is to split the signer role between two entities: a TPM and a host platform where the TPM is attached. Recently, Chen proposed a new DAA scheme that is more efficient than previous DAA schemes. In this paper, we construct a new DAA scheme requiring even fewer TPM resources. Our DAA scheme is about 5 times more efficient than Chen’s scheme for the TPM implementation using the Barreto-Naehrig curves. In addition, our scheme requires much smaller size of software code that needs to be implemented in the TPM. This makes our DAA scheme ideal for the TPM implementation. Our DAA scheme is efficient and provably secure in the random oracle model under the strong Diffie-Hellman assumption and the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption.

    DAA-TZ: An Efficient DAA Scheme for Mobile Devices using ARM TrustZone

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    Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) has been studied for applying to mobile devices based on ARM TrustZone. However, current solutions bring in extra performance overheads and security risks when adapting existing DAA schemes originally designed for PC platform. In this paper, we propose a complete and efficient DAA scheme (DAA-TZ) specifically designed for mobile devices using TrustZone. By considering the application scenarios, DAA-TZ extends the interactive model of original DAA and provides anonymity for a device and its user against remote service providers. The proposed scheme requires only one-time switch of TrustZone for signing phase and elaborately takes pre-computation into account. Consequently, the frequent on-line signing just needs at most three exponentiations on elliptic curve. Moreover, we present the architecture for trusted mobile devices. The issues about key derivation and sensitive data management relying on a root of trust from SRAM Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) are discussed. We implement a prototype system and execute DAA-TZ using MNT and BN curves with different security levels. The comparison result and performance evaluation indicate that our scheme meets the demanding requirement of mobile users in respects of both security and efficiency

    Formal analysis of privacy in Direct Anonymous Attestation schemes

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    This article introduces a definition of privacy for Direct Anonymous Attestation schemes. The definition is expressed as an equivalence property which is suited to automated reasoning using Blanchet's ProVerif. The practicality of the definition is demonstrated by analysing the RSA-based Direct Anonymous Attestation protocol by Brickell, Camenisch & Chen. The analysis discovers a vulnerability in the RSA-based scheme which can be exploited by a passive adversary and, under weaker assumptions, corrupt issuers and verifiers. A security fix is identified and the revised protocol is shown to satisfy our definition of privacy

    Anonymous attestation with user-controlled linkability

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    This paper is motivated by the observation that existing security models for direct anonymous attestation (DAA) have problems to the extent that insecure protocols may be deemed secure when analysed under these models. This is particularly disturbing as DAA is one of the few complex cryptographic protocols resulting from recent theoretical advances actually deployed in real life. Moreover, standardization bodies are currently looking into designing the next generation of such protocols. Our first contribution is to identify issues in existing models for DAA and explain how these errors allow for proving security of insecure protocols. These issues are exhibited in all deployed and proposed DAA protocols (although they can often be easily fixed). Our second contribution is a new security model for a class of "pre-DAA scheme", that is, DAA schemes where the computation on the user side takes place entirely on the trusted platform. Our model captures more accurately than any previous model the security properties demanded from DAA by the trusted computing group (TCG), the group that maintains the DAA standard. Extending the model from pre-DAA to full DAA is only a matter of refining the trust models on the parties involved. Finally, we present a generic construction of a DAA protocol from new building blocks tailored for anonymous attestation. Some of them are new variations on established ideas and may be of independent interest. We give instantiations for these building blocks that yield a DAA scheme more efficient than the one currently deployed, and as efficient as the one about to be standardized by the TCG which has no valid security proof. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    direct anonymous attestation for next generation tpm

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    Trusted computing platforms have been proposed as a promising approach to enhance the security of general-purpose computing systems. Direct Anonymous Attestation(DAA) is a scheme that allows a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) which is the core component of

    Direct Anonymous Attestation for Next Generation TPM

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    Direct Anonymous Attestation with Optimal TPM Signing Efficiency

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    Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is an anonymous signature scheme, which allows the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), a small chip embedded in a host computer, to attest to the state of the host system, while preserving the privacy of the user. DAA provides two signature modes: fully anonymous signatures and pseudonymous signatures. One main goal of designing DAA schemes is to reduce the TPM signing workload as much as possible, as the TPM has only limited resources. In an optimal DAA scheme, the signing workload on the TPM will be no more than that required for a normal signature like ECSchnorr. To date, no scheme has achieved the optimal signing efficiency for both signature modes. In this paper, we propose the first DAA scheme which achieves the optimal TPM signing efficiency for both signature modes. In this scheme, the TPM takes only a single exponentiation to generate a signature, and this single exponentiation can be pre-computed. Our scheme can be implemented using the existing TPM 2.0 commands, and thus is compatible with the TPM 2.0 specification. We benchmarked the TPM 2.0 commands needed for three DAA use cases on an Infineon TPM 2.0 chip, and also implemented the host signing and verification algorithm for our scheme on a laptop with 1.80GHz Intel Core i7-8550U CPU. Our experimental results show that our DAA scheme obtains a total signing time of about 144 ms for either of two signature modes (compared to an online signing time of about 65 ms). Based on our benchmark results for the pseudonymous signature mode, our scheme is roughly 2x (resp., 5x) faster than the existing DAA schemes supported by TPM 2.0 in terms of total (resp., online) signing efficiency. In addition, our DAA scheme supports selective attribute disclosure, which can satisfy more application require- ments. We also extend our DAA scheme to support signature-based revocation and to guarantee privacy against subverted TPMs. The two extended DAA schemes keep the TPM signing efficiency optimal for both of two signa- ture modes, and outperform existing related schemes in terms of signing performance