4 research outputs found

    Supervised classification methods applied to airborne hyperspectral images: Comparative study using mutual information

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    Nowadays, the hyperspectral remote sensing imagery HSI becomes an important tool to observe the Earth's surface, detect the climatic changes and many other applications. The classification of HSI is one of the most challenging tasks due to the large amount of spectral information and the presence of redundant and irrelevant bands. Although great progresses have been made on classification techniques, few studies have been done to provide practical guidelines to determine the appropriate classifier for HSI. In this paper, we investigate the performance of four supervised learning algorithms, namely, Support Vector Machines SVM, Random Forest RF, K-Nearest Neighbors KNN and Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA with different kernels in terms of classification accuracies. The experiments have been performed on three real hyperspectral datasets taken from the NASA's Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Sensor AVIRIS and the Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer ROSIS sensors. The mutual information had been used to reduce the dimensionality of the used datasets for better classification efficiency. The extensive experiments demonstrate that the SVM classifier with RBF kernel and RF produced statistically better results and seems to be respectively the more suitable as supervised classifiers for the hyperspectral remote sensing images. Keywords: hyperspectral images, mutual information, dimension reduction, Support Vector Machines, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, Linear Discriminant Analysis

    Superpixel nonlocal weighting joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification.

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    Joint sparse representation classification (JSRC) is a representative spectral–spatial classifier for hyperspectral images (HSIs). However, the JSRC is inappropriate for highly heterogeneous areas due to the spatial information being extracted from a fixed-sized neighborhood block, which is often unable to conform to the naturally irregular structure of land cover. To address this problem, a superpixel-based JSRC with nonlocal weighting, i.e., superpixel-based nonlocal weighted JSRC (SNLW-JSRC), is proposed in this paper. In SNLW-JSRC, the superpixel representation of an HSI is first constructed based on an entropy rate segmentation method. This strategy forms homogeneous neighborhoods with naturally irregular structures and alleviates the inclusion of pixels from different classes in the process of spatial information extraction. Afterwards, the superpixel-based nonlocal weighting (SNLW) scheme is built to weigh the superpixel based on its structural and spectral information. In this way, the weight of one specific neighboring pixel is determined by the local structural similarity between the neighboring pixel and the central test pixel. Then, the obtained local weights are used to generate the weighted mean data for each superpixel. Finally, JSRC is used to produce the superpixel-level classification. This speeds up the sparse representation and makes the spatial content more centralized and compact. To verify the proposed SNLW-JSRC method, we conducted experiments on four benchmark hyperspectral datasets, namely Indian Pines, Pavia University, Salinas, and DFC2013. The experimental results suggest that the SNLW-JSRC can achieve better classification results than the other four SRC-based algorithms and the classical support vector machine algorithm. Moreover, the SNLW-JSRC can also outperform the other SRC-based algorithms, even with a small number of training samples

    A novel band selection and spatial noise reduction method for hyperspectral image classification.

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    As an essential reprocessing method, dimensionality reduction (DR) can reduce the data redundancy and improve the performance of hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. A novel unsupervised DR framework with feature interpretability, which integrates both band selection (BS) and spatial noise reduction method, is proposed to extract low-dimensional spectral-spatial features of HSI. We proposed a new Neighboring band Grouping and Normalized Matching Filter (NGNMF) for BS, which can reduce the data dimension whilst preserve the corresponding spectral information. An enhanced 2-D singular spectrum analysis (E2DSSA) method is also proposed to extract the spatial context and structural information from each selected band, aiming to decrease the intra-class variability and reduce the effect of noise in the spatial domain. The support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the extracted spectral-spatial low-dimensional features. Experimental results on three publicly available HSI datasets have fully demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed NGNMF-E2DSSA method, which has surpassed a number of state-of-the-art DR methods