83 research outputs found

    Digraph extremal problems, hypergraph extremal problems, and the densities of graph structures

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    AbstractWe consider extremal problems ‘of Turán type’ for r-uniform ordered hypergraphs, where multiple oriented edges are permitted up to multiplicity q. With any such ‘(r, q)-graph’ Gn we associate an r-linear form whose maximum over the standard (n − 1)-simplex in Rn is called the (graph-) density g(Gn) of Gn. If ex(n, L) is the maximum number of oriented hyperedges in an n-vertex (r, q)-graph not containing a member of L, limn→∞ ex(n, L)/nr is called the extremal density of L. Motivated, in part, from results for ordinary graphs, digraphs, and multigraphs, we establish relations between these two notions

    The history of degenerate (bipartite) extremal graph problems

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    This paper is a survey on Extremal Graph Theory, primarily focusing on the case when one of the excluded graphs is bipartite. On one hand we give an introduction to this field and also describe many important results, methods, problems, and constructions.Comment: 97 pages, 11 figures, many problems. This is the preliminary version of our survey presented in Erdos 100. In this version 2 only a citation was complete

    The maximal length of a gap between r-graph Tur\'an densities

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    The Tur\'an density π(F)\pi(\cal F) of a family F\cal F of rr-graphs is the limit as nn\to\infty of the maximum edge density of an F\cal F-free rr-graph on nn vertices. Erdos [Israel J. Math 2 (1964) 183--190] proved that no Tur\'an density can lie in the open interval (0,r!/rr)(0,r!/r^r). Here we show that any other open subinterval of [0,1][0,1] avoiding Tur\'an densities has strictly smaller length. In particular, this implies a conjecture of Grosu [E-print arXiv:1403.4653v1, 2014].Comment: 7 page