9 research outputs found

    Research on Linguistic Approaches, Used for Semantic Explanation of Bell’s Knowledge

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    This paper presents a research of linguistic structure of Bulgarian bells knowledge. The idea of building semantic structure of Bulgarian bells appeared during the “Multimedia fund - BellKnow” project. In this project was collected a lots of data about bells, their structure, history, technical data, etc. This is the first attempt for computation linguistic explain of bell knowledge and deliver a semantic representation of that knowledge. Based on this research some linguistic components, aiming to realize different types of analysis of text objects are implemented in term dictionaries. Thus, we lay the foundation of the linguistic analysis services in these digital dictionaries aiding the research of kinds, number and frequency of the lexical units that constitute various bell objects

    Personal Work Space and Content Analysis Functionality in a Cultural Heritage Digital Library

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    The paper presents a different vision for personalization of the user’s stay in a cultural heritage digital library that models services for personalized content marking, commenting and analyzing that doesn’t require strict user profile, but aims at adjusting the user’s individual needs. The solution is borrowed from real work and studying of traditional written content sources (incl. books, manuals), where the user mainly performs activities such as underlining the important parts of the content, writing notes and inferences, selecting and marking zones of their interest in pictures, etc. In the paper a special attention is paid to the ability to execute learning analysis allowing different ways for the user to experience the digital library content with more creative settings

    Business Modeling of the Application Architecture of the Bulgarian Folklore Artery

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    In an attempt to answer the need of wider accessibility and popularization of the treasury of Bulgarian folklore, a team from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has planned to develop the Bulgarian folklore artery within the national project ―Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage‖. This paper presents the process of business modeling of the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery, which aids requirements analysis, application design and its software implementation. The folklore domain process model is made in the context of the target social applications—e-learning, virtual expositions of folklore artifacts, research, news, cultural/ethno-tourism, etc. The basic processes are analyzed and modeled and some inferences are made for the use cases and requirements specification of the Bulgarian folklore artery application. As a conclusion the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery is presented.A national research project of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) that is supported by the National Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science under grant No IO-03/2006. Its main goal is to popularize and advertise the Bulgarian tradition and folklore in the global information Web space by exposing various folklore objects/collections selected from the fund of the Institute for Ethnology and Folklore with Ethnographic Museum (IEFEM–BAS

    Методи за семантично описание на цифрови данни в областта на медицинските системи

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    The article discusses modern approaches to the study of patients with cardiac complaints. Methods for semantic description of digital data in the field of medical systems and construction of an ontology for Holter monitoring system are presented. A method of efficient organization of unstructured data used in this system has been studied.Научното изследване е проведено като част от проекта „Изследване на приложението на нови математически методи за анализ на кардиологични данни“ № КП06-Н22/5 от 07.12.2018 г., финансиран от Фонд „Научни Изследвания“

    Онтология на българския фолклор

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    В статията е представена онтология, описваща българския музикален фолклор като част от културно-историческото наследство на България. Онтологията е разработена заедно с множество онтологии, които са базирани на стандарта CCO (Cataloging Cultural Objects). Съвкупността от онтологии представлява база знания, използвана от интелигентни агенти.The article presents an ontology describing Bulgarian musical folklore as part of the cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria. The ontology has been developed together with a number of ontologies that are based on the CCO (Cataloging Cultural Objects) standard. The set of ontologies is a knowledge base, used by intelligent agents

    Разработване на нови решения в областта на представянето и опазването на културно-историческото наследство в регион Север+

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    Ускореното развитие на интердисциплинарните и цифровите технологии доведе до необходимостта от непрекъснати нови изследвания във всички области, включително и при опазването и представянето на културно-историческото наследство. Този доклад разглежда и представя дейности от проекта "Дигитално културно съкровище Север+" с участието на Института по математика и информатика към Българската академия на науките, за подобряване на достъпа и разпространението на културното наследство. Разгледани са някои от технологичните решения, разработени във връзка с цифровото преобразуване на материали, създадени в цифровия център, платформата и мрежата "Север+".The accelerated development of interdisciplinary and digital technologies has prompted the need for continuous new research in all areas, including the preservation and presentation of cultural and historical heritage. This report examines and presents the activities of the project "Digital cultural treasure North +" with participation of Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, for improving access and dissemination of cultural heritage. Some of the technological solutions developed in connection with the digital conversion of materials created in the digital center, the platform and the North+ network have been studied

    Designing to Restory the Past: Storytelling for Empowerment through a Digital Archive

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    Storytelling is a frequently used approach to design. Stories and storytelling also have a role in mediating information and contributing to people\u27s understanding of the world around them. Previous research suggests that storytelling can be empowering to marginalized and diverse communities, such as Indigenous peoples, by offering a platform to voice their (hi)stories. In this paper, we present a research through design project in which we explore the design of the living archive. This is a web-based digital archive that encourages a user-based approach to restorying the past by focusing on storytelling for empowerment and involving members of Indigenous People, the Sami. We demonstrate how a digital archive can contribute to (re)storying the past in a manner that preserves Indigenous ways of knowing and ethical archiving of social memory. Through this archive, we provide the digital tools for the communities to take on the role to tell their truth and, in doing so, become central in the design and communication of their own stories. In short, design for storytelling to empower those who need a voice

    Advantages of an open source model for folklore in the digital realm: "An investigation into folklore and traditional narratives on digital platforms, followed by recommendations for the digitisation of folklore in Africa"

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    This research report explores the application of an open source model for African folklore in a digital realm, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with the open source model. The investigation considers possibilities for collecting, archiving and digitising folklore, which would assist in its preservation, and how this could be accessed and shared with the world on an open source platform. The research explains folklore as a form of oral tradition and explores the open source model and how it works. The research made use of two case studies. The first case study was used to explain the method and processes in collecting folklore for documentation. The second case study was used to show how traditional folklore objects or materials are transformed into digital content, archived and shared on an open access framework which serves both to preserve folklore and to make it publicly available. This research report made use of a “desktop research” methodology. Information was gathered through extensive searches of published article, journals and books. Substantial and prolonged engagement with the websites and databases for the two case studies was entered into, and a synthesis of these resources assisted in forming the overall argument of the paper. This research report argues that an open source model for disseminating digitised African folklore provides the best option however certain considerations need to be carefully elucidated. Finally, the report makes recommendations for the process of collecting and digitising specifically African folklore

    Designing interactive technology for cross-cultural appreciation of intangible cultural heritage: Chinese traditional painting and puppetry

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    Ph. D. ThesisDigital heritage is becoming a significant component of cultural heritage, and cultural organisations are increasingly using interactive technologies to showcase and safeguard heritage assets. However, few studies focus on using interactive technology to enhance the appreciation of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) amongst cross-cultural audiences. This dissertation explores the design of interactive technologies to support the cultural appreciation, learning, and experience of Chinese ICH. In addition, the research seeks to explore the value of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design strategies in supporting the appreciation of ICH. The research uses HCI design strategies to specifically explore how interactive technology might be effectively utilised in two case-study contexts, supporting traditional Chinese painting and traditional Chinese puppetry. To this end, in stage one of the research, a qualitative study involving interviews, workshops, and fieldwork for design was undertaken with potential cross-cultural audiences and both Chinese and international painting and puppetry practitioners. Based on the results of these studies, several suggestions were developed for safeguarding ICH across cultural boundaries. In the next stage of the research, two interactive applications were designed and deployed that supported cross-cultural audiences’ appreciation of traditional of ICH. One application explored Chinese painting, the other Chinese puppetry. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, studies were conducted that examined the efficacy of both applications and offered suggestions for a holistic approach to cross-cultural appreciation through the use of interactive applications. The analysis focuses on the use of element-based archiving to increase aesthetic appreciation, gestural/tangible interfaces for cultural engagement, and the use of interactive access to inspire self-expression and collaborative appreciation. Finally, this research relies on practical methods to deconstruct cultural elements from the HCI perspective and enhance the cross-cultural appreciation of Chinese ICH. It thus provides a framework for assisting non-Chinese people to better understand the cultural significance of Chinese ICH. The findings have design implications for both HCI researchers and digital heritage researchers