1,238 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI: Dengan pesatnya perkembangan internet dan sistem multimedia, distribusi dan penggandaan ilegal pada video digital telah menjadi semakin mudah. Oleh karena itu video yang disebarluaskan perlu diproteksi untuk menghindari masalah penyalahgunaan hak cipta. Solusi dari masalah ini adalah dengan menandai video digital dengan suatu watermark yang aman, tidak terlihat, dan tahan terhadap serangan pemrosesan sinyal video pada umumnya. Video watermarking merupakan salah satu sistem untuk melindungi hak cipta dengan cara menyisipkan data ke dalam video. Data yang disisipkan disebut dengan watermark, dimana watermark ini nantinya akan digunakan untuk otentikasi kepemilikan. Data yang disisipkan dapat berupa teks, citra, audio, maupun video. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan simulasi video watermarking dengan menggunakan scene change detection dan Discrete Wavelet Transform. Metode scene change detection merupakan metode untuk mendeteksi adanya perubahan scene pada video dengan melihat kemiripan antara frame-frame yang berurutan. Masing-masing frame pada tiap scene ditransformasikan ke domain wavelet dengan Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Simulasi pada tugas akhir ini menggunakan sistem blind watermarking dimana dalam mendapatkan kembali watermark yang disisipkan tidak dibutuhkan data asli. Dari pengujian yang dilakukan, kualitas video watermarking dengan faktor skala 0.03 setelah disisipkan watermark memiliki PSNR yang paling tinggi yaitu 61.580 dB untuk watermark citra dan 54.613 dB untuk watermark video. Sedangkan kualitas ekstraksi untuk otentikasi didapatkan PSNR tertinggi sebesar 24.694 dB untuk watermark citra dengan faktor skala 0.3 dan 17.75 dB untuk watermark video. Berdasarkan penilaian MOS, kualitas video hasil watermarking tergolong sangat baik dan kualitas ekstraksi untuk otentikasi sebesar 4.65 untuk watermark citra dan 4.3 untuk watermark video.Kata Kunci : video watermarking, DWT, Scene Change Detection.ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of internet and multimedia systems, the distribution and multiplication of illegal digital video has become easier. Therefore, the video that is distributed need to be protected to avoid abuse of copyright issues. Solution of this problem is to mark the video with a digital watermark which are safe, invisible, and resistant to the video signal processing attack in general. Video watermarking is one of the system to protect copyright in a way to insert data into the video. Data that is inserted to the video is called watermark, where this watermark that will be used to do an authentication of video ownership. Data that is inserted to the video could be in a form of text, audio, and even video. At this final task, video watermarking using scene change detection and Discrete Wavelet Transform has been simulated. Scene change detection method is a method to detect a change in the scene with the video to see similarities between frame sequences. Each frame in each scene transformed to the wavelet domain with the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Watermark is divided into several parts where the parts are inserted into the frame on a different scene. Simulation on this final task using blind watermarking system in which to get back watermark, original data is unneeded. Based on the simulation, the quality of video watermarking using scaling factor 0.03 has the highest PSNR which is 61.580 dB for image watermark and 54.613 dB for video watermark. Meanwhile, the quality of watermark extraction to authentication has the highest PSNR which is 24.794 dB for image watermark using scaling factor 0.3 and 17.75 dB for video watermark. Based on MOS evaluation, the quality of video watermarking is excellent and the quality of extraction to authentication is 4.65 for image watermark and 4.3 for video watermark.Keyword: video watermarking, DWT, Scene Change Detection

    Scene-based imperceptible-visible watermarking for HDR video content

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    This paper presents the High Dynamic Range - Imperceptible Visible Watermarking for HDR video content (HDR-IVW-V) based on scene detection for robust copyright protection of HDR videos using a visually imperceptible watermarking methodology. HDR-IVW-V employs scene detection to reduce both computational complexity and undesired visual attention to watermarked regions. Visual imperceptibility is achieved by finding the region of a frame with the highest hiding capacities on which the Human Visual System (HVS) cannot recognize the embedded watermark. The embedded watermark remains visually imperceptible as long as the normal color calibration parameters are held. HDR-IVW-V is evaluated on PQ-encoded HDR video content successfully attaining visual imperceptibility, robustness to tone mapping operations and image quality preservation

    Fast compressed domain watermarking of MPEG multiplexed streams

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    In this paper, a new technique for watermarking of MPEG compressed video streams is proposed. The watermarking scheme operates directly in the domain of MPEG multiplexed streams. Perceptual models are used during the embedding process in order to preserve the quality of the video. The watermark is embedded in the compressed domain and is detected without the use of the original video sequence. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed scheme is able to withstand a variety of attacks. The resulting watermarking system is very fast and reliable, and is suitable for copyright protection and real-time content authentication applications

    Color-decoupled photo response non-uniformity for digital image forensics

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    The last few years have seen the use of photo response non-uniformity noise (PRNU), a unique fingerprint of imaging sensors, in various digital forensic applications such as source device identification, content integrity verification and authentication. However, the use of a colour filter array for capturing only one of the three colour components per pixel introduces colour interpolation noise, while the existing methods for extracting PRNU provide no effective means for addressing this issue. Because the artificial colours obtained through the colour interpolation process is not directly acquired from the scene by physical hardware, we expect that the PRNU extracted from the physical components, which are free from interpolation noise, should be more reliable than that from the artificial channels, which carry interpolation noise. Based on this assumption we propose a Couple-Decoupled PRNU (CD-PRNU) extraction method, which first decomposes each colour channel into 4 sub-images and then extracts the PRNU noise from each sub-image. The PRNU noise patterns of the sub-images are then assembled to get the CD-PRNU. This new method can prevent the interpolation noise from propagating into the physical components, thus improving the accuracy of device identification and image content integrity verification

    Fast watermarking of MPEG-1/2 streams using compressed-domain perceptual embedding and a generalized correlator detector

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    A novel technique is proposed for watermarking of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 compressed video streams. The proposed scheme is applied directly in the domain of MPEG-1 system streams and MPEG-2 program streams (multiplexed streams). Perceptual models are used during the embedding process in order to avoid degradation of the video quality. The watermark is detected without the use of the original video sequence. A modified correlation-based detector is introduced that applies nonlinear preprocessing before correlation. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed scheme is able to withstand several common attacks. The resulting watermarking system is very fast and therefore suitable for copyright protection of compressed video

    Optimal Radiometric Calibration for Camera-Display Communication

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    We present a novel method for communicating between a camera and display by embedding and recovering hidden and dynamic information within a displayed image. A handheld camera pointed at the display can receive not only the display image, but also the underlying message. These active scenes are fundamentally different from traditional passive scenes like QR codes because image formation is based on display emittance, not surface reflectance. Detecting and decoding the message requires careful photometric modeling for computational message recovery. Unlike standard watermarking and steganography methods that lie outside the domain of computer vision, our message recovery algorithm uses illumination to optically communicate hidden messages in real world scenes. The key innovation of our approach is an algorithm that performs simultaneous radiometric calibration and message recovery in one convex optimization problem. By modeling the photometry of the system using a camera-display transfer function (CDTF), we derive a physics-based kernel function for support vector machine classification. We demonstrate that our method of optimal online radiometric calibration (OORC) leads to an efficient and robust algorithm for computational messaging between nine commercial cameras and displays.Comment: 10 pages, Submitted to CVPR 201