5 research outputs found

    A edição digital da História do Futuro, de António Vieira: arquivo e ferramentas

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    Aborda-se, no presente texto, a forma como as novas concepções de edição e de texto, resultantes da chegada do Digital ao mundo da Filologia, se reflectiram no projecto de criação de um arquivo digital da obra História do Futuro, do Padre António Vieira - “Arquivo digital e análise assistida da História do Futuro, de António Vieira” - que, pela sua natureza, incompleta e fragmentária, constitui um desafio filológico inatingível fora do novo paradigma digital. Apresenta-se também brevemente a estrutura e objectivos do projecto, tomando como foco a construção do arquivo e a implementação de determinadas ferramentas de processamento de linguagem natural, seleccionadas e adaptadas em função do tipo de texto, dos desafios que este suscita e das leituras que permite, desenvolvendo-se, a título de exemplo, alguns dos seus possíveis cenários de utilização, para ilustrar as mais valias que o projecto trará, quer do ponto de vista académico, quer na divulgação da obra do Padre António Vieira

    Final evaluation report of the Heritage @ Huddersfield Project

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    This report forms the summative evaluation for the Heritage @ Huddersfield project (R2 delivery project) funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and University of Huddersfield and running from 2013-2017. Formative evaluation was carried out in 2015 and 2016 which contributed to the development of the project whilst running. The project aimed to create a beacon centre and Service through which the University’s heritage collections would be accessible to everyone. It was anticipated that the project would secure the long term future of the collections through conservation and cataloguing, and enable new ways for audiences to learn from and engage with them. Securing the future of the collections would mean new and wider ways could be developed to engage with audiences and to interpret the collections

    Identifying Human Trafficking Networks in Louisiana by Using Authorship Attribution and Network Modeling

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    Human trafficking or modern slavery is a problem that has plagued every U.S. state, in both urban and rural areas. During the past decades, online advertisements for sex trafficking have rapidly increased in numbers. The advancement of the Internet and smart phones have made it easier for sex traffickers to contact and recruit their victims and advertise and sell them online. Also, they have made it more difficult for law enforcement to trace the victims and identify the traffickers. Sadly, more than fifty percent of the victims of sex trafficking are children, many of which are exploited through the Internet. The first step for preventing and fighting human trafficking is to identify the traffickers. The primary goal of this study is to identify potential organized sex trafficking networks in Louisiana by analyzing the ads posted online in Louisiana and its five neighboring states. The secondary goal of this study is to examine the possibility of using authorship attribution techniques (in addition to phone numbers and ad IDs) to group together the online advertisements that may have been posted by the same entity. The data used in this study was collected from the website Backpage for a time period of ten months. After cleaning the data set, we were left with 123,436 ads from 47 cities in the specified area. Through the application of network analysis, we found many entities that are potentially such networks, all of which posted a large number of ads with many phone numbers in different cities. Also, we identified the time period that each phone number was used in and the cities and states that each entity posted ads for, which shows how these entities moved around between different cities and states. The four supervised machine learning methods that we used to classify the collected advertisements are Support Vector Machines (SVMs), the Naïve Bayesian classifier, Logistic Regression, and Neural Networks. We calculated 40 accuracy rates, 35 of which were over 90% for classifying any number of ads per entity, as long as each entity (or author) posted more than 10 ads

    Objekte im Netz: Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen im digitalen Wandel

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    Die digitale Dokumentation von Objekten und ihre virtuelle Verfügbarkeit bieten enorme Chancen für Forschung, Vermittlung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Sie stellen Museen und Universitäten aber auch vor etliche Fragen und Herausforderungen: Mit welchen Zielen und Werkzeugen digitalisieren wir unsere Bestände? Welche Zugänge zu ihnen wollen wir gestatten? In welchem Verhältnis stehen analoge und digitale Objekte? Der Band versammelt Positionen aus Theorie und Praxis, die sich mit der Digitalisierung und Digitalität wissenschaftlicher Sammlungen beschäftigen. Die Beiträger*innen geben Einblicke in aktuelle Ansätze, beleuchten künftige Perspektiven und fragen nach den Folgen einer digitalen Sammlungspraxis

    Objekte im Netz

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