2 research outputs found


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    RESUMEN ANALÍTICOLos centros de atención primaria de salud de los países en desarrollo normalmente presentan deficiencia en infraestructura y escasez de médicos, sobre todo en las zonas rurales. En Colombia, la cuarta parte de la población reside en las regiones rurales, que son consideradas zonas de difícil acceso principalmente a causa de la geografía del país. Con el propósito de mejorar el acceso a los servicios de salud, se presenta la telemedicina como una alternativa que permite ahorrar tiempo a médicos y pacientes, omitiendo la necesidad de desplazarse, ya que la gran mayoría de especialistas se encuentra en las ciudades principales. En el campo de la patología, la telemedicina es de gran utilidad cuando la muestra se encuentra lejos de un laboratorio y se requiere de un diagnóstico preciso o se necesita una segunda opinión. En el presente artículo se expone una taxonomía de las técnicas de TelePatología que posteriormente se evalúan teniendo en cuenta las tasas de transmisión necesarias y los costos de adquisición de equipos, concluyendo que una técnica asincrónica y no robotizada es la más adecuada para el país. Por esta razón, se presenta un algoritmo que, utilizando una cámara adaptada al microscopio, permite la creación de imágenes panorámicas de muestras celulares, para enviarla de forma asincrónica a través de una red de comunicaciones.PALABRAS CLAVES: Imagen Panorámica, SURF, TeleMicroscopía, TelePatología, Zonas Rurales. STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF A TELEMICROSCOPY TECHNIQUE APPLICABLE IN RURAL AREAS OF COLOMBIAANALYTICAL SUMMARYThe centers of primary health attention in developing countries usually have difficulties due to the shortage of doctors and deficient infrastructure, especially in rural areas. In Colombia, a quarter of the population lives in rural regions, which are areas mainly considered for their geography of difficult access. In order to improve access to health services, telemedicine is presented as an alternative that allows for saving time in patients movement and medical specialists who normally work in the major cities. In the field of pathology, telemedicine is useful when the sample is far from a laboratory and requires a precise diagnosis or a second opinion is needed. In this paper is exposed a taxonomy of telepathology techniques which are evaluated afterwards taking into account the necessary rates of transmission and the equipments acquisition costs concluding with the fact that an asynchronous and non-robotized technique is the most suitable for the country. For this reason, is presented an algorithm that using a camera adapted to the microscope, enables the creation of panoramic images of cellular samples, to be sent in an asynchronous way by communication networks.KEYWORDS: Panoramic image, SURF, Telemicroscopy, Telepathology, Rural Areas. Forma de citar: Gualdrón Colmenares, H. A., Bautista Rozo, L. X., Romero Rondón, M. F. & Sanabria Rosas, L. M. (2014). Estudio y desarrollo de una técnica de telemicroscopía aplicable en las zonas rurales de Colombia. En R, Llamosa Villalba (Ed.). Revista Gerencia Tecnológica Informática, 13(37), 69-79. ISSN 1657-8236

    KOLAM : human computer interfaces fro visual analytics in big data imagery

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    In the present day, we are faced with a deluge of disparate and dynamic information from multiple heterogeneous sources. Among these are the big data imagery datasets that are rapidly being generated via mature acquisition methods in the geospatial, surveillance (specifically, Wide Area Motion Imagery or WAMI) and biomedical domains. The need to interactively visualize these imagery datasets by using multiple types of views (as needed) into the data is common to these domains. Furthermore, researchers in each domain have additional needs: users of WAMI datasets also need to interactively track objects of interest using algorithms of their choice, visualize the resulting object trajectories and interactively edit these results as needed. While software tools that fulfill each of these requirements individually are available and well-used at present, there is still a need for tools that can combine the desired aspects of visualization, human computer interaction (HCI), data analysis, data management, and (geo-)spatial and temporal data processing into a single flexible and extensible system. KOLAM is an open, cross-platform, interoperable, scalable and extensible framework for visualization and analysis that we have developed to fulfil the above needs. The novel contributions in this thesis are the following: 1) Spatio-temporal caching for animating both giga-pixel and Full Motion Video (FMV) imagery, 2) Human computer interfaces purposefully designed to accommodate big data visualization, 3) Human-in-the-loop interactive video object tracking - ground-truthing of moving objects in wide area imagery using algorithm assisted human-in-the-loop coupled tracking, 4) Coordinated visualization using stacked layers, side-by-side layers/video sub-windows and embedded imagery, 5) Efficient one-click manual tracking, editing and data management of trajectories, 6) Efficient labeling of image segmentation regions and passing these results to desired modules, 7) Visualization of image processing results generated by non-interactive operators using layers, 8) Extension of interactive imagery and trajectory visualization to multi-monitor wall display environments, 9) Geospatial applications: Providing rapid roam, zoom and hyper-jump spatial operations, interactive blending, colormap and histogram enhancement, spherical projection and terrain maps, 10) Biomedical applications: Visualization and target tracking of cell motility in time-lapse cell imagery, collecting ground-truth from experts on whole-slide imagery (WSI) for developing histopathology analytic algorithms and computer-aided diagnosis for cancer grading, and easy-to-use tissue annotation features.Includes bibliographical reference