3 research outputs found

    Rol del aprendizaje de máquinas inteligentes para la implementación exitosa del modelo de negocio

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    In the technical industry machine learning and intelligent machine learning are becoming a hot topic for research. Intelligent machine learning is also known as artificial intelligence (AI). Intelligent machine learning is affecting the business world more than our daily routine lives. It can seem that intelligent machine learning is everywhere like maintaining the complex information, gaming station, etc. for making the machines in the form so that can respond to real-time stations and can act like a human, the scientists and computer engineering are working extremely hard. The role of intelligent machine learning in the business world is studied in this paper. The corporate world is highly getting influenced by artificial intelligence or intelligent machine learning.   En la industria técnica, el aprendizaje de las máquinas y el aprendizaje de las máquinas inteligentes se están convirtiendo en un tema de investigación. El aprendizaje inteligente de la máquina también se conoce como inteligencia artificial (IA). El aprendizaje inteligente de la máquina está afectando al mundo de los negocios más que a nuestra vida cotidiana. Puede parecer que el aprendizaje inteligente de la máquina está en todas partes como el mantenimiento de la información compleja, la estación de juegos, etc. para hacer las máquinas en la forma para que pueda responder a las estaciones en tiempo real y puede actuar como un humano, los científicos y la ingeniería informática están trabajando muy duro. El papel del aprendizaje de la máquina inteligente en el mundo de los negocios se estudia en este documento. El mundo corporativo está siendo altamente influenciado por la inteligencia artificial o el aprendizaje inteligente de máquinas.  &nbsp

    How Do We Raise Ethically Minded Computer Students?

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    Intelligent technology is increasingly being woven into the fabric of everyday life. It is becoming more and more a seemingly necessary and somewhat trusted component of society for both personal and non-personal day-to-day interactions. Developing such intelligent systems requires technical expertise, such as an in-depth knowledge of natural language processing or machine learning. However, in addition to technical expertise, a deep awareness and understanding of ethics and societal impact are also essential. Mastering knowledge of ethics and societal impact falls on the shoulders of computer professionals and programmers, whose role is to design and implement the decision-making component of intelligent systems. The development of intelligent systems with embedded ethical and social awareness is of paramount importance as a lack of such awareness has biased or unethical consequences. Such consequences were recently demonstrated when an algorithmic decision-making system at Amazon.com disqualified female job candidates. Preparing computer students to meet the demand of intelligent technology implementation, requires incorporating the topics of ethics and societal impact into computer curriculum. These topics should be introduced and reinforced throughout the computer curriculum, beginning at the introductory courses, and continuing to the advanced courses. This method ensures that computer students acquire the necessary technical and ethical skills needed. The combination of these skills ensures effective design, implementation and deployment of intelligent systems that are both technologically advanced and ethically mindful. In this paper, a close examination of the importance of infusing technology related ethical concepts throughout the computer curriculum is reviewed through a thorough examination of the literature. Issues related to computer technology education and ethics are examined, best practices for the incorporation of topics related to ethics and societal impact in computer programs at higher education institutions are discussed, strengths and weaknesses of these practices are analyzed and a proposed framework for the implementation of ethical topics in an undergraduate computer curriculum at a large, public university, is outlined and discussed

    Digital Marketing in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Age

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    We are living in a period of profound change driven by digitization, information and communication technology, machine learning, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) (Gupta, Keen, Shah, & Verdier, 2017). Traditional marketing is shifting to digital marketing enabled by AI and machine learning. Customer consumption behavior has changed from traditional in-store shopping to online shopping (T. Thiraviyam, 2018). U.S. Census Bureau Figures show that over the last two decades, U.S. online retail sales have grown from 5 million in 1998 to 389 million in 2016. In Europe, Enterprises Total Turnover from E-commerce increases from 15% in 2014 to 19% in 2017 (Eurostat, 2019). This research will focus on AI and machine learning effect on digital marketing and customer behavior. This research involves both interview and survey. This qualitative study will examine how marketers are capitalizing on the capabilities of AI and machine learning to predict customer behavior, offer one-to-one digital marketing, enhance sales, and increase customer satisfaction. Interviews will be conducted with executives from digital marketing companies and traditional brick and mortar companies that are embracing digital marketing. The survey will be used in these companies to capture data from digital marketing and sales personnel