33 research outputs found

    Bibliotecas: os átomos e os bits

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    Comunicação apresentada no Colóquio "As bibliotecas em transformação", integrado no Ciclo «Cultura em Diálogo», organizado pelo Ministério da Cultura, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa, 25 Novembro 1997


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    We are living in the information age. Information is the basic requirement for every human activity and it is important as food, air and water. Information in itself has no value, but its value lies in its communication and use. . Information is the life blood of democracy and it is considered as the vital sources of power. Library & Information Science [LIS] professionals need to play an important role in the education process by making people aware of a need and motivating the use of information a new knowledge and a new ability. The paper discussed the concept of Digital Library, the role of LIS professionals and changing face of traditional library to digital libraries

    Role Of Organizational Context On Digital Librarys Success Factor.

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    Organizational context was examined on postgraduate students on their perception on ease of use and the impact in relation to digital library

    Bibliotecas virtuais e cibertecários

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    A autêntica explosão na disponibilidade e acesso a informação electrónica em diversos formatos (texto, imagem, som, vídeo, etc.) terá um profundo impacto no futuro das bibliotecas e dos bibliotecários. Tradicionalmente, as bibliotecas e os seus profissionais desempenham o papel de intermediários entre os utilizadores e os documentos ou fontes de informação. A evolução e "vulgarização" da Internet (mais de 30 milhões de utilizadores actualmente e, previsivelmente, várias centenas de milhões no final do século) e das futuras "auto-estradas de informação" irão remover os obstáculos tecnológicos no acesso à informação, permitindo aos utilizadores finais aceder directamente aos documentos electrónicos, independentemente da sua localização, sem intermediários e sem sairem das suas casas ou gabinetes. Neste quadro, estarão as bibliotecas e os bibliotecários condenados ao desaparecimento ou marginalização? Seremos os dinossauros do século XXI? Nesta comunicação são debatidas algumas das possíveis missões e funções das bibliotecas (digitais/virtuais) e dos bibliotecários do ciberespaço (os cibertecários ). Defende-se que, pelo menos num futuro próximo, para serem utilizadas eficazmente as "auto-estradas de informação" necessitarão de "mapas", "guias" e "roteiros", "áreas de serviço" e "controladores de tráfego de informação". Essas funções requerem competências que os bibliotecários teoricamente possuem (ou deveriam possuir), mas salienta-se que se eles as não desempenharem desde já, outros o farão

    Informaatiotutkimuksen kehitys

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    Informaatiotutkimuksen kehitys

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    Libraries and information centers are existing in the societies from time immemorial. The basic functions of the libraries revolve around acquiring information sources and making these information sources available to those who are in need of information. Nature of these activities changed with passage of time. In the Pre-Gotenburg era, libraries were focusing on the collection of manuscripts and other such materials. Preservation of these manuscripts was the priority of libraries. But after the invention of printing press, focus of libraries shifted to the collection of printed materials like books, journals, newspapers etc. With the popularization of education among different sections of societies and democratization of knowledge, librarians shifted their focus from collection of materials to more and more accessibility of users to the library collection. Librarian in the Post- Gotenburg era were no more custodians of knowledge but were regarded as facilitators, who provide supporting services to users in accessing information sources with more convenience. Revolution brought about by information and communication technology (ICT) has influenced each and every facet of library and information centers


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    We are living in the information age. Information is the basic requirement for every human activity and it is important as food, air and water. Information in itself has no value, but its value lies in its communication and use. . Information is the life blood of democracy and it is considered as the vital sources of power. Library & Information Science [LIS] professionals need to play an important role in the education process by making people aware of a need and motivating the use of information a new knowledge and a new ability. The paper discussed the concept of Digital Library, the role of LIS professionals and changing face of traditional library to digital libraries