9 research outputs found

    An Overview of Legged Robots

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    The objective of this paper is to present the evolution and the state-of-theart in the area of legged locomotion systems. In a first phase different possibilities for mobile robots are discussed, namely the case of artificial legged locomotion systems, while emphasizing their advantages and limitations. In a second phase an historical overview of the evolution of these systems is presented, bearing in mind several particular cases often considered as milestones on the technological and scientific progress. After this historical timeline, some of the present day systems are examined and their performance is analyzed. In a third phase are pointed out the major areas for research and development that are presently being followed in the construction of legged robots. Finally, some of the problems still unsolved, that remain defying robotics research, are also addressed.N/

    生命維持にかかわる生理現象を介した人間 : ロボットのコミュニケーションと身体情動モデルの設計

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    関西大学In this dissertation, we focus on physiological phenomena of robots as the expressive modality of their inner states and discuss the effectiveness of a robot expressing physiological phenomena, which are indispensable for living. We designed a body-emotion model showing the relationship between a) emotion as the inner state of the robot and b) physiological phenomena as physical changes, and we discuss the communication between humans and robots through involuntary physiological expression based on the model. In recent years, various robots for use in mental health care and communication support in medical/nursing care have been developed. The purpose of these systems is to enable communication between a robot and patients by an active approach of the robot through sound and body movement. In contrast to conventional approaches, our research is based on involuntary emotional expression through physiological phenomena of the robot. Physiological phenomena including breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature are essential functions for life activities, and these are closely related to the inner state of humans because physiological phenomena are caused by the emotional reaction of the limbic system transmitted via the autonomic nervous system. In human-robot communication through physical contact, we consider that physiological phenomena are one of the most important nonverbal modalities of the inner state as involuntary expressions. First, we focused on the robots\u27 expression of physiological phenomena, proposed the body-emotion model (BEM), which concerns the relationship between the inner state of robots and their involuntary physical reactions. We proposed a stuffed-toy robot system: BREAR―which has a mechanical structure to express the breathing, heartbeat, temperature and bodily movement. The result of experiment showed that a heartbeat, breathing and body temperature can express the robot\u27s living state and that the breathing speed is highly related to the robot\u27s emotion of arousal. We reviewed the experimental results and emotional generation mechanisms and discussed the design of the robot based on BEM. Based on our verification results, we determined that the design of the BEM-which involves the perception of the external situation, the matching with the memory, the change of the autonomic nervous parameter and the representation of the physiological phenomena - that is based on the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and emotional arousal is effective. Second, we discussed indirect communication between humans and robots through physiological phenomena - which consist of the breathing, heartbeats and body temperature - that express robots\u27 emotions. We set a situation with joint attention from the robot and user on emotional content and evaluated whether both the user\u27s emotional response to the content and the user\u27s impression of relationship between the user and the robot were changed by the physiological expressions of the robot. The results suggest that the physiological expression of the robot makes the user\u27s own emotions in the experience more excited or suppressed and that the robot\u27s expression increases impressions of closeness and sensitivity. Last, we discussed the future perspective of human-robot communication by physiological phenomena. Regarding the representation of the robots\u27 sense of life, it is thought that the user\u27s recognition that the robot is alive improves not only the moral effect on the understanding of the finiteness of life but also the attachment to the robot in long-term communication. Regarding the emotional expression mechanism based on life, it is expected that the robot can display a complicated internal state close to that of humans by combining intentionally expressed emotions and involuntary emotional expressions. If a robot can express a combination of realistic voluntary expressions, such as facial expressions and body movements, in combination with real involuntary expressions by using the real intentions and lying, it can be said that the robot has a more complicated internal state than that of a pet. By using a robot expressing a living state through physiological phenomena, it can be expected that the effect of mental care will exceed that of animal therapy, and we expect to provide care and welfare support in place of human beings

    Equilibri del robot AIBO utilitzant DMPs

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    El treball presentat s'emmarca en una iniciativa global que te com a objectiu la recuperació del robot AIBO de Sony. Aquest treball s'ha fet per demostrar el bon funcionament de l'arquitectura proposada. L'arquitectura que es proposa es tal que permet la comunicació de l'AIBO amb ROS (Robot Operating System), a través d'un client URBI (Universal Robot Body Interface). En aquest treball, s'exposa com s'es capaç d'implementar l'algorisme de DMP (Dyamic Movement Primitive) a través d'un entorn estat de l'art com es ROS. El robot AIBO es controlat en tot moment, tot i processar-se l'algorisme de DMPs fora del robot, amb un temps de resposta adequat per la tasca de reaccionar davant els moviments no desitjats de la plataforma sobre la que es troba. Aquests moviments són interpretats gràcies a un sensor triaxial d'accelerometria (MPU6050) i un giroscopi de tres eixos (GY-521), col locats sobre el robot. Finalment, es plantegen futurs treballs per millorar la tasca utilitzant l'algorisme PI2 (Path Integral Policy Improvement), una plataforma automatitzada, visi o i la millora d'un model creat a l'inici del treball

    From bipedal locomotion to prosthetic walking: A hybrid system and nonlinear control approach

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    When modeled after the human form, humanoid robots more easily garner societal acceptance and gain increased dexterity in human environments. During this process of humanoid robot design, research on simulated bodies also yields a better understanding of the original biological system. Such advantages make humanoid robots ideal for use in areas such as elderly assistance, physical rehabilitation, assistive exoskeletons, and prosthetic devices. In these applications specifically, an understanding of human-like bipedal robotic locomotion is requisite for practical purposes. However, compared to mobile robots with wheels, humanoid walking robots are complex to design, difficult to balance, and hard to control, resulting in humanoid robots which walk slowly and unnaturally. Despite emerging research and technologies on humanoid robotic locomotion in recent decades, there still lacks a systematic method for obtaining truly kinematic and fluid walking. In this dissertation, we propose a formal optimization framework for achieving stable, human-like robotic walking with natural heel and toe behavior. Importantly, the mathematical construction allows us to directly realize natural walking on the custom-designed physical robot, AMBER2, resulting in a sustainable and robust multi-contact walking gait. As one of the ultimate goals of studying human-like robotic locomotion, the proposed systematic methodology is then translated to achieve prosthetic walking that is both human-like and energy-efficient, with reduced need for parameter tuning. We evaluate this method on two custom, powered transfemoral prostheses in both 2D (AMPRO1) and 3D (AMPRO3) cases. Finally, this dissertation concludes with future research opportunities.Ph.D