1,907 research outputs found

    Code-timing synchronization in DS-CDMA systems using space-time diversity

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    The synchronization of a desired user transmitting a known training sequence in a direct-sequence (DS) asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) sys-tem is addressed. It is assumed that the receiver consists of an arbitrary antenna array and works in a near-far, frequency-nonselective, slowly fading channel. The estimator that we propose is derived by applying the maximum likelihood (ML) principle to a signal model in which the contribution of all the interfering compo-nents (e.g., multiple-access interference, external interference and noise) is modeled as a Gaussian term with an unknown and arbitrary space-time correlation matrix. The main contribution of this paper is the fact that the estimator makes eÆcient use of the structure of the signals in both the space and time domains. Its perfor-mance is compared with the Cramer-Rao Bound, and with the performance of other methods proposed recently that also employ an antenna array but only exploit the structure of the signals in one of the two domains, while using the other simply as a means of path diversity. It is shown that the use of the temporal and spatial structures is necessary to achieve synchronization in heavily loaded systems or in the presence of directional external interference.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the use of tracking loops for low-complexity multi-path channel estimation in OFDM systems

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    International audience—This paper treats pilot aided multi-path channel estimation with tracking loops for OFDM systems under slow to moderate fading conditions. Recent works have presented theoretical results for the tuning of second-order and third-order tracking loops in the particular context of Jakes's Doppler spectrum channel. The method for getting the loop coefficients resorted either to the use of a given constraint, which made the obtained coefficients sub-optimal, or was obtained in part by simulations. Here, we perform a global optimization of the coefficients without constraints to get the optimal coefficients, and analytical formulas are provided. One remarkable result of this optimization is that only the natural frequency depends on the transmission parameters, i.e., the channel Doppler spectrum, the power delay profile, and the noise variance. Consequently, only one parameter has to be tuned. Moreover, asymptotic performance is formulated in a more general way as a function of the 2rth moments of the Doppler spectrum (r is the loop order). Hence, all our derivations are usable for any Doppler spectrum and are not specific to Jakes's Doppler spectrum. A complete table sums up for the three orders the theoretical results of the optimal coefficients together with the asymptotic performance. The performance is also compared with that of the asymptotic Kalman filter

    An overview of data acquisition, signal coding and data analysis techniques for MST radars

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    An overview is given of the data acquisition, signal processing, and data analysis techniques that are currently in use with high power MST/ST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere/stratosphere troposphere) radars. This review supplements the works of Rastogi (1983) and Farley (1984) presented at previous MAP workshops. A general description is given of data acquisition and signal processing operations and they are characterized on the basis of their disparate time scales. Then signal coding, a brief description of frequently used codes, and their limitations are discussed, and finally, several aspects of statistical data processing such as signal statistics, power spectrum and autocovariance analysis, outlier removal techniques are discussed

    Application of adaptive equalisation to microwave digital radio

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    Narrow band digital modulation for land mobile radio.

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    Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for the Synchronization of UWB Signals

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    We present Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) for the synchronization of UWB signals which should be tight lower bounds for the theoretical performance limits of UWB synchronizers. The CRLBs are investigated for both single-pulse systems and time-hopping systems in AWGN and multipath channels. Insights are given into the relationship between CRLBs for different Gaussian monocycles. An approximation method of the CRLBs is discussed when nuisance parameters exist. CRLBs in multipath channels are studied and formulated for three scenarios depending on the way multipath interference is treated. We find that a larger number of multipaths implies higher CRLBs and inferior performance of the synchronizers, and multipath interference on CRLBs cannot be eliminated completely except in very special cases. As every estimate of time delay could not be perfect, the least influence of the synchronization error on the performance of receivers is quantified