3 research outputs found

    Perceptually Driven Interactive Sound Propagation for Virtual Environments

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    Sound simulation and rendering can significantly augment a user‘s sense of presence in virtual environments. Many techniques for sound propagation have been proposed that predict the behavior of sound as it interacts with the environment and is received by the user. At a broad level, the propagation algorithms can be classified into reverberation filters, geometric methods, and wave-based methods. In practice, heuristic methods based on reverberation filters are simple to implement and have a low computational overhead, while wave-based algorithms are limited to static scenes and involve extensive precomputation. However, relatively little work has been done on the psychoacoustic characterization of different propagation algorithms, and evaluating the relationship between scientific accuracy and perceptual benefits.In this dissertation, we present perceptual evaluations of sound propagation methods and their ability to model complex acoustic effects for virtual environments. Our results indicate that scientifically accurate methods for reverberation and diffraction do result in increased perceptual differentiation. Based on these evaluations, we present two novel hybrid sound propagation methods that combine the accuracy of wave-based methods with the speed of geometric methods for interactive sound propagation in dynamic scenes.Our first algorithm couples modal sound synthesis with geometric sound propagation using wave-based sound radiation to perform mode-aware sound propagation. We introduce diffraction kernels of rigid objects,which encapsulate the sound diffraction behaviors of individual objects in the free space and are then used to simulate plausible diffraction effects using an interactive path tracing algorithm. Finally, we present a novel perceptual driven metric that can be used to accelerate the computation of late reverberation to enable plausible simulation of reverberation with a low runtime overhead. We highlight the benefits of our novel propagation algorithms in different scenarios.Doctor of Philosoph

    Audio-Material Modeling and Reconstruction for Multimodal Interaction

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    Interactive virtual environments enable the creation of training simulations, games, and social applications. These virtual environments can create a sense of presence in the environment: a sensation that its user is truly in another location. To maintain presence, interactions with virtual objects should engage multiple senses. Furthermore, multisensory input should be consistent, e.g. a virtual bowl that visually appears plastic should also sound like plastic when dropped on the floor. In this dissertation, I propose methods to improve the perceptual realism of virtual object impact sounds and ensure consistency between those sounds and the input from other senses. Recreating the impact sound of a real-world object requires an accurate estimate of that object's material parameters. The material parameters that affect impact sound---collectively forming the audio-material---include the material damping parameters for a damping model. I propose and evaluate damping models and use them to estimate material damping parameters for real-world objects. I also consider how interaction with virtual objects can be made more consistent between the senses of sight, hearing, and touch. First, I present a method for modeling the damping behavior of impact sounds, using generalized proportional damping to both estimate more expressive material damping parameters from recorded impact sounds and perform impact sound synthesis. Next, I present a method for estimating material damping parameters in the presence of confounding factors and with no knowledge of the object's shape. To accomplish this, a probabilistic damping model captures various external effects to produce robust damping parameter estimates. Next, I present a method for consistent multimodal interaction with textured surfaces. Texture maps serve as a single unified representation of mesoscopic detail for the purposes of visual rendering, sound synthesis, and rigid-body simulation. Finally, I present a method for geometry and material classification using multimodal audio-visual input. Using this method, a real-world scene can be scanned and virtually reconstructed while accurately modeling both the visual appearances and audio-material parameters of each object.Doctor of Philosoph