258 research outputs found

    Path Planning Tolerant to Degraded Locomotion Conditions

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    Mobile robots, especially those driving outdoors and in unstructured terrain, sometimes suffer from failures and errors in locomotion, like unevenly pressurized or flat tires, loose axes or de-tracked tracks. Those are errors that go unnoticed by the odometry of the robot. Other factors that influence the locomotion performance of the robot, like the weight and distribution of the payload, the terrain over which the robot is driving or the battery charge could not be compensated for by the PID speed or position controller of the robot, because of the physical limits of the system. Traditional planning systems are oblivious to those problems and may thus plan unfeasible trajectories. Also, the path following modules oblivious to those problems will generate sub-optimal motion patterns, if they can get to the goal at all. In this paper, we present an adaptive path planning algorithm that is tolerant to such degraded locomotion conditions. We do this by constantly observing the executed motions of the robot via simultaneously localization and mapping (SLAM). From the executed path and the given motion commands, we constantly on the fly collect and cluster motion primitives (MP), which are in turn used for planning. Therefore the robot can automatically detect and adapt to different locomotion conditions and reflect those in the planned paths

    Search-based Motion Planning for Aggressive Flight in SE(3)

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    Quadrotors with large thrust-to-weight ratios are able to track aggressive trajectories with sharp turns and high accelerations. In this work, we develop a search-based trajectory planning approach that exploits the quadrotor maneuverability to generate sequences of motion primitives in cluttered environments. We model the quadrotor body as an ellipsoid and compute its flight attitude along trajectories in order to check for collisions against obstacles. The ellipsoid model allows the quadrotor to pass through gaps that are smaller than its diameter with non-zero pitch or roll angles. Without any prior information about the location of gaps and associated attitude constraints, our algorithm is able to find a safe and optimal trajectory that guides the robot to its goal as fast as possible. To accelerate planning, we first perform a lower dimensional search and use it as a heuristic to guide the generation of a final dynamically feasible trajectory. We analyze critical discretization parameters of motion primitive planning and demonstrate the feasibility of the generated trajectories in various simulations and real-world experiments.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to RAL and ICRA 201

    Planning Hybrid Driving-Stepping Locomotion on Multiple Levels of Abstraction

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    Navigating in search and rescue environments is challenging, since a variety of terrains has to be considered. Hybrid driving-stepping locomotion, as provided by our robot Momaro, is a promising approach. Similar to other locomotion methods, it incorporates many degrees of freedom---offering high flexibility but making planning computationally expensive for larger environments. We propose a navigation planning method, which unifies different levels of representation in a single planner. In the vicinity of the robot, it provides plans with a fine resolution and a high robot state dimensionality. With increasing distance from the robot, plans become coarser and the robot state dimensionality decreases. We compensate this loss of information by enriching coarser representations with additional semantics. Experiments show that the proposed planner provides plans for large, challenging scenarios in feasible time.Comment: In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, May 201
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